Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

Discussion in 'Console' started by Catch22, Mar 14, 2003.

  1. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    Buddy, if you can make it to Baton Rouge by 8am Friday morning I will feed you breakfast & give you a ride to Dallas. Seriously. I'm intrigued to be in the presence of a MASTER.

    Oh...also...look into crouch dashing. Look into modifying first crouch moves. Look into the giant swing. ST>sgpm>dbpm. Upkn>spkn>upkn>spkn. But I guess you're right...hitting diagnals, HC & QC isn't important in VF. Neither is holding [G] to block.
  2. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    You hold [G] to block?
    No wonder I never win. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  3. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    [ QUOTE ]
    sudden_death Said:

    lol, dont waste time with that dude, i think he just wants a rise out of someone, for fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think he's succeeded quite well in getting a rise out of someone, lol /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    catch22, Great work on those sticks man, and as far as the hori Vs. the x arcade, hori sticks may be made by cheap raw materials, and the x arcade are pretty durable (although my friend x arcade stick has 3 buttons that seem to be sunk but still working, note this happened after 4 days, with so much mashing), IMO hori works better on 3d games, x arcade seem easier to use in 2d games such as MVC2, in which the x arcade will be able to stand the constant unneccessary/neccesary button mashing, but one fact should be considered wether its hori or x arcade, it will breakdown and become useless, depending on its user, and it always ends up with what kind of sticks you prefer. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  4. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    The thing about the hori sticks is that even though that it's made of cheaper parts, they are still good parts. My brother actually prefers to play on the VF stick rather than the Sanwa sticks I make. It's all about taste, and what you like. He likes the looseness of the stick, and the rounder feel of the buttons.

    BTW, for other reading this- If you like the Square feel of a Japanese stick, good. But if you like the ball knob with an American feel, you can change the square guide on the Sanwa sticks and make them octagonal, almost like the smooth circular feel of the Happ sticks.

    There is no argument to be made about taste or preferences. These are all opinions of what gamers prefer. What may seem good for one guy, may not for another.
  5. kyouki

    kyouki New Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2


    I've got the ASCII stick, and I'm finding it to be better for 2d fighters than VF4evo. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif Having so much trouble doing double tap motions with the thing, and the diagonals don't seem accurate to me (or maybe *I'm* just not accurate) though I do like the buttons.

    I've read up on the "selecting a joystick for VF2" thread, and although Catch22's AMAZING joysticks look great, I don't have the talent or patience to make something like that /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif. The MAS sticks look interesting (I don't think I prefer ball over stick or vice versa), though I'm hesitant to spend $100 + $35 for 360 motion + shipping on a joystick!

    So that leaves me with the Hori sticks, which are at around what I would pay for a joystick.

    Now, I noticed that Hori are releasing some Soul Calibur 2 sticks later this month... NCS charges the same price for the VF and SC2 sticks... now obviously, if both sticks are the same, build-wise, I think I would prefer having more buttons, just in case.

    So is anyone planning on getting the SC2 stick? Or could anyone point me in the direction of the SC2 stick reviews (if there are any!)?

    Or would it just be better to get the VF4evo stick for solely playing VF4evo, and keeping the ASCII stick around for other fighters?


    EMAGDNIM Active Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    I was thinking about buying a SC II controller with my import copy of VF4 :EVO but the prices are kinda high on it...but it is a well made's the same as the PS2 Tekken 4 controller, correct???

    I think I'll buy the Evo joystick (Red)...
  7. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2


    My experience with ASCII is that their materials are very similar to Hori's. In fact, Agetec, Hori, and Ascii sticks bear very similar qualities to them. Whatever differences between them are really minute, and unsubstancial. Since you have the Ascii stick, you might be disappointed that the Hori sticks "feel" very similar- so doing diagonals may be error on your part.

    That being said, there is nothing that beats having just 3 buttons on the face when playing VF- this is my opinion. Maybe I was used to playing on the VF Hori stick so much, that when I bought and tried the Namco sticks, also by Hori, with it's 6 button layout, that I found having the extra buttons annoying.

    But if you are a frugal gamer, any of the newer Ascii, Agetec, or Hori 6-button sticks make great sticks for VF- if you're looking to use the sticks for other games.

    This is what I can say about the SC2 sticks materials- I am HIGHLY CONFIDENT, even though I have not played with the SC2 sticks, that they indeed use the same materials as the VF sticks. In fact, Hori's much older Namco sticks and the VF sticks, share much in common, although Hori's buttons have evolved to be much rounder (convexed) from the FLAT buttons that the Namco stick used. So any VF stick review, is pretty much reviewing the SC2 stick- since both are made by Hori, and again, from what I've seen of Hori's past, share the same materials.

    Emagdnim- The Tekken4 stick, the Vf sticks, the Namco sticks, the Guilty Gear XX sticks, the DOA3 sticks- All are made by Hori, and they share the same materials, except for base shape and the buttons that the Namco sticks used. Again, looking at Hori's past, IT'S ALMOST CERTAIN that the SC2 sticks will use the same buttons and sticks that these others use. Again, IMO, there's nothing like having just the 3 buttons on the stick.

    EMAGDNIM Active Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    Yeah...I think I'll grab the EVO stick...thanks /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    I actually dislike the Horri stick and maybe the materials are the same, they are no where near as good as the Agitec sticks. My agitec sticks are still working beatifully, whereas my Horri has definatly aged in one year.

    EMAGDNIM Active Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    I was looking at the layout of my GG XX stick and I noticed that the first three buttons are the same as the VF stick?!?!!? can someone verify this for me???
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    Some questions about the ascii stick for the PS2...

    The ascii/agetec stick for PS2...does it have a heavier base than the hori sticks in general?

    I believe I read a review in one of the forums that the joystick is not in a "square" hole but somewhat in a "hexagonal" hole. Is this true, and do anyone find this annoying?

    I'm used to the ascii/agetec stick available for the dreamcast and would like to get the same type of stick for PS2 if it is good for VF and other fighting games.

    Thanks for any help.
  12. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    Are you sure the GGXX is made by Hori?
    The outside design of the stick seems to be very similar to the CVS2 stick made by ASCII.
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    I can't speak on any joystick but the Hori Tekken 4 joystick and the Agitec one. In retrospect, as I have said, I would stear clear of the Tekken 4 joystick.
  14. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    It's just such a matter of preference. I remember feeling that the DC agetech sticks were complete crap. So, I ripped it out and put in an optical stick from Happ. When I was at NYG3, there were so many sticks - the NY guys had the official VF4 stick, which I think were made by Agetech. Nonetheless, they felt identical to the DC sticks and again, I thought they were complete crap. Now the FLA boys and Mike from Socal had the Hori TTT and Tekken 4 sticks. We're lucky in Toronto to have real Versus City machines and real japanese sticks from sanwa, etc. It's my opinion that the Tekken 4 stick was the closest to the quality and feel of the real japanese sticks on the Versus City machines.

    If you ask me, i'll tell anyone to go optic and rip their sticks apart - but otherwise, i'd be promoting the Tekken 4 stick. All the sticks you buy from either Agetech and Hori will die from repeated abuse, it's the way it is. The advantage of a home built job is that it's more repairable than a manufactured stick - go ahead, bang on my stick for years, it's not going to die.

    See what I mean about personal preference? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  15. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    Do you know which store is the most reliable for internationnal shipping ?
    Play asia seems to be the cheapiest one (soul2 sticks for 39 !! ??)
  16. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    [ QUOTE ]
    grynn said:

    Are you sure the GGXX is made by Hori?
    The outside design of the stick seems to be very similar to the CVS2 stick made by ASCII.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My bad, yeah, the GGXX is made by Ascii.

    BTW folks, you might find some answers to your questions in the original "choosing a stick for VF."
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    Hrmm, all I know is after about 7 months, my stick is already having issues with one button..maybe mine was slightly defective or something...the stick is also having problems.
  18. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    Like Llanfair said, it’s just such a matter of your own preference on choosing your stick. In my opinion though here is how I would rate sticks for use on VF based on my experience so far.

    1. Catch 22 custom sticks or any stick with Sanwa VF kit.
    2. Tie- ASCII Official CVS2, Tekken 4 stick
    3. ASCII Stick FT2
    4. Tie- Hori VF4 and Evo sticks.

    I had the opportunity to try out one of Catch 22 stick’s (Dre let me use his on some matches at TiT5) and all I can say is that It's incredible for VF. Buttons are soft on your fingers and very responsive. The Stick is square based for those hard to find corners but at the same time it's surprisingly easy to do 360' motions with it, unlike the Tekken 4 in my opinion. Honestly I think the Hori VF sticks are crap compared to any Sanwa VF kit stick. Mas is completly out of the question also. This just my opinion though.
  19. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    My ASCII GGXX came with an extremley hard sping that wouldn't go back to neutral when I pressed it, so I had to tweak it quite a bit, moving the spring on the exterior of the stick to finally get it the way I wanted it. Also I've heard some very negative things about the durability of ASCII products, best bet is just to look at Catch22's site and buy the VF4 Set, it really isn't that hard to build your own.
  20. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2

    I just got my Hori Tekken 4 stick and I need to adjust to the japanese style sticks. My Wolf is fine save for the occasional difficulty when facing left doing a [4][1][2][3][6]+[P] -> it comes out as a [3][P]. My Akira is just crap right now, I think I actually play better using the pad. I have to un-learn doing [3][3], roll the stick back to [4] then [6]+[P]. Also, I HAVE to let the stick go back to neutral by itself after a crouch dash for any modified moves instead of manually bringing it back as I have been used to. The stick's ball rolls too easily and makes you lose grip, it doesnt help when your trying to bring the stick back up rapidly or bring it backwards..
    Save the screw shot fucking up on the occasion, the other circular move commands in the game dont seem to be giving me any trouble.

    Anyway, these are my first impressions of the stick and hopefully these problems will eventually dissapate with adjustment and practice. Aint nothing worse than not being able to execute what you want when you want to knowing its usually a walk in the park.

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