Characters that we need in the next Virtua Fighter, VF6, J(6) World Championship...

Discussion in 'General' started by Sonic The Fighters, May 8, 2022.

  1. LoG0

    LoG0 Member

    You make a good point regarding Brad. Brad does have the boxing vibe going on with the his ducking, slipping, and sway back stances. But we also know that Brad has more than just those tools when looking at his Muay Thai stuff too.

    To try and make the pure boxer different, they'd have a stronger focus on a keep away style with long reaching punches. This would be a different approach to how Brad showcases his style of boxing through his stances. Could have his punches be faster, but not as damaging as Brad's. Brad's style usually has him on his opponenet while the pure boxer could keep space between them and their opponent while doing combos. Would also have faster movement then Brad.

    Throws would proabably go down to constant punches(could be interesting to see how they'd to it against the fences), but there could also be the boxing clinch. Differing from Brad's Neck Clinch, the pure boxer would esseintialy use this as a manner for them to hold their opponent until they break out. The pure boxer would then regain space and the advantage while their opponent is still recovering. That, or maybe the clinch could lead to some kinda arm trapped suplex(idk why, seemed kinda cool i guess?)

    As for kicks, not a whole lot. I'd imagine that their punching game is very strong(despite the ideas that I threw out that might go against this), so this could counter-act this. Instead of alot of traditional kicks, maybe stomping moves that could lead into more punches?

    Would also be weak to lows as I picture them to be pretty tall.

    I know this isn't all to fleshed out and a bit wordy, but this what came to mind while writing. I just feel like there's potiential for a boxer like this to exsist. Can't really think of any other pure boxer in a fighting game right now.
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    So the pure boxer would fight more from the outside than an inside boxer?

    good idea here. Boxing flurry being used as a throw. It would knock the opponent down right? hmmm......

    Some good ideas here, but why not just extend Brad's stances or attacks to include pure boxing:confused: It seems like it would be easier to add pure boxing to brad, rather than have to create a totally new character just to get pure boxing.

    And keep in mind all of the VF roster characters have pretty unique styles. Jacky and Sarah are a little suspect, but every one else is pretty diverse. How would the pure boxer's style really distinguish itself visually from Brad's kickboxing? (which btw includes boxing);)

    However I do realize there is a difference between a pure boxer and a kick boxer.

    Maybe RGG could take the boxing moves away from Brad and give them to a pure boxer, and make Brad more of Muay Thai fighter. That way Brad could focus on knees, elbows, Muay Thai clinches , kicks, throws, and punches, and the swaying and bobbing could be given to a pure boxer type.

    That would separate the styles visually. Transition Brad from Kickboxing to Muay Thai, and give all of the boxing moves to a pure boxer:whistle:

    We definitely need a:

    • Wing Chun Style & (Bak Mei, Pak Mei)
    • Capoeira
    • Tai Chi (maybe Pai or Lei Fei's style could be extended to include Tai Chi)
    • Lion's Praying Mantis should be extended to include Eagle Fist

    An important part of Virtua Fighter's Fighting styles are what they look like in action. Originally VF was all about showing off flowing animations, flowing clothing, smooth actions. Certain fighting styles are beautiful or just interesting to watch. New Fighting styles added to VF should continue the visual beauty beauty and smooth martial arts visualization of the game.
    LoG0 likes this.
  3. LoG0

    LoG0 Member

    Yeah, I definitely feel like that's the hardest part in making them stand out in comparison. Brad already nails a boxing vibe with the tools he has. They could extend the stances to incorperate more of the pure boxing stances, but then it might make him feel like more of a boxer instead of a kickboxer. They could balance it out, but idk if they'd want to give Brad a lot of tools(or maybe they wouldn't mind, not sure.) But the main visual distinction between Brad and a potiential pure boxer would be that the boxer fights more on the outside with their punches and keeping that space in between instead of closing it. Kinda aiming more for that out-boxing/Muhammad Ali style. But I see your point in it being potentially difficult to disguinsh itself from what Brad can already do, I guess I'm just really attached to the idea:D

    It would be cool to see these styles be implemented. Seeing how other games handeled capoeira specifically, it would be interesting to see how VF would implement it into the game. Could only imagine the kind of animations they'd have for it. Wing Chun and Tai Chi would be pretty cool and visually interesting too.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The other possibility:

    Brad could be made more into a Muay Thai fighter. He's got some Muay Thai but he's missing a lot of moves. Give him more Muay Thai , and take his boxing moves and give to a new boxing character;)
  5. Hobo-Jho

    Hobo-Jho Active Member

    Awesome ideas. If a boxer ever makes it, I wish he'd have an offensive stance resembling Muhammad Ali and a defensive stance resembling Floyd Mayweather Jr. but he'd also have a various amount of signatures punches like Razor Ruddock's smash, Roy Jones Jr's no hands, Sugar Ray Leonard's bolo punch, the gazelle punch etc.

    Taekwondo anyone?

    VF6 is most likely gonna have another Kung Fu practioner. I'd like that person to be based off Carl Scott and or Billy Chong. If that doesn't work, maybe a new gen protagonist that uses Shaolin Dragon style.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2022
    Sonic The Fighters likes this.
  6. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    I would love Axel and Blaze as VF characters and canon. Similar to how Capcom put Final Fight character into Street Fighter.
    Sonic The Fighters likes this.
  7. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Streets of Rage has a good univers, some characters would fit well in VF, the bad guys too (some mini bosses from SOR4 are sick).

    Bring back Siba the oriental guy and Jeff the army man, make it real for VF6.

    Of course we can also have the obvious Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue and Kiryu from Yakuza.

    Kazuya or Jin as a guest character from Tekken would be amazing af in VF.

    Kasumi or Ayane from DOA as well...
    SSfox likes this.

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