Character Tournament Rankings in Japan

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by akai, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    akai, question. Are you just using the results from the official sega sponsored tournaments for these stats? Are you including any other tournaments? I ask because I know that a lot of official tournaments don't seem to get a whole lot of participation unless they're in a busy location or if it's for KSIV... and even then turnout is low. I know that for my qualifer in Shibuya, we had a whole 8 people entered into the tourney... with 3 Vanessas, 1 Sarah, 1 Aoi, 1 Jacky, 1 Taka-Arashi (me) and 1 Shun.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Reno - Only the single tournaments sponsored by Sega (whatever is placed in the official website) which range from 8 players at minimum to 64 players at max. No other tournaments were included since I have no idea where to get data as comprehensive compared to Sega's website (suggestion?).

    Due to either popularity of VF waning, increased number of tournaments per month, or having the option to play Open Battle tournaments instead, the participation per singles tournament have decreased over the years.

    VF5 Version A&B - ~33 players per tournament (70871 total entries in 2167 tournaments)

    VF5 Version C&D - ~25 players per tournament (89606 total entries in 3558 tournaments)

    VF5R - ~21 players per tournament (28825 total entries in 1348 tournaments)

    A criticism made by Shou, a long time ago, is the participation and quality of the players in the official Sega sponsored tournaments. It is definitely a concern of mine, but not something I can control. Take the data as is, for the most part.


    Hath995 - I don't think those vids are of the same person. Not the same VF Card ID (though the person could have multiple card names)
  3. WhiteAngel50000

    WhiteAngel50000 Well-Known Member

    Akira always be at the top in Japan.
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Version A Ranking Chart / Version B Raw Data

    VF5R version A days are over and so here is the last chart for that version. If you don't understand how the chart works, please look at the original post.


    The Finals and Winners columns are based on VF5R version A tournaments sponsored by Sega in Japan (2355 total tournaments with 48611 player entries from 7-25-08 to 5-20-09). The Entry and Semifinals columns are the same exact rankings from the last chart (1348 total tournaments with 28825 player entries from 7-25-08 to 1-7-09).


    Since Version B is out with new system changes, expect a chart in a month or two (A possible upgrade of Kage in R, version B?)

  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Version A Ranking Chart / Version B Raw Data

    Wow, the results imply the following based on winning percentage of champs/semi-finalists:

    S-Tier Kage
    A-Tier Eileen, Taka, Pai, Sarah, Akira
    B-Tier Jean, Lau, Jeffry, Jacky, Shun
    C-Tier Wolf, Lion, brad, Lei, Aoi, Vanessa
    D-Tier Blaze, Goh

    But I suspect these are simply early days -- it's hard to believe Lion and Goh fell that far or that Kage and Taka rose that high.
  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Version A Ranking Chart / Version B Raw Data

    Taka definatly is hella strong now and upgraded in Ver B. This video says most of it:
    I think both his dmg output and how vunerable he is has improved
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: Version A Ranking Chart / Version B Raw Data

    Yeah, still the early days for Version B; however, in VF5R version A days, Taka players has always done much better in these Sega single elimination tournaments compared to Taka's ranking in Arcadia/Tougeki Tier lists. Likewise, Goh players as a whole do fairly poor in these Sega single elimination tournaments compared to Goh's ranking in Arcadia/Tougeki Tier lists.
  8. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 6-21-09)

    In my browser, the new forum shrinks the charts down. Right click and select "view image" to see charts at normal size.

    See original post for an explanation on how to interpret the ranking charts.



    Some observations comparing one month worth of version B tournaments to version A:

    1. So far, Akira and Taka players, are the most successful overall, in version B. Note, that the percentage of people choosing Akira and Taka have not changed much compared to version A.

    2. So far, Jeffry and Shun players are not as successful in Version B compared to Version A. Quite a big drop.

    3. So far, Wolf players are having more success in version B compared to Version A.
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 6-21-09)

    I like these results very much!!! But how many times further need to be adjusted?
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 6-21-09)

    In the forum upgrade, there's an option to set the maximum width for images used in posts. This was defaulted at a value of 400px. I've increased this to 600px.

    I could disable this feature, but I will leave it on for now. I used to dislike massive images embedded in a post (makes for reading a thread very difficult) so this will prevent that from happening in future.
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 6-21-09)

    Akai's latest numbers present a much more condensed tier list. The placemnts are based on champs as a percentage of the number who made it to the semi-finals or better.

    Tier A: Jean (39%), Akira (37%), Kage (35%), Taka (35%), Eileen (34%), Wolf (31%), Lau (30%)

    Tier B: Sarah (24%), Blaze (24%), Vanessa (23%), Jacky (21%), Aoi (19%), Brad (18%), Jeffry (18%), Lion (18%), Shun (15%), Pai (15%)

    Tier C: Lei (9%), Goh (8%)

    Most balanced VF ever?

    I'm still really surprised to see Goh that low. My eyes tell me that he should be in the middle to upper tier with his high damage potential, but maybe there just aren't enough elite Goh players.
  12. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 6-21-09)

    Myke - thanks, good to know before I make new images for website.

    Ice-9 - I wonder if Goh players success rate would actually be better if the tournament format was different. For example, if advancement to the next round was changed from single elimination to best out of 3 matches...who knows!
  13. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 6-21-09)

    Goh just isn't a popular character in Japan. I'm sure the results are similar for when he was considered top tier.
  14. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 6-21-09)

    Taka isn't a popular character either (at least being used in these tournaments), yet Taka players have better success than Goh players, in both Version A and B.
  15. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 9-14-09)



    (See original post on how to read the chart)

    After ~ 4 months of version B, Taka players overall have the best success in the Sega single elimination tournaments.

    Akira players also good success throughout these tournaments, followed by Jean and Jeffry players.

    Compared to the characters listed above, Eileen and Lau players were less successful to make it to the semifinals. However, those that advanced to the semifinals have great success in the remaining portions of these tournaments.

    ...and finally Goh players appear to have better success in R version B compared to the previous VF5 versions.
  16. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 9-14-09)

    goh would place better if there were more matches to figure someone out more.. U can argue that with ne other character, but goh especially.
  17. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 9-14-09)

    If you look at the percentage of champions from the final four, Version B is actually extremely balanced.

    Check out close those percentages are:

    taka 36%
    eileen 35%
    lau 32%
    akira 30%
    jean 29%
    jeffry 28%
    kage 25%
    goh 25%
    lei 23%
    brad 22%
    wolf 22%
    shun 21%
    lion 21%
    sarah 21%
    jacky 20%
    vanessa 19%
    blaze 17%
    aoi 17%
    pai 16%

    There may not be an S or F tier character. I would place the tiers in the following manner based on the above:

    Tier A: Taka, Eileen
    Tier B: Lau, Akira, Jean, Jeffry
    Tier C: Kage, Goh, Lei, Brad, Wolf, Shun, Lion, Sarah, Jacky, Vanessa
    Tier D: Blaze, Aoi and Pai

    However, you can just as easily make an argument for Taka and Eileen at the top followed by everyone else. Either way, the difference between the top and the bottom is closer than I've remembered it. Akai confirm/disconfirm?

    (If only AM2 would reduce Taka's ridiculous RO potential, he'd probably fall back down into the pack.)

    I go with champs as a percentage of the final four because the assumption is that counting off the final four eliminates all the lesser players entering tournaments for the heck of it. I.e., this percentage refers to how successful elite players are with their characters.
  18. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 9-14-09)

    Here's Arcadia's tier list through June for version B of 5R. Stolen from Reno's posts.

    S Rank: Taka-arashi, Wolf, Lion, El Blaze, Pai, Vanessa, Lei-Fei
    A Rank: Goh, Akira, Jeffry, Lau, Eileen, Sarah, Jean, Aoi, Jacky, Kage
    B Rank: Brad, Shun

    To me tiers should always start with S and go down, so Arcadia has three tiers, Ice-9 expanded those to four. I'll treat your A as S and so on so I changed your post. Find the joke in that sentence.

    Here's Ice-9's tier from the above linked thread with again the letters changed.

    Tier S: Jean, Akira, Kage, Taka, Eileen, Wolf, Lau
    Tier A: Sarah, Blaze, Vanessa, Jacky, Aoi, Brad, Jeffry, Lion, Shun, Pai
    Tier B: Lei, Goh

    Anyways, the game is obviously not as compressed as it looked a few months ago, but still it's remarkably balanced compared to every other game on the market right now. One or two more revisions (possibly in a Final Tuned style expansion) and the game will be complete. Even if you shuffle everyone around the tiers the compression is still high.

    Now where is my console release?
  19. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 9-14-09)

    There ain't any Nu's in VF
  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5R Version B (5-22-09 to 9-14-09)

    Empnova, I must admit that the way I group the tiers is totally arbitrary. I try to group characters where there seems to be a natural separation, but the cut-off poitns are simply not applicable from one data set to the next.

    If you compare the latest data to the previous set from a few months back, there is no contest -- the latest set is more compressed despite my four arbitrary determined tiers.

    Older set: Jean had the highest win rate at 39% and Goh had the lowest at 8% -- a 31% difference!

    Latest set: Taka is highest at 36% while Pai has the lowest at 16% -- a 20% difference. This is what I mean by Version B showing even more balance.

    If you went with the cut-off points I used in the old data set to the new one, the tiers would be

    Tier A: Taka, Eileen, Lau, Akira
    Tier B: Everyone else

    Even more compressed...just two instead of three.

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