Character Playstyles/How to pick right char for u

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by focusflute, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Snowgoons

    Snowgoons Member

    Great thread. As a new player this is a very interesting read. I've switched characters a lot, in chronological order: Wolf, Brad, Jean, Akira, Vanessa, Kage, Vanessa, Goh, I find it's actually helping more than hindering me.

    I've done some digging and found that overall Akira is generally considered the best character, yet you list Goh as basically having no weakness; other than weight, wouldn't that make him the best? I'm curious, because as I try different characters I just find myself gravitating towards Goh.

    Also calling people cunts for using Jacky is just mean haha.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    "best" character should be taken lightly with VF every character has their own strengths and weaknesses. In the end the best player wins regardless of character.
  3. Snowgoons

    Snowgoons Member

    Oh definitely, that's why I feel VF is the highest quality fighting franchise. I was just curious, if people feel Goh has no weakness wouldn't that technically make him the best?

    I'm really glad I read this, because you said Sarah was fun in her description I decided to give her a try, and now I have a new main haha. I've never liked so many characters in a game before.
  4. NewChallenger

    NewChallenger Member

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but here goes...

    At this point, I've basically tried all, and I mean ALL, of the characters in this game. I've cycled from character to character trying to find one that really suits me. So far I have not been successful.

    This writeup has been really helpful, but my question is, which character would you guys describe as "simple, but effective"? I generally don't like characters with a lot of stances or other complicated bits, and I really want to sit down and LEARN this game for once.

    Thanks to whoever takes the time to read this, and I eagerly await any and all suggestions. Thanks again!
  5. Grabczas

    Grabczas Well-Known Member

    Looks like you have similar approach like me to choosing character.

    I play Jacky mostly because of playing him in my EVO days. Right now i think you should think about Jacky, Jean or Goh. Looks like most of their moves are easy in execution and using.

    If I made mistake then someone correct me of course.
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I will say it like this:
    Jean, if you wish to learn. I will consider Jean being the best character for newcommers, as he have everything VF offers, but he have it in simple and straightforward form. On other hand, his guardbreaker is not something newbies will be able to perform consistently in matches.
    Jacky, if you wish to have simple damage. Tough without proper [K][G] canceling you will lack obe of his most powerfull tools. Also, I personally consider him to be boring
    Or Lau. He is not that straightforward as Jean, but he still is straightforward. Plus he will force you to learn more aspects of VF that Jacky or Jean. He also is a little harder in terms of imputs (except KG for jacky and guardbreaker for Jean issues), but that is not neccessary wrong, as it is another thing you should know while playing VF.
  7. Dae

    Dae Member

    Seconded on Lau. I feel he has a very well balanced fighting style, which encourages careful and methodical play. His moves aren't hard from an execution standpoint, and his damage output is hefty, even on single moves.

    Jean would be my other noob choice. His commands are designed around option selects and mix up games. He hits hard, moves fast, and is not light.

    If you're the type of player who values speed and hard to beat mix ups, Lion is your man, if you can stand the voice. I'd main Lion, but I find his voice so obnoxious, I can't stand to play him. He sounds like Snarf from the old thunder cats, so much so that my housemates add 'snarf snarf' whenever we hear him.

    "You'd better take me seriously! Snarf snarf!"
  8. Wingman

    Wingman Well-Known Member

    Very helpful thread.

    I started using Lau in VF4 and luckily have never found him boring. I thought he was a great character to start out with.
  9. GrooveA

    GrooveA Member

    The first time I saw his pre-fight intro, I knew I found my character.

    Start running...NOOOOWWWW!

    Love it.
  10. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    I have used lau in 5 (on ps3) then tried to use Jacky in 5FS but I cant really get into it. I dont enjoy playing him. I might try Lau again or even Jeffrey who I played for vf2 and vf3.
  11. NewChallenger

    NewChallenger Member

    Very helpful tips from all of you guys, thanks! Right now I'm actually messing around with Goh a little bit, but I'll give Lau a look when I get a chance.
  12. VirtuousZX

    VirtuousZX Member

    This thread is full of win. I like the detailed breakdowns of each individual character.

    That said, I mained Eileen in VF5 Original. Her mobility and fun fighting style won me over my previous choice of character, the defense-oriented Aoi.

    However, I'm considering changing to one of the other female characters if Eileen and Aoi turn out to be more precision-demanding in execution than I can handle. Vanessa might be my pick as she caters to my defensive style of gameplay while still having a strong offense (from what I've seen). On the other hand, Pai and Sarah could make for awesome combo-oriented characters to use.

    In the end, I'm looking for a character who can play a good hit-and-run game, if I haven't already mentioned them here. All constructive help is highly appreciated. Thanks again!
  13. Brandon313

    Brandon313 Member

    I'm sort of new to the game even though i played vf5 before i played ssf4ae but i couldn't remember anything with jacky bryant when i played vf5:fs i still have a since of knowing whats right from wrong with certain moves and that's just from playing doa4 with one of the top-players. but enough of that i cant wait to get my hands on this game from what im hearing the game is amazing and just from watching different tournaments i see the game has come a long way.
  14. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    Im actually close to quiting the game. I just cant improve and am tired of just loosing everymatch online.

    May just play vs the computer for a week or two and keep on ramping up the hardness.

    Am very fed up with it.
  15. Grabczas

    Grabczas Well-Known Member

    If you have good Internet connection and/or someone to play offline avoid playing against CPU because it won't teach anything useful because CPU doesn't understand your mind games and that's very important aspect of game.

    About playing online, if you do just quick match option all day long it's hard to learn something, hit someone from forum with PM on PSN to play with you and other person might tell you what you could change about your play style [​IMG] I'm fed up with loosing online too but I know at least some of my flaws (my movement sucks and I'm gonna check other characters as well because Jacky doesn't suit me as well as i thought he will be) and I kinda have mentor (Hello Griever) and you should try to find someone, preferably from UK so you can meet, to be your mentor [​IMG]

    And 1 or 2 days from playing online is good idea too because as I stated above mind games are freaking important in VF and if you are just in blind offensive it's much easier to find hole to push to defense which you could not stand while being angry and you will start playing self destructively (I'm talking from my experience on learning SCV and FS right now [​IMG] )

    I hope this post will help you someway ^^"
  16. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your message. Will have a look at a psn hook up!
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Sashaz, if you're from the UK there are a fair few folk down in London playing at the moment.

    You're on PS3 so I can't do much to help unfortunately but I know a few of the lads here do so it'd be worth trying to get a hold of them. Most people are happy to help a newcomer.

    You might be lucky and some offline stuff will rear its head in London. It happens from time to time, keep your eyes on the matchmaking forum here on VFDC.

    If you get the chance to play with and talk to the guys offline you'll improve in leaps and bounds.
  18. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    Thanks alot will look into london meet ups. Years ago I use to go to namco centre on windmill street every week to play vf3. Any arcades that londoners meet up still?
  19. VirtuousZX

    VirtuousZX Member

    After reading Tricky's write-up on Eileen's changes regarding her playstyle from VF5 Original to Final Showdown, I recognize more than ever that should I purchase Final Showdown, it may be the opportunity I need to try out the rest of the cast.

    As I noted before, I really liked Eileen's mobility and potential to play hit-and-run in the original VF5, and reading the changes made to her from Tricky's write-up made me want to open my horizons to new characters.

    I'll finish with a single question and then leave it open to discussion.

    Are any of the girl characters beginner-friendly?
  20. Phoenix117UK

    Phoenix117UK Member

    Sebo's post is fantastic for newer players to get a general idea of the different characters, props.

    I'm using Aoi and Jeffry at the moment, but I'm still getting a feel for the characters and this thread has helped a lot.

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