Can't anyone make it to the FINAL arcade!

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Blondie, Jun 30, 2003.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Dude, there are matches posted on this site of him vs players we all consider high level, and didn't you watch Kakuto Sinseki II?!?!? How could a "basement God" pull that shit off?!? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    Read me please! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    This has the Minami Akira videos, saying with them, at his own Kumite he went 73 and 1, and played the matches with a card that had a 91% win ratio.

    Also me
  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    [ QUOTE ]
    I still retain my stance that Yono, Heruru, Chibita and others could easily have beaten Minami in their respective matches, but Minami never got nervous and just played.

    One example is when ever Minami would EVER start winning a match, the crowd (which was composed of mainly seasoned VF veterans) would always act shocked.

    This is becuase Minami was beating better players, alot better players, like when he beat Chibita no one really clapped, they just stared.
    And listen to the Sega AM2 clips of the finals, you will notice how when Minami wins, everyone is just like "Aaaawww, and Ohhhhhh" not "Congrats" , or cherring/clapping.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Switched your fandom from "Minami doubter" to "I'd be honored to lick dirt off Minami's shoes", I see.

    Foot, meet mouth.
  4. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Re: 90% people JEEZ!

    I am saying that despite what most morons think of his competition being lacking in skill, which it isn't, he stil manages to pull off a great win ratio.

    And yes we all know that those players can beat him, though some of them still have not. Chibita beating Minami Akira, check his fucking win ratio for the last time too!!

    PS: Zero-Chan, my point is that most people doubt his VF skill, when it is better than most people's, it is only the higher level of players that truly know how good he actually is, that is why I said that can beat him, because they understand his style of play.
  5. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dude, there are matches posted on this site of him vs players we all consider high level, and didn't you watch Kakuto Sinseki II?!?!? How could a "basement God" pull that shit off?!?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Kakuto shinseiki is a tournament, upsets happen all the time in tournaments. Just look at kakuto shinseiki 1 and other VF tournaments. Just because chibita never won a major tournament does that mean he sucks? Of course not.

    On the thread does all his matches include him playing those people not stop. Of course not.

    Did you know in Kumite matches, high ranked players arent allowed to enter? Of course not.

    Im not saying minami is a bad VFer, but does he DEFINE HOW VIRTUA FIGHTER SHOULD BE PLAYED!

  6. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: 90% people JEEZ!

    [ QUOTE ]
    And yes we all know that those players can beat him, though some of them still have not. Chibita beating Minami Akira, check his fucking win ratio for the last time too!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought you said hes well into the thousands now.
    STOP BEING A FUCKING NONSTOP HYPOCRITE, its just not one instance, its almost every gawddamn time.

    How many times do i have to tell you win ratio means jack shit!! Im sure if chibita stopped fucking around a lot, he would be still well over 90%. Even chibita doesnt give a shit about win ratios. Most high level players just have their stats hidden because they dont care anymore. Why the hell do you care about percent ratio so much anyways, especially when its such low numbers.
  7. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Blondie said:

    To clear things up and get back on topic, here is Minami Akira vs Ohsu Akira recently playing in Ohsu's Kumite session.

    70 percentile with almost 4000 matches logged HAHAHA

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, I've been told that's eikokubyouin minimamu. He's pretty good though. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  8. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Re: 90% people JEEZ!

    That video is a couple months old you idiot, of course the amount of wins played is not accurate.

    And yes Blondie you posted the wrong player, but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, moron /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif.
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: 90% people JEEZ!

    [ QUOTE ]
    And yes Blondie you posted the wrong player, but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, moron

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and now you can see our perspective, we deal with your mis-information day in and day out. If you think he's a moron for his one mistake you can imagine where we think your mental capacities lie.

  10. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: 90% people JEEZ!

    [ QUOTE ]
    and now you can see our perspective, we deal with your mis-information day in and day out. If you think he's a moron for his one mistake you can imagine where we think your mental capacities lie.

    [/ QUOTE ] I agree with this 100% .

    I guess most threads tend to go off topic after a few pages, but I hope we can somehow get this one back on track. Am I dreaming?
  11. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    back on track

    Not at all. It was this thread that actually got me interested in Evo again. I was very disinterested in the game itself for a good while but hearing about the arcade AI was very exciting.

    almost makes me want to buy a PS2.

  12. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: back on track

    godeater, don't you have tons of comp in your area to play evo? Or would you rather play against the AI first?
  13. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: back on track

    tons of comp? Well I live outside of the city and everyone is busy with jobs, school, getting together is an issue. There's a good group of people for gatherings but they aren't easy to arrange. Short answer is the numbers are there but the will isn't always.

    I just meant that the idea of a single player alternative that was actually good was appealing. I hate consoles in general.

  14. Noman

    Noman Member

    Re: back on track

    Tryin to get this post back on track...

    I've been playin quest mode for a while (about 500 matches) and i'm already starting to feel a certian pattern in the AI's gameplay, which is helpin me get a high win % even at east.
    However, the AI has definetly helped me get my fundamentals to a somewhat competitive level, I have a steady EDTEG (Trying to make the jump to ETTEG) and a pretty good punishing ability. I think that quest mode can only get you so far, however if you do "master" quest mode, you can get to a competitve vs human level in a matter of weeks.
  15. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Re: back on track

    The AI in the quest mode sharpens your knife so to speak. The final two arcades in quest mode are the hottest thing since sliced bread when it comes to AI making you work for those wins. When you play human opponents you get to use that knife in various ways. The real potential with human competition is that your mind gets used to cycling and reacting to change. I've played many ppl that have a cycle or pattern, we all have. The human competition helps you build patterns on top of patterns to seem as though there are no patterns. An experienced player in virtuafighter will love the AI in the last arcades because it will make you do things you'll have to do against the human opponents and it will also lp and TE just like a human would. Godeater, glad to hear your getting into it again. Now all we need is to get you a playstation =P.
  16. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: back on track

    Hey dog, just wanted to chime in here and tell you that I'm with you 100% on this idea of using quest as a tool for enlightenment. The living proof for me is FL's own: IMF. I remember telling him once that he was the most receptive player I've ever seen and when asked about his training methods all the man said was "Quest mode dog".... and I believe him! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  17. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: back on track

    quest mode has made my shun, lion and pai so unorthodox'ed, it's even given the top players like blonde one and imf a hard time on occasion! Thanks quest mode!
  18. SpyMobb

    SpyMobb Active Member

    Re: back on track

    Quest mode improved my Brad and Kage game, so....
  19. TomDC85

    TomDC85 Well-Known Member

    Re: back on track

    The CPU AI is weak. I have never played decent human competition, so don't have much to compare my self to other than videos, and those guys are definately a level up from me. However, I played VF4 and held a 95% win ratio with Lau and something similar with Jeff. I bought VF4 evo and thought hey! This AI is a little better- far fewer predictable combos and stupid stuff. I played with Lau to get back into it and then turned to Brad. Had a win ratio of 93% and got bored with him at arcade 5ish. Then I picked up Goh and was lovin' it... for a while. Then the horrid realisation that the CPU was up to it's old tricks again set in. I have won the WMACII (easily), completed every quest etc...etc... And it was EASY. Fair enough I am somewhat of an old hand at the game, but I have a win ratio of 100% with Goh, with 694 matches won, zero lost. The game is seriously lacking BEEF. Where's the beef? Eh?

    Pre-emptive responses:
    -No, it's not on beginner
    -I live in the UK
    -I don't practice that much
    -Despite the above, VF is still the best fighter ever, other than possibly Killer Instinct
    -I can do all the basics (ETTEG, on occasion QTE if I'm feeling particularly sharp, usually blow the QTEG).
    -I posted on this site ages ago when I was crap (doubt anyone remebers).

    Does no one else find the game a walk-over? Maybe I'm just used to AI-style play. But still...
  20. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Re: back on track

    Its pretty tough playing with Goh for the first time. i lost three times in a row b4 actually getting used to his style of play... r u sure u dont quit matches b4 u lose?

    anyways... i find the AI difficult at times. sometimes theyre easy. but theyre not brain dead and they DO haave many different styles. im particularly better at AIs who dont use throws often (not very good at throw escapes /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif) so there is a sense of actual intelligence.and they DO learn ur style as well, depends on the AI ur playing.

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