Can't anyone make it to the FINAL arcade!

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Blondie, Jun 30, 2003.

  1. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

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    Here's my opnion why its probably easier with akira, It's because he is OVERPOWERED.

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    IMO, it has nothing to do with your character, and everything to do with reflexes. The AI can only do so much. Overall, my win% is about the same with Lei-Fei as it is with Akira (maybe even higher because the cpu falls for sabaki so easily). Go figure.
  2. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

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    As for Minami being a unique player, this is very true, he uses very little in the way of complex button inputs and techniques, but effectively utilizes the basics to the fullest extent. Though you have to take in mind that he knows a ton about each character, and doesn't hesitate to use the SpoD and DLC whenever applicable. I think his win average is still in the 90%'s.

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    Minami akira has a 70 percentile win rate dipshit, and Minami akira is extremely technical not only with his movement but also with the choice of moves he uses with his advanced stepping. Go fuck a dog!
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

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    As for Minami being a unique player, this is very true, he uses very little in the way of complex button inputs and techniques, but effectively utilizes the basics to the fullest extent. Though you have to take in mind that he knows a ton about each character, and doesn't hesitate to use the SpoD and DLC whenever applicable. I think his win average is still in the 90%'s.

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    Can u plz STOP TRYING TO BE A ' I KNOW IT ALL' poster?

    esp when u DON'T KNOW IT ALL!

    Just becos u have seen minami in the tourney clips a few times doesn't = u know it all!

    Esp when u have been proven wrong countless amount of times since ur arrival to VFDC.

    So, stop giving out the wrong opinions/facts/ideals/impressions/tactics.

    Just STFU n be a normal poster like everyone else.
    Not a single soul here is interested in u being a superstar.
  4. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    LOL, it seems like empnova is giving his hero a bad name. What is your facination with minami anyways, just because he won Kakuto Shinseiki 2 doesnt mean hes a god of all things VF. Just look at what happened to napoleon. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Empnova, I'd just like to point out a few things...

    1) Just because in your head you feel a certain way about a subject, doesn't mean you have to force other people to think the way you do.

    2) When have you talked to or played with any of the japanese players in your life time? On what basis do you have the right to speak for them? Are you psychic or something?

    3) I remember you said that if we don't like your posts, just ignore them. How is it possible for any of us to ignore you when every 3 to 5 post in almost any recent thread is made by you? Believe me, many of us is trying to ignore you, but we simply cannot.

    4) When everyone is saying how misinformed you are and how idiotic your statements are, don't you think there is the tiny tiny chance that maybe YOU are the one who is at fault here?

    5) We don't take the forums like our lives depend on it, but when some people are having serious exchange of information and you barge in all of a sudden and starts spewing incorrect informations and turn everything into a flame fest, it is very very frustrating and annoying.

    6) If you have any respect for other people and yourself, you would take other people's comments and give it a second thought. After you are able to do that, maybe you will realize that you are just making an ass of yourself over and over with every nonsense statement you make in your posts. Whenever I see you make a claim which you have nothing to back it up with, it makes me believe that some people just don't have the mental capacity to learn. It's like talking nonsense is the peak of your mental ability or something.

    Please, take a step back and think about how your statements depict you as a person. Is that really what you want other people to take you? If that is what you want, I sincerely feel sorry for your life.

  6. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    I like quest mode & I'm sure it has helped me clean up my game a bit. My biggest hurdle was the second to last arcade more than the last one...It seems that this is where elbow counterability started getting ruthlessly punished (though it may have been earlier) & this was really something I needed to have done to me. I feel like an "honest" approach to the last two arcades in quest mode coupled with a couple regular VS opponents is a reasonable facsimile of a vibrant arcade scene. Good stuff.

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    Go fuck a dog!

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    Way ahead of ya, big guy.
  7. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

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    Blondie said:

    Minami akira has a 70 percentile win rate

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    Actually if you watched the match of Minami Akira vs Chibita from a Sega hosted Kumite, you would have seen his average as 91%, so who the fuck are you talking about with a 70% win ratio?

    [ QUOTE ]
    PhoenixDth said:

    ......just because [Minami] won Kakuto Shinseiki 2 doesnt mean hes a god of all things VF. Just look at what happened to napoleon. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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    I don't think Minami is 'God' of VF, but I still do retain my opinion that he is one of the best players of VF period. As for Napoleon, I never really payed much attention to him at all, even after he beat Segaru.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    Please, take a step back and think about how your statements depict you as a person. Is that really what you want other people to take you? If that is what you want, I sincerely feel sorry for your life.


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    I don't think you should feel sorry for me (unless you really want to that is), I have a very damn good life, despite what you want to think. I already posted that some of you guys are seriousy obsessed with me, I mean really some of you guys have weird facinations with my posts.

    If you don't like my conduct, don't spew it across every thread you can that I post on, try to act like NORMAL posters and just hit the "tell the moderators" button, or send me a PM.

    I didn't even bother to read any of your posts, because most of them (like this one) don't belong on this thread, if you want to 'get through to me' send a PM, if not, stop spamming shit on other people thread's please, thanks.
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

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    Actually if you watched the match of Minami Akira vs Chibita from a Sega hosted Kumite, you would have seen his average as 91%, so who the fuck are you talking about with a 70% win ratio?

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    u have eyes don't u?
    Go back n LOOOOOOK at how many games he had played on his dai haoh card!!!!!!

    Now, compared this to the previous card that he had!

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    stop spamming shit on other people thread's please, thanks.

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    STFU...u're the one that's spamming full of wrong info
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Congrats EmpNovA, you Dumbass you just losed all creditability on this forum not that you had much in the begininng anyways. Now can you please STFU already my eyes are starting to really hurt for a guy who's legally blind, you FuckTard. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  10. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

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    Actually if you watched the match of Minami Akira vs Chibita from a Sega hosted Kumite, you would have seen his average as 91%, so who the fuck are you talking about with a 70% win ratio?

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    If you actually watched and understood what was going on in Kakuto Shinseiki 2, to basically elaborate what Summah said - Minami lost his VfNet card at the event. That 91% should only be around a 78% or so since theres a higher ratio of games weighted on the 70% side. Just think logically, who the fuck jumps 20% points in a month. Like i said before do your research before posting bullshit.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think Minami is 'God' of VF, but I still do retain my opinion that he is one of the best players of VF period. As for Napoleon, I never really payed much attention to him at all, even after he beat Segaru.

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    Shit thats the only character you ever mention, and you think whatever he does should be the final authority on VF. Even if when your wrong, you stick Minamis name next to something, hoping itll turn out right.
  11. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

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    If you don't like my conduct, don't spew it across every thread you can that I post on, try to act like NORMAL posters and just hit the "tell the moderators" button,

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    They have. I've lost count of how many times I've heard "ban EmpNova." Mostly on #vfhome.
  12. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Seriously though guys, watch some of Minami Akira's RECENT footage and tell me what you see as his win ration, thanks. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    You dumbass, what do you think online media is for. No one in their right mind is gonna put up footage that shows crapass play.
  14. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Check his win ratio please, then tell me what you see.... /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  15. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    to answer your stupid question, i see only 600 games logged in by minami, verses several thousands logged in on average by other players. Percentage in small numbers mean jack shit. Plus location is the biggest factor. Do you even know where minami lives or plays at? Do you know what his constant competition is? No!, because you dont live in japan. Homestay had an extremely high percentage at 93% untill he started playing higher level players more. Now its under 90%.

    so your point is . . .?
  16. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Homestay's average is 87.7% which is damn high considering the competition he still faces.

    "Do you even know where minami lives or plays at? Do you know what his constant competition is? No!"

    Do you?

    As for players win averages decreasing, this has nothing to do with location changes, as much as people just getting better which evens out the playing field. Chibita's win ratio was 92%, now it's 87%, Mukki's win ratio used to be 79% now it's 81%, neither of them has moved recently.

    People claimed that Minami's win ratio was in the 70's, when in fact it is in the 90's. And if you would watch the movies of him, you will see that he beats the best players, little competition, right.....

    He also has more than a thousand wins 600 is way off......
  17. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    dude everything you just said was hypothetical. Your best players statement was only in the kakuto shineiki 2 phase.

    As for people claiming minami's win ratio in the 70's - have you seen minamis old vfnet card?
  18. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

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    As for players win averages decreasing, this has nothing to do with location changes, as much as people just getting better which evens out the playing field.

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    This is inaccurate.

    When I was feeling a bit downtrodden during my first night in NishiSpo during my May Tokyo trip, my friends told me not to worry, that I wasn't weak - it's just that Nagoya is really not as strong as Tokyo is, VF-wise. According to conventional Japanese VF wisdom, the majority of Nagoya players should think of themselves about 3 dans lower than their present place on the ranking scale when they come to Tokyo to play, simply because Tokyo level play is considered to be that much higher.

    Homestay is from Nagoya, but more and more he's been playing Tokyo level competition - which IMO is probably why the his win % has dropped. Seriously, though, the man is one of the most talented GAME (not just VF!) players I've ever known.
  19. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I am talking about his current win ration, not the old one. His current one is in the 90's.
  20. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

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    EmpNovA said:

    I am talking about his current win ration, not the old one. His current one is in the 90's.

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    For all you know he could of gotten 9 win streak against scrubs, then get eliminated by someone else. Win percentage means nothing. You can be the god of the basement, but you will get whooped by people who see daylight.

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