Button macros banned for controllers at tourneys?

Discussion in 'General' started by BodomSoldier, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Evi

    Evi Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    Wait what is the actual topic at hand here? Are you talking about the shoulder buttons being used as K+G, P+G, etc? If so, that's not a macro. A macro is a sequence of commands that happen automatically one after another, not simultaneous presses. Shoulder buttons are pretty much necessary for controller players, and doesn't give any advantage over stick players. If I ever met a stick player complaining about how much skill hitting two buttons at once takes, I would just laugh at them.
  2. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    And yet . . .

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If I ever met a controller player complaining about how much skill hitting two buttons at once takes, I would just laugh at them. </div></div>

    Fixed that for ya.

    I know plenty of people who play controller with 3 face buttons.
  3. ShenlongBo

    ShenlongBo Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    See, as far as I knew, having any two buttons in charge of the same function was outlawed.

    As for everything else, I see it like this: Virtua Fighter started off in the arcades, sure, but it's primarily a console fighting game now. As such, players should be allowed to optimize their console controllers with P+G+K-esque macros. The purists will hang me for saying so, but hey, that's how I feel. Doesn't affect me much either way, though, since I use a 3-button arcade setup myself. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to.
  4. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    I'm an old school vfer dating back from the VF2 Saturn days, their wasn't any arcades near my area so I thought the proper way to play the game was using the pad (I didn't know any better). Obviously over the many years (decade now) using the pad I become accustomed to it.

    When the Dreamcast version of VF3 was released I had to get used to its default controls on the DC pad (which had the same 4 face button layout as the PS2). Few years down the line VF4 got released on the PS2 and Sega decided to change the face button layout (punch kick and guard were switched around) so going to the option menu to reconfigure was a MUST.

    Now let me ask you this, If you're used to playing on a stick with the layout of G P K wouldn't you feel pissed if Sega changed it to lets say P G K well thats what they did to VF3-VF4 for pad users.. they changed the default controls completely. When I met the NYC crew I was actually surprised they would spend the extra cash to buy sticks to play a console game (My initial thought was damn these guys go hardcore). Even thou I'm pro-pad I admit that the buttons are best suited on the stick honestly pressing all 3 buttons at the same time takes NO extra effort then hitting one button on the pad. VF only has 3 buttons for crying out loud having Mircos on the pad is NO advantage at all.
  5. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    I have a custom stick that has a layout like:


    It's seems natural and most similar to pad but default configuration for VF and DOA4 was unplayable for me.

    I've changed to:

    Is it allowed to change configuration just for these 3 buttons?
  6. RagelessCajun

    RagelessCajun Active Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    I was wondering where the VF community stood on this one. Other forums degenerate into full on flame wars when this topic comes up. As far as whether it should or shouldn't be done, I don't have an opinion. I personally don't do it since I can't do it at the arcade. And hats off to people who can kick ass with pads. I simply don't see how you can do it.
  7. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    My only issue with the ban of macros at tournaments is for the case of people like me. I've ONLY ever played VF on consoles, because my home arcades never get VF machines, and due to a lack of readily available funds I can't purchase a stick.
    Considering someday I might want to travel and physically play at tournaments, would you guys just throw me a "Tough, deal with it?" (Eh, probably)
  8. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    I don't see the Beef or heard any drama over pads vs joysticks. I see kids in Chinatown Fair(AKA DDR Stinkfest) walking around with PS2 pads around their necks to play Tekken. Theres no advantage. Is not like the Keyboard and Mouse setup vs Pads debate when it comes to the FPS genre. There, you see a advantage.
  9. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    I use the claw when I have to use a pad. It really is a mini version of the arcade button setup (on the 360, anyway) You just end up with your fingers closer together, and you look like an idiot. I am 99% as good that way, and I have pretty fat fingers. I learned on VF1 in the arcade, so I *can't* use the combo buttons. IMHO "Macro" should be reserved for a series of commands, to avoid confusion with the combination buttons.

    In the spirit of fairness, if you have console controllers in your tournament I would hope you allow combo buttons. OEM equipment and OEM configs sound like fair game to me. If you want to be a purist, mandate/provide arcade sticks.

    Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong...
  10. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    I'm guessing you would get a "Tough, deal with it"... but perhaps not for the reason you think. Playing on a 360, and trying to switch EX2s and normal controllers in and out is a real pain. Even playing locally, I find noone's willing to take the time to load custom characters, even though several people have memory cards. Turning the EX2s on and off, and resetting buttons and such just isn't gonna happen. I actually went through this kind of trial by fire myself the first tournament I attended, having always played on pads before. That said, the transition was a lot easier than I expected, just try out that claw technique people are talking about. I don't mean use it to play serious matches or anything, but go through dojo a few times, just to make sure you're conscious of thinking "K+G", instead of "R2" when you see any given move. I found it really took a very small amount practice to feel confident with a stick.
  11. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    That's more than fine. And is almost all stick users have to do on the 360 version.

    And my personal motto is, "Don't be a prick, get a stick." /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  12. Logos

    Logos Well-Known Member

    Re: Button macros banned for controllers at tourne

    Now that's a motto to live by.

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