Bradygames VF5 Official Guide

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by DrDeelite, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Hm true, I got overzealous and just wanted to say that :'( my fault.
  2. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I didn't know there was a Tekken 5 guide written by some of the best UK players like Ryan Hart and Eze. I hope they'll write more. I suppose that book wasn't available in the US?
  3. fubarduck

    fubarduck Member

    You should learn Japanese, the strategy articles written for VF every month in Arcadia magazine and for mooks such as the Black Book are contributed by the top players of the respective characters.

    However, we live in America where the fighting game scene is held up by a single strand on a rope. You're acting like there is some secret society of VF players hiding out in a cave that would buy this book if only Brady Games had spent more time on it and added more content, or did it for the next VF game. News flash: Not gonna happen.

    Also tell me, how are they going to get contributions from players that don't even have the game? Besides the small handful people in SF and LA with arcade boards (and not everyone likes to contribute for free, and on a strict schedule--these people have lives outside of VF) there were no possible better people to make a contribution than the authors of the Brady guide.

    Please come off your high horse, because your imaginary world where everyone contributes and makes the best guide ever just isn't very respectful to all the people who went head-over-heels to write this guide and help expand the scene for the obscure game you love so dearly.
  4. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Ok you're going off on one and I'm not sure why...

    Why do you keep lecturing me on Arcadia mags and mooks..

    I'm not bothered about making the best VF guide ever... I know this guide is for beginners-intermediate players. We also know that Bradygames worked hard on the guide in a short period of time [From Shang and Akiralove posts]..

    Imaginary world... Some of the basics from VF4 *gasps* work in VF5.

    Where did I mention about the guide's sales? o_O

    So this is what this is about... That I didn't thank the people who wrote the guide. Even though I have already many times maybe not on VFDC. You can ask Srider yourself if you like...

    Thank you Sega, Thank you Brady Games, Thank you Myke, Thank You Srider and all to all people who contributed to writing the guide. Thank you VF community ?

    Is that good enough for you???


    Did you help write the guide too? Thank you very much. [No Sarcasm intended]

    I just have no idea why you're trying to cause drama for no reason. Nothing more needs to be said.
  5. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Shoju, I'm not quite sure. I think it has devil jin on the cover..
    I've forgotten now.
  6. fubarduck

    fubarduck Member

    OK, for being a jerk, you get the full treatment.

    Next . . .



    So you're saying that VF4 players who have never touched VF5 in their life would be better qualified to have written the guide. Your posts just keep getting better!


    Right here:
    By saying this, you implied that the guide would sell more copies if it were of better quality. So, you both dissed the guide AND assumed that a better guide after the game's release date would equal more sales in a single sentence.


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So this is what this is about... That I didn't thank the people who wrote the guide. Even though I have already many times maybe not on VFDC. You can ask Srider yourself if you like... </div></div>
    You didn't just not thank them, you downright insulted them.


    No, I didn't. And I like how you wrote this right before "No Sarcasm intended":
    I will complete this post by pointing out the highest level of irony in the thread:

    Fact: To not get flamed, you have to not be a dick.
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

  8. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    *winces* please refrain from DIRECT insults, fubarduck, and please don't escalate this into an ugly flame war ...
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Wow. That's a bit harsh I think.

    I'm guessing that Jide originally just meant to say "I hope an additional guide, one written by players who have had time to digest the game, could come out for VF5 - similar to what happened with the Tekken5 guide in Europe."
  10. fubarduck

    fubarduck Member

    No, I'm pretty sure this is what he meant to say:

  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    fubar trigger happy with the quote button only to win nothing.
  12. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    For the record, Jide PMed me thanking me for my efforts in providing information to the forums.
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Talk about taking a post out of context.

    /me shakes head
  14. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    wtf indeed,
    what reality is this fubarduck living in where he's bussing somones balls for no positive reason's,
    not that I don't find it ammusing lol@ jide getting PWNED! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    He's doing it for only one reason...

    it's the internet and he can do it.

    Ok, that's two reasons
  16. fubarduck

    fubarduck Member

    Sorry, no beef here, I simply do not like seeing my friends' very hard and diligent work being dissed by some elitist VF player. I still have not seen a "Thank You Dr. Deelite and/or Kamui" from Jide, just a bunch of sarcastic gibberish.

    For someone who is "so thankful" for the scene, he doesn't seem to be thanking the people who probably saved your game.

    In this post, it's clear that Cide thought the guide would somehow be better if we got more people's input. But we know that

    A) It is impossible to get more peoples' input, due to the legality and NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) issues involved.

    B) Input from more people would not have helped anyway, since 99% of you did not have the game when the guide was being written.

    Sorry the guide wasn't good enough for you, Cide, but even if you could've gotten input from every American VF player, the guide would not have been much different given the time constraints.

    Two lessons here:

    Lesson 1: Don't request the impossible.
    Lesson 2: Appreciate what you have. This is one of the best fighting game guides ever written in the US and all you guys can do is imply how much better if it would be if it was written by VFDC members instead? What a load of BS.
  17. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    this is scaringly similar to the Weak AI thread.

    1: I don't care about the book 'saving my game'. Please don't be so mighty.

    2: Nowhere did anyone come out and said the book was bad. Jide wasn't dissing the book. You were too sensitive and defensive about your friend's work, for reasons which I will not fault you. Truth be told, I understand your fustration. Nevertheless, I do not agree with your particular stance towards Jide here. I will say it here that no one is un-appreciative of the book.

    3: I'm not in the USA, so I won't have access to the book. If it was available in Singapore, I will go buy it as a sign of appreciation. Notice how many ppl have bought the book as of now?

    4: If Jide dissed your friend's work as you suggested, I don't see anyone suggesting the same. I'm not someone that would back up a friend simply because...he's a friend. I'm clear cut down to the line. As much as I enjoy talking to Shang in IRC, I make it clear to him that certain things he did I do not agree with. I'm sure others here have shown how partial they can be.

    5: Jide merely SUGGUESTED (is that so wrong) what could be done in the next version (NOT THIS CURRENT VERSION).

    6: Let's not overly dramatize every single thing now. Jesus, VFDC needs to calm the hell down for now.

    7: Even I do not have the book, I already thanked the party that I know who was involved! Thanks again Dave!

    8: sorry, I left something the end of the day, I'm sorry if you felt we didn't appreciate your friend's hard work. I won't speak for the rest...but those that I know all acknowledge and appreciate the work done for the guide.
  18. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Secret Society

    Fubarduck obviously hasn't heard of Chicken Shoe.
  19. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

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