BOYCOTT: don't support invite-only bullshit in NYC!

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by CreeD, Aug 27, 2003.

  1. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Lemme preempts Creeds sad attempt at turning this into I Make less money than you so I am inferior type BS. Creed tied money and resources together as one thing. It goes to show that if you work more hours to make more money you have less time hence resources. The fact is if Creed simply choose to work a 40 hour week vs a 60+ one there is a difference. Also the type of work and effort needed is a RL consideration, thats just RL.

    The president who gives you one hour is different from the rest of us who give you a free hour. While that is an extreme example it HAS NOTHING to do with value incase Creed makes some sad attempt at that. The presidents time resource simply more constrained. In NYC we work hard and have LESS TIME, thats not exactly hard to believe is it? Aside that why would you try and say NYC has unlimited time and resources when you know it not to be true...don't you think we have something better to do (ala even using this time toward an event).

    Screw it, what has arguing with you proved? You still thikn we're assholes? Nice, your opinion is negative regardless of what we say unless it goes your way. So this conversation is already over.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Lol, so to boil it down, your argument is "I am a superior human when being compared to creed, because I have a good job and get paid more than he does."

    Allow me to step into the gas chamber along with all the second class citizens.

    This is weak and retarded even from you andy. The number of hours you get at work and the money you make doesn't determine your value as a human being. That cuts both ways. I am not inferior to you because I can't grab a 50K job, and you are not a nice guy or worthy of respect just because you work 50 hours a week. You're an asshole online, this is universally agreed upon, even by guys like adam! You can't fix that at work or at the bank, it'll remain a fact until your attitude changes.

    You want to claim that it's a miracle that nyg's ever happen, given all your "pressure" at work and long hours. You don't know pressure, fucktard. Pressure is not knowing where your next rent payment is coming from - it's not about how much a round trip plane ticket from japan is going to cost you.

    How's this for a stupid analogy, and I didn't even have to come up with it:
    « CNYC » its about a persons time and energy
    « CNYC » if bill gates took time out to run a camp
    « CNYC » and you did
    « CNYC » people would respect bill gates more

    yeah dude, that's actually an excellent analogy. Poor people have all the time in the world on their hands, they don't need to waste hours working or hunting for better jobs or doing miscellaneous chores. The maid takes care of all of that.

    But bill gates... shit, his time is limited, it's not like he could afford to drop everything and run a camp. He'd be fired from his job and couldn't make rent if he wasted his time and money in such a frivolous way! It's a miracle millionares don't commit suicide more often, what with all the stress in their lives and their complete lack of free time.

    Anyway andy, let's construct a more accurate analogy:

    Michael Jordan, who can't keep away from basketball and loves it more than anything in the world, SELFLESSLY holds a game at the court he's paid to construct at his house! Then he invites Karl Malone, Tim Duncan, and David Robinson to come play! But not Scottie, because Scottie's gay, and not Kobe, because he likes white women, and not John Stockton, because he's white and once made a joke about Jordan's assists. Then jordan SELFLESSLY gives up his valuable free time to play these other guys in front of a TV camera, which allows him to SELFLESSLY gain more recognition and positive publicity!

    The flaw in this analogy of course is that you're no michael jordan, either in terms of skill or in terms of human worth.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Screw it, what has arguing with you proved? You still thikn we're assholes? Nice, your opinion is negative regardless of what we say unless it goes your way. So this conversation is already over.

    My opinion is negative BECAUSE of the things you say and do, not despite them. Never forget that. If you made an effort, even a small one, to act and speak like a decent human being, I wouldn't give you half as much shit as I am now.

    Speaking like a decent human being would be i.e. not implying you are worth more as a human being than I am and not making childish threats like "I'll shut down VFDC if you annoy me!"

    Acting like a decent human being would be letting sal have this tournament, but committing to NOT blackballing florida from the NEXT gathering.
    I offered to completely shut up with my NY hating in this thread if you'd make that concession and you turned it down, and so far you've offered nothing to dampen the hate except "Hey creed, stop posting, I want someone else to step in, I can't handle it anymore".
  4. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Actions speak louder than words.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about these words, which is still fresh in the minds of many. Think back to NYG3, Round Robin, Stompoutloud Vs. CrewNYC. Round one goes to Stomp....and I quote, "I shouldnt be losing to you"

    Round 2, Stomp wins the round robin match against CrewNYC....and I quote, "I shouldnt be losing to you, I should just never lose to you"

    I guess Actions do speak louder than words??? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  5. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    If anything an hour of our time has a greater value than an hour of yours.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess this aptly sums up NYC's entire outlook. Thanks for adding one more quote to the pile, Andy.
  6. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    At this point to get a full understanding of how Creed managed to become a Hydra member, start from the beginning and laugh your ass off. This is Creedo's hour!! Every point/Counter-point literally has me laughing out of my seat. Creed is my hero, give the man a cape!

    This post was not to lure NYC into another frantic point/counter-point post. But to give Creed mad props for his dedication to this thread and just the sheer amount of typing involved. It's hard for me to remember back, but at some point I was getting into flames against creed in my early days here on VFDC and I don't remember being bitched quite as bad as NYC is getting bitched here. Is this a different creedo? A new Creedo? A Hotter! creedo!
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Not replying to anyone in particular but one of the issues with this being an invite-only event is that it would further segment the community. Can we agree that this thread is doing just that??

    There'll be FL and "vets" in one camp ... NY and "friends" in the other.

    (I guess I should also mention others of us in the middle who think both sides are being ridiculous).
  8. CuRoi

    CuRoi Member

    Lets get this out of the way... I bought evo less than two weeks ago. I bought playstation for it. I also bought the shadowblade (it isnt THAT bad) before reading these forums. I'm about as "scrubby" as you can get. Now on to my opinion:

    Those who are doing this invite only event need to understand something. You DONT do an invite only event with such a small spread out community. The only time you should do a invite only event is when the playerbase is huge and easy to organize. The VF community isnt huge and easy to organize... In fact it seems about as spread out and chaotic as you can get for a above average offline game. Invite only events like this seem to be saying "sorry you didnt start playing VF earlier, its too late for you".
    Let me put it another way. If I somehow became really good at vf evo with my shadowblade (lol) why should I not be allowed to participate? Hell even if I sucked really bad why should I not be allowed to participate? If I was willing to travel 3+ hours to a freaken gaming event i'm obviously serious about it...

    (Sorry If I said things that were already said. Just giving you my opinion.)
  9. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Has everyone made the point they were trying to make? Everyone have you taken sides? Do you know who you will support in the upcoming vf election? Okay they can we please please please kill this thread. This is some of the most homo erotic shit ever Imf and blonde need to take andy and adam out on a double date and get this shit over with i cant take the underlying sexual tension between the two camps anymore. Now stfu thanks have a nice day

    p.s. fucking fagmos
  10. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    I took some time yesterday to read up. There are two parts to my post – the first concerning events for VF in NA, the second concerning some of the semantics of this invite.


    I’m a pipe-dreamer for NAVF. Always have been, still am to this day. I have tried to get things rolling in the past and I will likely continue to get things rolling in the future. One thing that I have learned, especially in the last year or so, is that the NAVF scene is so small that it cannot, and will not, succeed in any way with factions of people. If NAVF is to become any larger than it is – and note that the scene truly has not had any increase since VF2 (new people have replaced those who no longer play, but the numbers are similar) – then the core group must do everything possible to welcome in new players. Will it ever grow? Maybe. But we need to change the way things are done for this to happen, imo.

    Gatherings that cater to those who are only ‘at a certain level of play’ will only continue to maintain the stagnant group of core VFers that currently exists.

    Now, for those organizing events, it’s entirely their prerogative as to what the format is. They organize; they set the rules. But they also must keep in mind that their format is under high scrutiny within the core NAVF community.

    At this point in NAVF, the core community has got to be the *worst* set of communicators ever. We rarely, if ever, try and coordinate or organize in any sort of cooperative way. I’m saying this because I feel that this Kyasao in NY could’ve been coordinated much better.

    EVO2K3 was, at least I thought so, an unprecedented event for NAVF. For the first time *ever* had top tier Japanese players competed in a NA VF tournament. To me this was, and still is, the very best opportunity to finally make progress into linking the World VF scene to NA. Spotlite has made it clear, as have Myke and others in their impression posts, that the Japanese players had a great time and that relationships were formed – relationships that we should nurture. This event should be used as leverage for any future NAVF events that have intentions of being large-scale. (Large scale, imo, means attracting as many NA VFers as possible. Not just get-togethers with people within 2-3 hours driving distance).

    So, here we are. An opportunity, and a damn good one. In fact, it’s the best one we’ve ever had presented to us.

    This brings me back to the present upcoming event in New York. Kyasao is coming. Kya-fucking-sao. That is huge. This is not fresh news, however – talks of this were in their early phases well back to the NY Top Gun tourney. But it is indeed big news. A name brand Japanese player of Kyasao’s stature can attract a lot of core VFers in NA, sure, but moreso it helps to further establish the relationship that was created with the Japanese players who attended EVO2K3.

    It remains to be seen that this Kyasao visit will strengthen the NA-Japanese VF bridge. It might. It might not. We’ll see. The way this whole thing has been set-up has positioned itself precariously for the outcome. Srider has already hashed out the scenarios, I don’t need to reiterate them. But I will however express that my gut feelings are not good. I think we’re teetering on the verge on some serious segmentation of NAVF – 2 steps forward with EVO2K3, only to take 3 steps back with the anticipation of Kyasao in NY.

    To go back to my point about lack of communication, I think the Kyasao NY event could have been organized better. If the idea back at NY Top Gun was to have Kazu (or Hiro, who knows) use his/their contacts in Japan to help bring Kyasao over to NY, why the hell was this not attempted as a means of getting Kyasao to go to FSB??? FSB was the pillar of “The Next Big NAVF Event†when everyone was leaving Top Gun. So why didn’t we coordinate appropriately? This is a huge issue, imo. NY organizers should have been in contact with FSB organizers trying to coordinate their strengths and make FSB as good as possible. With the NAVF community as small as it is, it should not be about “The Next NY Event will be Biggerâ€Â, it should be about making the “Next NAVF event Biggerâ€Â.

    FSBs efforts to bring Shinz to NA have been awesome. Imagine however that things had been coordinated properly and that both Shinz and Kyasao were to be at FSB. How does that ring-out in Japan amongst other strong Japanese players? I think it will perk some ears and the attraction for even more international presence would have been stronger. FSB will be awesome, no doubt – and I’m looking forward to it. But it still irks the shit out of me to see an opportunity like this one go down the drain.


    This second part is tiny. It’s about the invite-only thing as it pertains to FLA being on the shit-list. And maybe Andy or Adam can answer this. As far as I know, Sal can’t stand me. He and I have had our issues on here and on IRC. He was adamant about not going to TopGun because I would be there (amongst others). So, why was I invited to this Kyasao thing? Perhaps it was oversight? I don’t understand his emotional issues with people, and frankly I don’t want to know. But I think that it’s governing how things are run a lot more than it should.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Not replying to anyone in particular but ...

    That's the problem... you've said twice now that you feel I should stfu (in so many words) because it's fanning the flames. But you won't address any points. Take a second to try out my perspective -

    1. The enmity is there, and would have been brought to light by someone eventually anyway... and it's not wrong for florida to be angry in the first place: how would you feel if you really wanted to come to fsb but found out third-hand that you were banned because mr. bungle would be there? I won't get into the right and wrong of sal's anger, but we know it's strong if he can't be in the same room as these guys.
    If your reply is to try to "work it out privately" - you should save it :/
    That's been tried before and failed.

    2. When has ANY assheaded behavior by ANY group been resolved by silence? It's nice to sit on the fence and proclaim "I'm promoting peace!"... but can you claim that's accomplished anything at all?

    3. Even if I STFU now, the ball's rolling. This way it'll be resolved one way or the other, and if the worst case scenario is that new york 'secedes' from the rest of the community - fantastic. At first glance it seems like the community can't afford to lose five+ people, but what are we really losing? They don't contribute a drop of information, they hold closed tournaments strictly with their own self-interest at heart (no matter how much expendible income they put into them), and they turn vets and newbies off with their childish behavior.

    The new york group is ALREADY separated from the rest.. witness comments like "we don't want the responsibility of improving the scene" and "sorry but we just don't care".

    They want to paint their separation as voluntary, like someone woke up one day and said "man we'd be better off without being part of a larger community" but I think this is backwards: the community has chosen to disassociate itself from them, because they're an embarrassment. It's no loss if they pack up their ball and go home. Tournaments and gatherings will still occur elsewhere, people will still pick up cheap copies of evo.

    Last point - whether you like what I'm doing or not, you should agree that the BEST way to prevent flames is to not do childish, stupid behavior that INVITES flames - i.e. threatening to kill someone and then putting your buddies in a position where they have to snub one party to appease the other.
  12. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Although New York never contacted me about anything. It is a known fact that kyasao could only come on those certain days, coming to FSB would not have been possible. Atleast thats what New York says, I wonder if they are lying.
  13. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    "If the idea back at NY Top Gun was to have Kazu (or Hiro, who knows) use his/their contacts in Japan to help bring Kyasao over to NY, why the hell was this not attempted as a means of getting Kyasao to go to FSB??? FSB was the pillar of “The Next Big NAVF Event†when everyone was leaving Top Gun. So why didn’t we coordinate appropriately?"

    /me pats llanfair on the back

    That was a fucking brilliant idea, but unfortunately as you can see people can lose sight the big picture very easily. I'm sorry Adam but after hearing what you told me on the phone I honestly wanted to cry (regarding the NA scene. I was honest with you). I share the same "(wet) dream" as Owen and I'm rather saddened that two of the biggest VF scenes in NA aren't on the same page. Please don't view this post as me pointing fingers at ANYONE as I do not care to get involved in a "who's wrong or right" here.

    FYI (to my friends and to those who want to know where I "stand"): I WILL be going to NYC to enjoy VF and meet Kyasao. The sole reason being that I love this fucking game.

    Jerky ver. 2.01

    Jerky Fun Facts:

    - Listens to VF soundtracks in his car

    - Has VF midi ringtones and matching wallpaper on his cell phone and
    desktop computer

    - Used to wear braces

    - Once received a warning for having sex while parked on the side of the road

    - Loves the 80's

    Thank you for reading. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    SuperG makes the point that if kyasao is coming here solely cuz someone else is footing the bill...I can't see new york buying him a ticket to florida. That's the kind of thing you don't see happen even among the friendliest of crews.

    Still, I could see a situation where eg kyasao wants to come to the US, there's a known tournament coming up, and several people from several different scenes chip in for the ticket... knowing they'll be attending kyasao's eventual destination.

    Anyway, it's a moot point now. Kyasao and Shinz at the same gathering woulda been great. Oh well.
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Just to make a point, you can bitch and be friends. When Creed comes over, all we ever do, aside from eat asian food, is bitch about each other, sometimes we even bitch about ourselves when yelling and cursing each other and calling each other "scrubs" for hours on end gets old...
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Yeh, that's a good point. I hope andy isn't mad at me even though I called him an asshole and wished for him to drive off a cliff, fall into a vat of acid, or get swallowed up in a tarpit /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    We've gotten into pretty hefty bitchfests before and come out of them practically molesting each other with passionate friendliness! It's the cycle of life.

    So andy, now that you've had that time to cool off that we were discussing the other day, you think I'll see you at FSB?
  17. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Hey Jerky, you rule dude! You are the man. I am going pay homage to you and play Jacky from now on. But my screen name won't be stomp or Kobe Chan like before. I am giving Jacky the ultimate screen name.


  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:
    cursing each other and calling each other "scrubs" for hours on end gets old...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's because you are a scrub.
  19. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    This second part is tiny. It’s about the invite-only thing as it pertains to FLA being on the shit-list. And maybe Andy or Adam can answer this. As far as I know, Sal can’t stand me..... So, why was I invited to this Kyasao thing? Perhaps it was oversight?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh wait, I think Andy already answered this one Llan.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Actions speak louder than words.

    Regardless of what is written on screen, a quote in an IRC log, or information passed through a third party, you always have to interpret what a person would do based on their RL actions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Perhaps FL is more likely to act a fool IRL Llan, something they just can't risk with the Japanese players around. Remember the last NYG where I started throwing chairs? NO? Well, maybe it's something else then... I wonder what it is that FL does to NY IRL that they just CAN'T STAND? Must be something right? Because even though Andy and Adam like to claim I do nothing but bash them and their scene all day long on irc behind their backs, even if they had proof of this, logs etc... that should still be ok according to Andy's logic. No, wait again, I just remembered Andy's logic only applies to himself, because he is after all, worth more than most ppl, he can get away with saying horrible things because his actions more than make up for it. I bet they really didn't mean to invite you Llan, and if you showed up, you'd be sent packing, that's probably it right? I don't know, this really seems like a tough one for them to explain.
  20. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Well, I will be at (hopefully) both.

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