Boston Tournament April 24th -- Battle Royale: I

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by tbuxton, Mar 9, 2004.

  1. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Ok guys I'm driving up, gonna leave around 11:00 EST from NJ... see you guys soon! Should be there around 6:00 or 7:00...

    I'm bringing up an extra TV and a PS2.... sorry though, not bringing up any extra sticks! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    since no one has posted results:

    1st place: nelson (ghetto-shun); vanessa
    2nd place: adnan (adamyuki); jeffry
    3rd place: micheal (raider); kage

    i'll let others post further results.
  4. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Congraturations to Nelson and all. First time I've ever seen or heard a Vanessa player won a tourney. You da man.
  5. DanniBoySmith

    DanniBoySmith Well-Known Member

    many congrats to the top placers at the tourney! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    great to see vanessa and jeffry players placing so high. hopefully you guys also managed to capture some vids to put up (here's hoping /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif).

    hope everyone had a good time.
  6. ChiefGutti

    ChiefGutti Well-Known Member

    Raider and Netrom, or Michael and Andre, LOL, you guys are the fucking greatest man! I'm really looking forward till we're heading off to Japan this July to game with KyasaO and the lot! Insane results achieved!
  7. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    1st place: nelson (ghetto-shun); vanessa

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very cool. I just have to say that Crew came on IRC and said that Nelson would take 1st and....he was right.

    bring on the media!

  8. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Just want to say thanks to everyone who were here.
    raider and netrom for traveling so far.
    thanks, to hyun and siyko for hosting the main event with me. without these two it would have never worked out.
    thanks to alfred and tarik from MIT/UMASS. these guys are the best tourney hosts ever.
  9. Kale

    Kale Active Member

    When I went to the tourney (didn't play VF), I had a copy of VF4 (the original not Evo) in my bag (army camoflage (sp?) ) in the upper left corner of the room. Now I don't. I've looked everywhere for my copy and have not found it. My conclusion is that someone must have taken it. I'm not accusing anyone here of doing it, I'm just saying I'm pretty sure it was taken from my bag. It's not a big loss, if I want to get back into VF, I'll get Evo but still it's the idea of something being stolen from me that pisses me off.
  10. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Sorry man, but believe me.... nobody would go through the trouble (vfers anyway) to steal a copy of ver c.
  11. Kale

    Kale Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jerky said:

    Sorry man, but believe me.... nobody would go through the trouble (vfers anyway) to steal a copy of ver c.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't see why someone would want to take it but it's the only way it could be missing from my bag. I haven't taken the game out of the bag for a long time and before I went to the tourney I checked what games I was taking and VF was one of them (for no particular reason).

    Shit happens I guess but I'll probably not take copies of my games to future tournies now.
  12. Hyun_

    Hyun_ Well-Known Member

    I helped getting this gathering/tournament together and we spent a lot of effort in hope that everyone will have a good time. This intention extends to the spectators. Of course there were things beyond our control and our lack of experience in organizing such big gathering left many thing complicated. But I would like to do everything in my power to help everyone leave with good memories.

    Therefore, as one of the hosts, I will send you a copy of VF4 to replace what you lost. Just send me your mailing address via PM and I will send you a copy. I would like everyone to leave with good memories, including the spectators.
  13. Kale

    Kale Active Member

    I appreciate the offer but don't worry about it. I'm just going to get myself a copy of Evo. This doesn't taint the tourney for me at all. All it does is makes me a little mad.

    I had a good time playing in my games (SC2 and T4) and watching all the different VF4 matches. I'm probably going to get back into VF4 now. I hope to play you guys at some tournament in the future.
  14. Kale

    Kale Active Member

    After talking with some people I know, it seems the asian girl (didn't get her name) I was playing some SC2 casuals in the back of the room with (during the VF4:Evo tourney) used my copy of VF4 to help prop up the projector. I didn't know that she used my game. So does anyone know how I can contact her to I can see about getting my game back?

    I want to apologize for jumping to conclusions.
  15. tbuxton

    tbuxton Member

    no worries Kale, check your PMs.

    Thanks to all the top tier VF players who made this an awesome tournament. Thanks especially to Shang for running a smooth and entertaining tourney setup and also to those who brought projectors(Dobi & Hyun?) and other equipment. You guys made everything go.
    Tournaments like this really help to expand the VF community so I hope to see you guys at a future tournament and next time I'm going to compete myself(and get owned). /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  16. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    I did saw a asian girl playing in the back with us but it wasn't Vf it was Sc and i saw in her hand a sc cd so i had no idea what she had on her...

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