Best way to make Sega release vf5r.

Discussion in 'Console' started by StarEileen, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    You also would be the only one on line
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I'm sure Addypaddy or some shiit woul be there to pull for rank.
  3. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Man whatever with VF5R... They forgot to put N-E-V- and E in between the 5 and R... Just port VF3 over XBLA/PSN and call it a day... (I feel like I've said this b4 somewhere else)... The VF revival that has been witnessed during the VF5 launch will happen again perhaps...


    Put VF3 on the Wii, and have all the fighting done with the nunchukus... Or make it playable for the X360 Natal... It doesn't matter what's on the Wii, cats will buy it just for the control scheme...


    Capcom should buy out Sega... Or maybe Dream Factory should merge with Sega and come out with a brand new 3d fighter... Personally I put the Tobal series up there with 3d fighters now... The fighting system was way ahead of its time, especially when they released part 2... And if that doesn't happen, maybe Sega should get back on either Fighting Vipers and make a part 3, or revive Last Bronx and beef the engine up...
  5. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

  6. TechRomancer

    TechRomancer Well-Known Member

    Hold them @ gunpoint.

    Because apparently asking nicely, them losing money doesn't mean much to them.
  7. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    duno if this has been suggested or not.. or whether this will be a good idea or not.. but i was thinking.

    IF someone could make like a facebook event or group called something like
    " bring VF5r " and join that... And start spamming and doing mass distribution to even random ppl or friends list.. cus im sure even random ppl will join.. It will look like we have more VF players than we actually do. I duno if someone knows how to make a group and spam out requests to evryone.. but i see spam on my facebook.. so i was wondering, if maybe thats a good idea.
    Once we get a good amoutt of true vf players, and random ppl we can show this to kamaage and he can show sega the link on how many ppl want the game out.
    Maybe a stupid suggestion.. but whatver.
    ( :
  8. TechRomancer

    TechRomancer Well-Known Member

    But...we did that before. They erased our comments from their facebook, called us disruptive and ignored us.

  9. Tormentosa

    Tormentosa Active Member

  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If we really want VF5R, then let's find out how much it costs to
    port it to console. Find out what Sega's cost will be and let's raise the money and make Sega an offer. Its all about money right. Sega may feel there's no profit in VF5R for console, and therefore doesn't want to make the investment. But if we can get together and pay for the damn port ourselves, then there's no
    excuse right. And in the process we could have few NDAs signed
    for our own benefit.

    How much for the port, and how much for distribution over PSN and Xbox live?

    There are 11,000 registered users on VFDC:
    if we all put $100 [​IMG]

    Hell maybe as a group we could buy the 'console license' to VF outright [​IMG] Since Sega's main concern is the arcades in Japan, we can make an offer to buy the license to the console version of VF and find our own developer and publisher [​IMG]
    Maybe Team Ninja or THQ would do it if the price is right?

    There are 11,000 registered users on VFDC if we all got together a formed a company just for the console version VF and each person made an investment of $250.... [​IMG]

    There is a rumor that some VFDC members are
    rich Perhaps... [​IMG]
  11. TechRomancer

    TechRomancer Well-Known Member

    Its not gonna happen people.

    I'm sry, its just not. =/
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  13. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Any stupid, non-sensical posts to the "kamaage request" thread will be deleted without warning.

    masterpo, 11,000 users have registered over VFDC's 10 year history. This does not mean there are 11,000 users active today. Countless numbers of people register, lurk for a while and never return.
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Myke 69% of VFDC members have never made a post. I have no idea why but I worked out a while ago, must have been bored.

    I don't even know why i'm telling you this, argghh damn boredom [​IMG]
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Not posting doesn't necessarily mean they aren't active either. People lurk in forums all the time.
  17. jefs4real

    jefs4real New Member

    Well said Myke. I've been lurking on this site since VF4evo and only got around to getting an ID 2 years ago.
  18. pltan

    pltan Well-Known Member

    Sega just succumbed to fan pressure and patched Bayonetta , eliminating the long loading times the game shipped with.

    So don't give up hope yet [​IMG]
  19. kunio98

    kunio98 New Member

    Here's hoping Sega will listen to VF fans for VF5:R and more importantly the Shenmue fans!
  20. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Shenmue game? Not gonna happen. You see how it took a decade for Sonic, and we still don't know if it will even be good.

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