Best use of reversals?

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by TranceQuina, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member


    There are two ways to input a ground throw -- either with [2][P]+[G] or with [3][P]+[G]. The opponent laying on the ground has to input the same command with proper timing in order to escape it.

    Also want to add that a ground throw attempt after an elbow reversal is not guaranteed since Aoi has to dash to the opponent first to get in position to pull it off and the opponent has enough time to get up by then. Same deal with attempting a ground throw after a reversal of a double-limb hand attack.

  2. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Actually, this is false. Yutori-throw-escape works the same on ground throws and low throws as standing throws. Just hold the command, and it will register the escape.
  3. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    I second this statement. My sparring partners just hold a command and pray..
  4. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    My opinion on that is that it's only good to counter if you see tendencies such as after you block something they 2P. Then you would use 2P+K. I wouldn't do it again until you realize their doing it again. etc.
  5. Madone

    Madone Well-Known Member

    The Japanese players rarely use reversal, though YY stance seem to be more common.

    Anyway, I use reversals in situations where
    a) I can with a high degree of certainty predict my opponent
    b) I have no answer that generates more damage/better position.

    In VF5 vanilla I played a Lion player that would pressure with okizeme from hell. Among other attacks he used Lions mid full circular. It is P counterable but he did it so that it recovered outside of my P range. Thus making it safe and giving me nothing to follow up with. He had to do it from a certain range so I could predict it well and I occasionally used reverals, not for damage but to stop his momentum.
  6. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    I am training myself to identify and react to rising attacks. And I do mean react, not guess. Plz wish me luck..
  7. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    Good luck with that because you'd have to be a fucking genius to REACT to anything in this game unless you have a slow motion recording of something.
  8. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    Well, it's not as difficult as I originally thought. It's either mid or low and lows is noticably slower. I figure if Tekken players can see which hand is further out to break throws, I can learn this. Can you imagine fighting an Aoi that you are afraid to rising attack against?
  9. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    I find that using too many reversals (i.e. thinking too hard about doing them) is KILLING me.

    That said, reversal on kickflip spam feels to satisfying NOT to use!
    Also, if they abuse unsafe blockstrings, I've taken to either reversaling the last hit, or duck-under, [​IMG][3][P]xx[P][+][G]
  10. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    Rising attacks are one of the most easy thing to see coming and counter since all rising attacks are mids. Plus Tekken players don't always break grabs and it's also only the click of one button (or two). ALSO, if you counter wrong it could take about half your life away. It's just better and safer to stick with frames, predictions, set ups, mix ups, and all that other good stuff Aoi has. If anything, I'd use reversals to punish any bad habits the opponent has such as 2P (a better choice would be her sabaki 64P).
  11. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    Manello Biggz
    I think Lord Hollow meant wake up kicks instead of rising attacks. And the generic ones are indeed incredibly easy to react to so long as you train it up a bit.

    As a side note, the best Tekken players DO break throws VERY often. That's why I like the throw mechanics in games like this one and Soul Calibur. They are actually a threat vs good players.
  12. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    Yes, My mistake. I meant wake up kicks: The mids and lows.
  13. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    I didn't say they didn't break grabs, I said they don't always break grabs. And yes you can react to wake up kicks, I do it all the time. They look very slow on animation.

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