Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Grussel, you have to take negative talk like that and ignore it. It's one thing when you get constructive criticism, that's ok to pay attention to since it will help your game in the long run but the stuff that Tim says when he loses to "lesser" opponents is usually just excuses.
    It ranges from "VF5 sucks, this would never happen in VF4Evo" to "VF wasn't meant to be played online" and so on and so forth.
    What's funny about those two excuses I used as examples is that he plays VF5 online [​IMG]

    You can't let people like that get to you. Tim tries to rely on things outside of the game to get wins. Things like saying and/or screaming things over the mic or sending you messages telling you that you only beat him because of lag, etc.
    All of these things are meant to fuck with you mentally. It's up to you to not allow things like that to shake your confidence.

    I'm not an expert at this game but I can tell you things that allowed me to get more wins on you. Also I can tell you things that you can do against me to get more wins. Why?
    I know that most fighting game fans don't like to share secrets or tell you how to beat them either because of ego or just because that's why most players play these games: to win.
    They don't want to give that up.
    To me, I can only get better when my competition gets better. If I beat you more often that you beat me then I will give you advice on how to beat me instead of having to wait for the few elite players to beat me.
    I would prefer if everybody played like Denkai or GT but that's not the case. So the next best thing is give advice to that guy who you always beat on how to stop getting beat so much.
    This will ultimately help you.

    Stl Seiju loves to give advice but doesn't really like to get it. Next time you beat him, give him some advice on beating you. You don't want him to beat you? Victories will come and go but focus on improving your game and help out opponents who can't figure out the holes in your game. Tell them the holes in your game. It will make you stronger in the long run.

    Sidestep negativity, embrace positivity. Your game is improving and proud players who hate to lose will give you every excuse in the book as to why you won and they lost. Take it all in stride. At the end of it all, you advance while they stay stuck in the same mindset that has held them back.
  2. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    he's obviously never lost a match in a fair fight. but really, he complains and whines way too much. its pathetic.
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Do what i do... Stomp him while he's down.

    I jsut went through this with him and told me a bunch of shit i just ignored and continued to whip his ass.
  4. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice tony, I was surprised when i beat Seiju like 6 of 8 times or something, because before when I played him I got spanked. I've taken your advice and started mixing in down evades as well as up evades. I've been increasing my ETE (no G yet) and trying to work on using PK at the right disadvantage. But Seiju is definitely a poor sport, and I must say it felt really good to spank him because he has been a pretty big dick for the most part up until this point, except when he beats me

    The funniest message i got within the last couple weeks had to be from TrueSOB with "learn more than 2 moves", to which I replied "all the moves probably do look the same to a n00b LOL", the LOL was added just for the simple reason to annoy him
  5. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i wonder if anyone watch their opponents foot position/stomach/back before choosing to can be very useful in evading many half circular attacks.Analyze the percentage of moves ur opponent use per direction more towards backside or more from frontside. then evading according to ur analysis. but against folks that mix it well i just focus on guarding.
  6. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    can i ask you a question? is this mean...people here dont check foot position in general? back when i was in japan this summer, even 1st dan players were checking foot position. they came to ask me which way they should evade against shun.
  7. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    I always check footstance before evading or using a half-circulars but it's more important vs. some characters than others. I'm certain alot of other stronger players do as well.

    Pai only has half-circulars in one direction. : )

    P.S. Stl Seiju is crazy. Just throw some sarcasm his way and keep it moving.
  8. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    You play sometimes and are paying attention and then when shit dosen't go your way you go on autopilot and spam shit like there is no tomorrow. Don't even lie, because you know I am telling the truth. I don't care that you abare, but at least calculate when your abaring and not some garbage.<<Oh yes, jacky is good for that.

    As far as playing you for extended times, I stay around in hopes that you wake the fuck up!

    At the moment I am trying alot of different characters and it was aoi vs jacky the last we played, but if you want main vs main then let's jam. I usually like to count and watch how many times my opponent will squirm out of - situations until they settle down and finally guard or do something defensive related regardless of win or lose. You keep on squirmming unless some big character pounds you for halflife then you stop.

    Also, do you and sds lack the manhood to settle your disputes on xbl or is it you need the sympathy of the vfdcers to back you up, so you guys feel safe and sound. Let's ask uncle tony since he always likes to give his two cents with his lengthy ass journals on how to be and what is right from wrong.

    Uncle tony please help us, because our pussies are hurt!

    1..2..3 Can you hear the typing it's coming..

    Johnny Torch says, ----- --!

    Everybody else please keep your opinions to yourselves and stay the fuck out of this conversation.<<This means you tony for the love of christ. Let them reply and say what they have too.
  9. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Stop complaining about it people if you lose you lose you win you win live with it. If I cared about my loses to Seiju or anyone else I wouldn't be playing as long as I have. You should try to learn from your mistake some instead of talking. I happen to enjoy my matches with Seiju personally regardless of if I win or lose and I play him alot and I don't see any issue with how he does things. I am not very good at VF but I am trying to break my bad habits but it's hard but I will never complain about it seriously. Why do people here have to complain so much about nothing.
  10. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    Sorry maybe you misunderstood, I beat Seiju and he was the one complaining about my style.
  11. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    I don't settle my disputes on XBL with you because it just turns into a pissing contest and the only time you seem happy is when you beat me.

    How about this: if you think I play poorly, then exploit my faults, instead of telling me I suck while simutaneously getting your ass kicked by me.

    I have to go . . . more on this later . . .
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Honestly I don't.. Sometimes i just go with the flow and opponents habits.In the heat of battle i cannot guage this and i won't sit up here and lie.
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You know what I think the coolest thing is, and this might seem like a fucker thing to say. If you don't like the way someone plays....stop playing them.

    One day I decided to get into SDSO's pet peeve basket with some well placed DMPK's. I'm sure if he felt like dealing with them he would have but he didn't. He stopped playing and didn't say shit to me.

    Hats fucking off to him. I know he's good enough to get in that shit if he wants too, but he didn't want to.

    I think people that like to type back n forth on XBL must have a keypad. I don't so if I never say shit too you then that's the number 1 reason why. I hate typing on that thing.

    Oh and for the record STL told me he does shit to try and throw you off your game outside of playing it. He learned it from a buddy of his apparently. It's actually a pretty common arcade tactic, but I can see it in the arcade cuz shit it costs money. On Xbox Live it just shows a lack of confidence in your game. That's one reason why I stopped joining his XBOXlive parties since it was such a whiney bitchfest.
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I check foot position all the time. More for landing stance specific combos than anything else.

    However I evade up like 90% of the time. It's a wonder people haven't noticed that and smacked me for it.

    Sometimes I wish I lived over in America or Canada in order to get to play you lot on a good connection but then I see you spitting all this hate and it makes me glad I live in the UK again.
  15. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Pfffft. Fuck you, then. That was a small attempt at hate. [/size]
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member


    And i thought you did it just because it worked.Nah seriously its rather annoying with shun cause its a easy way to start a combo. since i know you was trying to piss me off i couldnt let you have fun at my account.. but seriously you did because that shit was working dude lol!!
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    This. I play to have fun. If my opponent is playing in an idiotic way why bother? Reason i stopped playing schakal. Constant lag abuse, never ever learned when punished for it. Stuff like that makes you worse at the game(i.e. proper offline play), so why bother?

    It's not about winning or losing either. Some things are just too ridiculous to put up with even when you're streaking the other guy.
  18. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Bwahahaha! Gotta admit man, that was funny. Fine, I can let you two settle this but it sucks how you fuck with these newer players to the point that when I play them they're not doing "this" or "that" because "Tim hates it when I do "this" or "that""
    For fuck's sake, Tim, you know better than to get beaten by more than half of "this" or "that" shit.
    Fucking BEAT IT or fucking beat it! (as in gtfo)
    Put up or shut up dude. Stop fucking whining and BEAT THAT SHIT. If it's "abare garbage" then fucking BEAT IT.

    When an opponent abares that means that YOU had the advantage.
    Why can't you keep your advantage? Seriously, why?
    It's YOUR advantage, where is the reading/yomi?
    I'm sure you've been given enough "two cents" to be rich by now but you keep throwing them away like you don't need the advice but you really do. I guess advice isn't enough for you but you need something to step your game up.
    Whatever man, it's been years and you still don't get it.
    Good luck, Grussel. I'm done. Peace.
  19. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    True words, reason why when I was playing my scubkira vs mana knight we realized just how bad our seemingly smooth connection actually was. I did a blocked 46p+k and beat him with pk before he could do anything several times. He left, said no can do. I went into dojo just too see if I had advantage if that shit was blocked (I know squat about Akira) obviously....I don't.

    Sometimes especially overseas unless your a frame encyclopedia you can do some shit that makes no sense whatsoever.
  20. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Seidon!
    I have 0 bar no lag to Scotland~

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