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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Not until he builds a house.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  3. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Your the only one that brought up anything about me being one of the best Gohs. I just agreed.

    Sorry you were right and I agree and since you said "best" 6 or 7 times in your last post I thought the quote would be funny.

    But how is that self-pwning? I understand that your jealous and frustrated cause your not married or have a good job and spend all day playing a game that you got decent at and this Shiny knight come and steals all your thunder in one Goh(here your easy setup "You think your smart cause you use a pun" comeback for you).

    And your right about me not giving much Goh advice, but the last person I gave advice too was you and you just told me to "play the game". Social at least said thank you and that he can't wait to use the tips. Social I can't wait to get my 360 fixed so I can see how badass you become with Goh. Maybe you learned some stuff I haven't seen yet. GGS

    Maybe you should take your own advise and just "play the game". I didn't get to were I'm at by hatin on assassin or GT instead I QFT(QUIT FUCKING TALKING thanks Plague) and took you advice and "PLAYED THE GAME".

    Can't wait for Final Showdown to come out.
  4. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Bwahahaha! Omg, triple self pwning! [​IMG]
    Oh Shiny, you're VFDC's special little gift that just keeps on giving.
  5. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    You never answered the question. Your just avoiding it. If I;m so special way don't you explain it?

    O well I will just let the hater hate without any reason.
  6. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Yo, JHow, It is nothing personal at all. I just play for fun and I find Shun frustrating and unknowable, especially vs a player who keeps far away and then uses these strings and stances that I totally don't understand, and throws in those weird shimmy away moves and the dreaded DMPK also. If I were a more serious player I would take it upon myself to learn how to deal with all those things, but I am not. I don't think that there are too many players I avoid these days and you may be the only good player that I stay away from at this point.

    Soooo... Again, it's nothing personal. Sorry if it annoys you. I just don't want to deal with the frustration or diligently study to improve my game vs. Shun. I diligently study other shit these days, and this taxes my patience and brainpower.

    If it makes you feel better, there are several guys who won't play me, though I won't bother calling them out by name here, because what's the point?
  7. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    happy friend, i don't think you'd have to diligently study him. I think just playing vs shun semi-regularly would be enough to become much more comfortable with him. But its your time, and you paid your money to play the game, so you are entitled to do as you will with it.

    lets get some games n again sometime...its been foreeeveeeerr.
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha, "way" don't I? Lol, you're like an endless mine of comedy gold [​IMG]
    Dude, if you can't see why you're "special" then maybe it's BECAUSE you don't read your own posts.
    It's right there man, it's in your posts [​IMG]

    I bet I can get you in a room with a team of scientists to break it down for you and you still wouldn't get it. You're that "special".
    Sigh, but I will try anyway [​IMG]

    Look, your pride and your ego are hurt, you're never going to stop responding because you're just one of those special kind of Texans, sorta like Bush, you give other Texans a bad name. Even when you don't have anything clever to say you will always try to get the last word because that, to people like you, that's how you win an argument. It's either that or whoever gets loudest and if all that don't work then it's "let's take it outside" and then once you get your ass kicked then it's "Ima gonna get my gun!" [​IMG]
    It's like you can't just accept that maybe, just maybe, you're not as smart or "good" as you think you are.

    To top it off you don't even have anything witty or clever to say because, guess what, you're not clever or witty.

    Here, in words that even you can understand: you are an idiot.

    It may shock you to finally have someone tell you this because most people treat arguing with you like running a race in the special Olympics: Even if you win, you're still mentally challenged.

    Me? I'm bored enough and crazy enough to argue with an idiot.
    Let's face it, you're not the "shiniest" tool in the shed but most people ignore you because there is no incentive to arguing with you.
    You won't ever get it.
    You will stay in your delusional world where you're married to a prom queen and have a better job than most of us, unmarried losers [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    ^See? That right there? That's the kind of mindset that makes you a total idiot.
    You don't know what I have or don't but you assume that your life is better than mine [​IMG]
    Kidding yourself that you're in fact a winner while the rest of us are losers.
    See, if I was an idiot, like yourself, this would be the part of my post where I brag about what I have and what I do.

    I don't assume that my life is better than yours but judging from your posts and your replies... yes, you come across as a total idiot.
    I'm not the smartest person here (hell, I'm arguing with an idiot >_<) but you come across as one of the dumbest and most delusional characters here.
    Just the fact that you think that you're good at VF is seriously LOL funny.

    Hope that clears things up for you.
    I will be expecting a nonsensical, boastful, arrogant and delusional reply.
    Here's a little bit of help:

    I pwn at VF and I'm really good and I beat you and a bunch of others (lulz, ask anybody that's played you if they believe that you can even hang with your shitty "skills"). I'm married to a really hot prom queen and you're not. I'm awesome and my car is worth half a million and my job as a recruiter in the Army makes sooo much more money than everybody and blah, blah, blah, and yadda yadda yadda...
  9. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Bad games to myself. If I play ANY Eileen player or Shun player, it drives me nuts. I`m certain it`s not just me who feels this way. So if I leave it`s because I`d rather not stay around getting myself wound up.

    So some shout outs to xyz, whiteworm, mitsuruga, repeat offenda etc. Those players make me play like an idiot which I think in turn makes you sense I`m pissed which I am lol. But no disrespect you guys are all very good! But those characters have a way of fucking with my mind, so I would rather just flee from the game instead.
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I don't play Happy Friend, I know there's no sport in beating him because once I do he generally quits. Hell even if I get close to winning. Partially its because I play Shun, ironically I find Lau frustrating to play against yet I'll still fight him if I know the player will stick around for a few games. I'm not competitive either but I make my best attempt to not be defeatist.

    From what I'm told however Happy Friend likes to play people he can beat. Nothing wrong with that, just don't expect too many epic battles.

    (I know there's a retort somewhere that I hardly ever play Happy. If you read above there's a reason for that.)
  11. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    So I'm still the one of the best Goh online is what your saying. Right.
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    and on the shoutbox
    Duh derp??? Duh derpy derpy derp!
  13. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I accept you apology.
  14. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Dude, I know you think that you're being clever right "durr"^... but seriously, you just keep showing how much of an idiot you are with replies like that.

    Were those words too big for you? Here, I'll translate it so that you can undertand:

    Joob joob booojy, derpy doopety doob. Gooobledy gook, boop boopidety boop.
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Stapler ftw.
  16. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    I've been "lucky" enough to receive some of shinys "advice". Over the mic in his squeaky hilarious voice
  17. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    As I said, I think the only good player I avoid these days is JHow and I even played him a few matches the other night. So that is just not true. The last time we played, i joined vs. your shun and won three rounds and you quit. Given that fact, I don't see why you would want to chime in with your bitchy little two cents.

    We have played a fair number of games and I do not recall fleeing after a beatdown. I actually remember being even or having a slight edge with my Wolf vs. your Shun, but I could be wrong about that.

    I will play you whenever, or not and that's fine too. I just don't know why you want to chime with some inaccurate gossipy shit like "word among me and my jerk-off xbox live friends is that Happy Friend only likes to pwn noobs."

    MmmmmHmmmm Girlfriend!!!!! Get your tattle on!!!!
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Actually that's what I've read on this forum, from respected players who used to regularly beat your ass when they played. Maybe it's history and you've changed your ways. Feel free to get your panties in a bunch if thats the case. It was the common perception whether you knew it or not.

    Keep in mind that playing people you can beat, does not mean "noobs" it means well, "Playing people you can beat."
  19. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I don't know what you have deemed to be the common perception or why you want to make allusions to a vague and nebulous notion of what the common perception was or is. In the past I avoided JHow's Shun craziness and GT's painstakingly constructed math equation style that I found frustrating. These days I don't think I would even mind playing GT for what it's worth...

    That is two players. Yet you are going to obsess over this shit and stew on it and bring it up years later.

    The truth is and always has been that there are more players who I tend to beat handily who avoid me than vice versa, and by a large factor. Yet I end up getting "called out" by the likes of your simple ass. This is exactly the kind of sad nerd shit that made me swear off this site. And that is obviously the smarter thing to do.

    I need to stay away from VFDC except for when I suddenly get that urge to suffer some socially retarded dumbass malcontents like WorstTattler.
  20. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Happy, out of curiosity, do you let somebody use your profile and gamertag when you're not playing? I mean for any game.

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