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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    These guys are pretty bitching. Rock and Roll man!
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I told you so........ [​IMG]

    I've had good games with both white worm and assassin, (and konjou) so I don't take sides with anyone, all I have to say is see you guys online! [​IMG]
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Change your gamertag to I TheBestPlayer I, that way you get called arrogant.

    It's a lose/lose situation man. Some people read to much into names.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great idea. I'll try to get some footage!
  5. AssassinCP

    AssassinCP Active Member

    Hey Rod i consider you one of the top players on vfdc...i don't understand why you are all up in arms against me out of nowhere ?...we played ONE good session a few weeks ago in which i used wolf against ur brad and that was our first time fighting in months...i guess you are referring to that.

    And I rarely use dm. As for 2p im sure you know that i fuzzy guard and always look for opportunites. If i did use 2p it was probably to stop those huge flows that brad has, especially for wolf since he is a heavyweight with slower attacks. But i always play good games with everyone here and i am disappointed that someone with skill as high as yours is condemning my play. You know i try to play my best on the pad and haven't found too many people who are willing to teach me stuff, other than kaminari oyaji who does complain a bit but still plays a very technical, excellent game.

    Anyway, hope to see more of you online i dont see you playing as often.
  6. AssassinCP

    AssassinCP Active Member

    worstplayer im up for some games...im prob just not on at the same time as you cause i never see you online when im on...im in DPT school much of the week and come on late or at other weird times.
  7. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Over a year ago, I called him a masher. He got really upset with me, and we shared a series of xbl messages.


    100% OS

    uhhhh what.
  8. AssassinCP

    AssassinCP Active Member

    slide...wolf has only one mid thats either 14 or 15 frames its , its hard to pull it off on the pad at the exact moment brad is in his ducking...so instead of using an attack that 16-17 frames with wolf (like body blow) while brad is shifting u need to cut him off once in a while with 2p, but even that often fails. Does that clear it up?
  9. AssassinCP

    AssassinCP Active Member

    the move is the screw hook
  10. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    2P is good against Brad..
    If you start noticing people 2Ping against you

    Use [6_] [K] and his low P reversal from ducking.

    Make them hurt. In R didn't they give him a jumping low attack in R? (From ducking)
  11. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    That's not an excuse.
  12. AssassinCP

    AssassinCP Active Member

    not sure about R jide but yea tony is good with that low sabaki
  13. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    IMO AssassinCP seems like whiff-inducing and 2p are his bread and butter. He frustrated me immensely last time we played when I was way into my cups and prolly shouldn't have been playing. Other times were better. On all occassions, I noticed that every single round ended waaaay on his side of the ring, if that gives any indication of how the matches go. It is not an illegal VF style tho....

    Yes CF's Whiteworm's Wolf game is all about 2p. Not a bad strat for the very reason that AssassinCP gave imo. You need to use a character that you are comfortable using to stop 2p enthusiasts. Otherwise you are going against a guy who loves 2p using the char with the best 2p follow-up options.
  14. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    In R, both Brad and Jeff got a Wolf-esque anti-low attack jumping strike. Brad's is an elbow like Wolf's and Jeff's is a punch that can be followed with an upper.
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    it's nothing personal bro... honestly I'm just stirring up trouble and friendly rivalry.
  16. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    Not that anyone remembers us old school players anymore but...Lol Whiteworm is our roommate now (Tx Lion and I)
  17. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    AssassinCp abuses 2p??! Really?! I play his Goh with my Vanessa /Sarah and I LOOOOOOVE when people abuses 2p but I can never seem to get him to use it enough. I honestly think everything he does is intentional and not out of panic. Again I've only played his Goh but his is the second most fun Goh I‘ve played aside from Lucky’s.

    whiteworm... haven't played him in a very long time. but it sounds like his game play hasn't changed at all. What ever. People play different, as long as I win. lol jk.
  18. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Yep. Either way, that's on your execution, but I still agree with that though. Can't use a 14f mid on a whim or reactions.

    But Jeffry is heavy weight too, I think weighing the most, and doesn't have any multiple directional presses for his 14f mids. As a matter of fact, both Wolf and Jeffry are fast as shit anyway. I think the weight class thing has alot to do with combos and foot stances, hitboxes, and P.
  19. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Come on Tee that's a horrible example. No smart player will abuse [2] [P] against Vanessa, Sarah, Lion or Wolf. When I played your Vanessa recently did I abuse [2] [P] ? I only tried to use it during advantage. How many times did your sabaki catch my [2] [P] ? Almost never!

    Minus our [2] [P] war because I got tired of getting stuffed by your [2] [P] after my [P] [K] hit, I tried only to use it at advantage. And I wasn't really annoyed by you, but more so by the fact that I'm buffering SDE to hit that [2] [P] for a MC cause I know it's coming, but yet I keep getting stuffed. I was talking to Jhow about this last night. I swear being at +4 or +6 with Akira sometimes means zero frame advantage online and it's just frustrating. So that started the [2] [P] battle on my end.

    As for White Worm, if he is being trained by Texas Lion and Juno then I'm sure they will work out any kinks that he has.

    You know sometimes your guys take posts way to serious. These threads can be used as a place to vent you know so I was just venting. Hello... BAD GAMES THREAD! As a very competitive player of course I don't like losing especially when there is a handicap... i.e. I was using Vanessa and not my main or Kage my secondary.

    Not every dick post is a directly attack on someone or their game... really sometimes it's just venting guys! I'll apologize if I offended any one, but at the same time I really don't care. If people want to believe I'm being a dick then let them they have every right... I guess!
  20. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I love it :thumbsup: we can konjou still has the fire to play [​IMG]
    Vent away my man.

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