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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. DrWoo

    DrWoo Well-Known Member

    I played this guy too, on wednesday he beat me fairly several times with his Sarah and we exchanged ggs.

    Thursday, I played against his Vane, he DMPKed me 7-8 times in 4 rounds. I send him a message saying I was kinda surprised he spammed that much and that he was better than me and didn't need to do this to beat me. He first replied angrily, that he was doing so coz it was working against me, only winning matters and i just had to learn how to deal with that move (which, in fact, is true).

    Then, he sent me 7 other messages (!!), to explain me how to counter Vane's DMPK and takedown follow ups...etc...
    It seems he was kinda nervous first but then he took time to give me advice in order to help me to improve my game and I respect that.

    I don't think he's such a bad guy. Everyone can have a bad mood day.
  2. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    Yeah, nice representing SK. Nice how you respect your opponents. YOU mailed ME about how I suck, which I didn't do to YOU - that demanded a response. If you can't accept the rules of this game, or if you can't deal with simple tactics like 2p, then go back to DOA which is your number two game according to your live description.

    Btw. isn't it interesting how your all "gg" and haughty "lol" when you're winning, but when you're losing it's suddenly "not fair". etc? Jesus.

    Oh and btw you're such a fucking dweeb of a weasel to go whining about how someone doesn't play the way you want them to play behind their backs because you can't beat their tactics. Your flow charts are so repetitive it took me that one session to learn them. After that, and as you learned, you couldn't get a single score. I was tempted to comment on your earlier haughty comments when we played before, but I didn't. I NEVER do - no matter how annoying someone's playstyle, I NEVER comment on it in LIVE - I keep it to myself and recognize there's something wrong with my game if I can't deal with some cheap ass tactics (like yours). U get a gg from me even then. YOU attacked ME, for no apparent reason other than you couldn't deal with losing to me. And don't go on blaming 2p for your losses - you used it as much as I did, and if you really can't deal with 2p then there's something wrong with how you play. Seriously, if the only thing you can get a feeling of acceptance from is a video game, you need to take good, long hard look at your life. Even that would be okay if you were a good sport, and instead of whining tried to learn from your mistakes and improve your game. But you aren't. You're just an egocentric asshole who has to shoot other's down for your own mistakes. The message I expected was a "GG" like with any self-respecting, honorable opponent. Instead I got a self-centered, haughty rant about why you can't beat me. Did you really expect me to send you a bunch of flowers for belittling me? If you fuck with me, I fuck with you - that's the way this world works my friend.

    And yes, Schakal comes very much to mind w. this dweeb, thanks for pointing that out matt. Except even he has manners.
  3. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    To you Zakkapa:

    My initial response to you was due to your "bad day" comment. After I realized you weren't really being an idiot, but genuinely thought I was DMPK:ing out of being a jerk, that changed. I've explained the reasons for that to you at length on live, but again, my point was to force you have a response to those "cheap" tactics so you'd make me do something else [​IMG] Cause you WILL meet these guys, and lots of them, who'll rely on stuff like this. You definitely need a defense against that kind of stuff, so that's all I was going for [​IMG]
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  5. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    You guys must be playing a different game if you think Soul Katana has anything even remotely in common with Schakal81.

    I've got no problem SK's playstyle, he's been on my friends list a long time.
  6. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    I second that, Good to see you back Nik [​IMG]
  7. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    Oh and Zakkapa - I never said "Only winning matters," quite the contrary. What I said was "Winning doesn't matter. All that matters is getting better." (if you still have my messages you can double-check that). Perhaps there's a slight language barrier there, but there you go. And I'm not the best tutor you might have w. how to deal with Vane, but I hope the basics I sent you help [​IMG]
  8. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    rofl now i understand why u so pissed... LOL
    but whatever, YOU insulted me over live after i messaged you normaly 'cause your same 2 cheap combos all the time and your gay nonstop 2x in a row 2p's, THEN you reply'd with "manners" "go fuck yourself" / "asshole"...
    YOU was starting the insult shit, NOT me, i only fired back...
    THAT's the reason why i posted in this funny thread!
    btw: i came from a 4hrs. gears2 session and you was my first opponent! unfortunately u ran away before i gettin' warm...
    anyway u lied about "you couldn't get a single score" because there was not a single 3:0 my "friend"...
    yeah DOA my number two game LOL!!
    you even don't understand my bio, airhead...

    @ boris: THX! we had some awesome games in all these years. [​IMG]
  9. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I keep it to myself and recognize there's something wrong with my game if I can't deal with some cheap ass tactics </div></div>
    Thats a exemplary attitude you have there. [​IMG]

    But I have to say that I know both of them, SK and Hamesankari, as really nice people and I enjoy playing them, thats why it suprises me that they dislike each other so much...
  10. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    Katana, you can't even block 66k+g,k in oki. I landed that every time. And "score," my basic English-challenged friend, means "win". Win match = score. Win round = nada. You understand?

    As to your earlier comments on beating me a number of times w. your crappy Sarah (yes, she IS crappy, I'll grant you that): you won me two times out of twenty games. Yes...that's staggering. And YOU escaped ME with your lame Kage that first session. -I- was just warming up, and now you saw the result when I WAS warm. I only left yesterday because you started your childish "protests" by 2p:ing like a madman even after you won a round to "make a point." However, to make mine, I beat you twice (the last two games, making a straight flush out of those eight games) even after you started doing that. But, the thing is, my dear Deutsche teen, I can't play opponents who don't respect theirs - it pisses me off too much and I can't concentrate. I'm emotional that way. When I play against truly good and honorable players I don't mind losing; instead I record games and study them later to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    I simply HAVE to comment on your earlier comment about you "giving me advice." Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the direct quote from xbox live (and the only one he sent me, immediately after the game, without me sending him anything before), lo and behold:

    "lol u just 2p and use same moves all the time"

    Now, I have to hand it to you, Sifu, that's the best advice I've ever had in VF. To you, sir, I have three letters: LOL. I take my advice from WCG qualifiers and guys who actually know a thing or two about this game. I don't claim to know much about VF, but you sure as hell haven't even stopped playing DOA. I wouldn't take advice from you if it was handed out on a platinum platter studded with diamonds. On second thought I could: I'd be interested in discovering how to become an überjerk like you, cause that's something you most def have bagged, by crikey.

    Finally as to your comment on my "repetitive" playing. I landed just frames on you; at least 7 different combos (and yes, try to learn to deal w. evade-smash cannon - even scrubs know how to adress that one), and used practically every move in Sarah's repertoire to fuck your lame-ass Kage up. And did. (btw. Kage doesn't want to have anything to do with you, you simply don't have the class to play with him). You're flat out lying. "Same moves". That's what YOU did. You asked for this, you haughty bastard, now you've got it. This is the truth and not your self-deceiving fantasy that you're a top player. Face it, you're mediocre like me. You're not better. Actually, you're worse.
  11. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your nice comment Settra [​IMG] I only wish we had a better connection online. I enjoy our games a lot too, and you're a good example of a player I respect and who I feel respects his opponent. Perhaps your common language with this....character makes things simpler. But as you see from the kind of bullshit he threw at me after the game (in my reply above), this was his doing, not mine. Especially as it was ungrounded, and a recording of those matches would pretty much prove the point in my favor. I'm surprised he hasn't talked shit to you since you're considerably more skilled than he is, imo. He doesn't take losing too well.
  12. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    man u talk 2 much BULLSHIT my retarded "friend" from finland...

    first: we never played 20 matches u big LIAR!
    second: u r the bastard here!
    thirdly: i SHIT ON YOU and your cheap standard sarah!
    fourthly: go to hell and get r3ped by some other retarded bastards like u!
    fifthly: go fuck yourself and don't play me again asshole!
    sixthly: u stupid 'n cocky cocksmoker r not worthy my time, now talk 2 my ass...

    sry VFDC for this lowlevel bitch talk, but it's the only language what this airhead hamesankari understand... or maybe not.. whatever im out and waitin' for GGS with cool peeps instead of 2 combo only FAGS...

    ONE! LOL...
  13. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Can everyone feel the love?
  14. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Is it just me or does this thread feel like to kids at the playground going "what you going to do about""You swing first.""Lest go." With your arms all up and going no where. Put you fights on the web prove that the other player sucks.
  15. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    well her's some farewell present for mr. hamesankari "go f*ck yourself" manners...
    can't believe i saved it, but he ran away and i got nuthin better 2 do... now i'm glad 2 have it... LOL

    <object width="480" height="295"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/oJ1ox5IFpIQ"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/oJ1ox5IFpIQ" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"> </embed></object>

    NUFF SAID...
  16. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Dude, that is a very powerful technique. As a reward for being at small dis, you get to be in a VF5 nitaku situation. There are very few moves that will beat both of those, and they are safe if blocked (online). Get with times, bro.

    (I recently played ranked on my friend's account cuz he wanted to level up, and I couldn't believe what I saw. I was like Jons Up had opened a dojo and his disciples had taken over Ranked Mode.)
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    lmao. i recently played ranked and was shocked at the amount of DM pk going around too.
  18. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

  19. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Erm, I think you're in the wrong thread.
  20. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    lol i will show them disciples the light with the most underrated technique to rule them all "Guarding"

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