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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    u guys wanna hear a joke?
    shure u do!

    yesterday Darthminion joined my game with his wolf.
    he "defeated" me several times by ring out only and with nonstop 2p and throws incl. post KO "stomps" etc.
    i was half asleep 'cause 4am and i'm was like "man wtf another ringout??!! C'MON!!".
    the funny thing is, after i won some games and escaped his ringout style, he run away and send me cocky messages:



    shure i will never beat him... ROFL
    i play almost every week with him and have NEVER lose 2 him!
    yesterday was the first time b'cause ur new nonstop 2p throw ringout tactics.
    btw why u want me force 2 say "GGS"?!
    our last games were BULLSHIT and u know that PLUS u never sayed ggs 2 me since i "know" you...
    anyway POINT of the story is:
    now i understand why everyone here bitches about darth...
    you my "boy" r unsporting, cocky and u do the same moves ALL THE F***IN' TIME...
    thanx for the experience mr. "u will never beat me" u'r da man... [​IMG]


  2. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    2 be honest...
    dis story makes me sad...
  3. V_MIRZA

    V_MIRZA Member

    What about that V MIRZA fucker.

    Hes such a sore loser
  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    That is pretty funny. The reason he wants a good game is because I refuse to play him until he gets his name on the good game thread.

    Everyone should join me in my darth boycott.
  5. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I played him with my sucky Jacky the other day and he was using the same style. Low punches, ring outs and DMPK. I stuck around for a few matches in order to strengthen my capacity to remain calm in the face of bullshit.

    Wolf is very strong if someone does not mind just playing p or 2p nitaku games and throwing in DMPK. The throw damage is crazy. I think it is kind of an indictment of VF5 that Darth is hard to beat at all. Lau is the only character of mine that I always crush him with. At least they took away Wolf's DMPK in R, though who knows when we will ever get that game...
  6. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Darth plz hear me. Have you ever played anyone offline?
  7. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    All i said was GG's after playing him then he sends back a hating response , so all of a sudden that makes me the bad guy for that now? When you bunch of douches on here get together it really gets blown way out of context.

    Happy friend we had some good games so why persist on being a dick because of Soulnoob and perhaps stop to think its just him being a little douche and a bad looser!

    "Soulkatana" I play almost every week with him and have NEVER lose 2 him!

    lmao!! Definitely delusional here this douchebage noob has beat me like 2 times since I've played against him with 1 win coming from his 10-1 beat-down last night.

    Shinybrent to your query, not offline no. (do you think a mention on the GG's thread actually bothers me?) You prob have loads...but at the end of the day it doesn't mean Jack shit!! Just another excuse to avoid your beatings! Grow up honestly, you also soulnoob all you had to say was GG , but i know i had wounded you with that killer beat-down you received and i could tell you were annoyed from the way you played so instead you wanted reply to my sporting reply like you did. What a little douche! Go practice and learn from your losses!!
  8. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    lol i don't send a hate response because i already sent the mail after i received urs... and i dont hate u, i only hate ur dirty style! why u do shit like that?!why u can't play like the most players of VFDC clean, fair, with pride and more than 3 moves? why u quit ranked before a loss?
    u also have done it 2 me last year and i don't have posted it here...

    LIE!! we only played 5-6 unsportin' joke games, nothing serious imo but i was mad 'cause ur ring outs, taunt trys and stomps!

    nope, soulnoob only give's GGs 2 real virtua fighters who deserves it... no cocky ringouters, no stompers, no quitters...
    anyway do what u like but please never join my games again until you learned how to play without ur bitchass tactix...

    over 'n out...
  9. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    u edit ur posts 2 fast...

    ROFL u really beliefe dis shit huh?
    can't u read? it was fu**in' 4am and im played u with one open eye... but whatever even if i'm was not half asleep i bet u ringouted me 2 death... nice skills... LOL
    u'r a funny guy but i think... u'r here the "douche"... [​IMG]
  10. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    lol I would rather edit my post if i need to rather than have words like that in it! Or
    I hope they never let you out of Germany buddy!
  11. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    "ShinyBrent" what, no lame name joke this time? Running out of steam? The real reason you never played anyone offline is cause you don't have any friends. Everyone in the dc has found one way or another to meet one each other. Maybe you should lay off the xbox and meet some real people.

    Second Barth minion(a darthminion like attempt at making fun of his own name) maybe you should start caring because no one like you here and if you wanna make some friend and learn how to get better at this game then you might wanna change your act.

    Here some tips:
    When you join a party: say hello or whats up.

    Try to reframe from these words when addressing a person: douche of scrublet (sorry you only know 2 insults)

    Come up with some new quotes saying "Good Good" gets kind of old. Since your starwars maybe you should try.

    "Its a trap"

    "I thought they smell bad on the outside."

    "Your friends will find out that this space station is fully operational"

    What the hell is a aluminum falcon"

    "I'm Sorry. I thought my dark sith can protect a ventilation shaft 2 meters wide."

    BTW Have you ever seen the end of starwars or did you just pull the plug before the deathstar blew up.
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I fought Darthminion on one occasion Brad vs. Kage. It didn't really look like he knew how to use him. He was doing stuff like TFT into a heavy down attack. Nevertheless, lag was heavy (though he didn't think so) and I kept losing. In retrospect though, it was my own damn fault. When I can't do things I can ordinarily do such as ETEG and combos, I get desperate for damage. That's when I start getting abare because the opportunities that I can create are less than usual. Kingo has pointed this out to me in the past, and it's something that I need to work on. Konjou has also noticed this and said that I just needed to use smaller moves. Point is, complaining that you lost because your opponent used scrubby tactics just doesn't cut it. Online presents a bit of a grey area. Beating your opponent doesn't necessarily mean that you're better than they are. Lag is variable, and winning could be dependant upon altering your game. Of course, sometimes lag is just too limiting a factor. Plain and simply, Darthminion was better than I was because I didn't adjust. There are no bitchass tactics just because you're not able to overcome them.
  13. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Here's what frustrates me about DM(pk). 100% of his strats rely on lag. Why is it hard to react properly to someone who uses Wolf's DMPK all the time? Answer: Its not, offline. Online, however, it can be very difficult (and in certain situations, impossible) to respond correctly. I hardly ever use Wolf's DMPK just on that principal (though sometimes I get in the habit and thats my bad). I know its a self imposed rule, but its how I feel about it.

    But also your point about not adjusting is another point of annoyance for me. My issue is that DarthMinion doesn't adjust his tactics when they're not working. For example, if I'm using Vanessa I can use her DS 1P to death, as it beats Wolf's 2P and DMPK. So I can spam that all day and win, but thats not fun for me at all. I can also just spam her DS 2K+G to beat most of his stuff, but again, not fun.

    So my personal issue is he's simply not fun to play against. I also think he doesn't play within the "spirit" of VF. If I just wanted to spam the same dumb safe moves over and over again, I'd go play SF4. I'm not sure how many people here agree with that motto, but I know I'm not the only one who plays VF for its depth rather than finding a couple easily abuseable moves and spamming them till I win.
  14. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    There's a simple solution to this:

    Don't fight against Darthminion.
  15. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    playin against non vf system type players r very annoying. I dont know it hard to read them,very random and in my head im expecting too much.
  16. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Here's a better solution:

    Don't fight against or acknowledge anything that Darthminion does or says. It gets easy after a while.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    bahaha, nice one Darthy [​IMG]
  18. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    Sorry i referred to Shinybrentford as Shinybrent , was that the only thing you could weed out in my post to nitpick at?

    Secondly i told you when i joined the party that i didn't have a mic by PM. Interesting how you try and find and manipulate things to suit yourself.

    White_worm you should remember if we did have lag in past games that the lag doesn't just effect you it affects me at the same time also!
    "All the time" isn't very accurate there as i only use Wolf half of the time these days. I use Lau, Cage, El Blaze mainly , a tad of shun and have started with Lei Fei and when i do use Wolf you will find my Wolf has came along way since 3 years ago when i first started to use him.

    Libertine: I'm not very good with cage but i like to use him now and then.
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Joke failed [​IMG]
  20. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    I wanna use this new charactor too.

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