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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Lol nice, best post in this thread thus far! [​IMG]
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Damn, Tony it was a trap! Quick get out of there!
  3. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Wow. I just had an experience with a player who deserves to have this thread named after him. He embodies everything thats wrong with the internet, and internet enabled games.


    Lion player. Crap Lion player at that. His "go to" move is 2KK, which got his ass a free low throw or two at the hand of Wolf. Anyway, he wins ONE game in ranked against me. The fact is, he has a terribly laggy connection (the worst I've played today). I made a mistake or two, but ultimately lost to his PPP mashing (ya know how crouching seems to take forever when theres lag? yea...).

    Anyway, after winning his ONE game, he sends me a msg saying something like "haha! your no master and I suck on 1p side". I sigh and send him a message back, citing the lag for (at least) most of my loss. He sends me a msg back accusing me of just making excuses. I ask him to send me an invite and we can settle it. He again says I'll blame lag. Now he's the one making excuses.

    I ask again if he'll play me once more (or ten times). This time I even make the room and send HIM an invite. He comes back with more smack-talk about how he's so much better than me. He continues to avoid my invites, dodge my questions, and be a sore winner. Then he tells me to take a "valuum" (which I assume he meant Valium) and blocks communications with me. So now I can't even send him another message to put his manhood into question.

    He's obviously some pre-teen from Canada and his bark is FAR worse than his bite. If anyone ever runs across him, just low block from time to time and you'll get some fantastic punishment practice. But, GOD FORBID, DON'T LET HIM WIN!

    Hopefully I'll run across him again. If I do, he'll probably pull the plug. When that happens, I'll be sure to post another message about this idiot. Until then, I hope he gets raped on VF. A lot.
  4. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    dude neverstop is one irritating motherfucker. he beat me like 3 in a row because of his lag strats, I streak him 5 back and he has the nerve to talk shit after winning game 9. I message him saying it's 5-4 dumbass, and challenge him to a player match (even though I was winning overall lol), he says something cocky back and I just put him on avoid. He still joins my ranked games from time to time and it's just irritating and pointless. I get like a 1 bar connection vs. him.
  5. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    I had a few run-ins with neverstop4ever. I remember smacking him around a bit with Aoi but a "recent" match had me with a out-of-rhythm Eileen dealing with his mid-range high-and-lowing Lion. After he beat me once he left and messaged me about being a scrub :p Dude had to have known I'd get a lock-on that bull-crap he was using eventually (no lag in my case) and probably didn't want any part of it. In the case of laggy fools I remember a Lei-Fei/Lau user who couldn't beat me with his two-move set in Ranked so about 10 minutes or so I see him join my room but instead of being a 3-bar he's two. Later he joins as a 1-bar and the lag just about kills any chance I had of punishing his spam. When he joined the room as a gray bar, well...you get the idea -_-
  6. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Ive faced him many times, and About to produce, the good thing is that they dont pull anymore. There are very few Lion players on XBL that play like Men or Young men. If a guy spams and plays "Masterbate Style", its just a sighn of whats to come if you communicate with him. And by men, I mean someone who owns up to his actions, OK, I tried to sweep you and Failed so I need to pkg throw escape and evade or 66 stand buffer. 99% will just keep atttacking.
  7. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Damn, it wasn't neverstop4ever that did the one-and-done on me; it WAS about2produce!!! How in the blue hell did I EVER get those two idiots mixed up? [​IMG]
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I think Tatsuki's definition of masterbate extends beyond that. In that sense, some people are very good at it, and other aren't so good, like anything else. Either way, the style is definitely exploitable, as anything else is though i suppose. It's important to recognize the match-ups and the openings for attacking and which type of attacks to do. The key is to have yomi - knowing when and when not to do stuff.
  9. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Damn T-Fam lol!!!! I think Tsua Left cause he was getting his ass whupped alot with all due respect. I mean thats just my opinion. In the VFDC we argue and debate but its nothing compared to the SRK forums. What sense does it make to leave this site? Oh well to each his own i really could care less. T-Fam summed it up lovely.

    Im leaving this website and VF5.......Until i signed back on and run my mouth again.
  10. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    haha, i hate it when neverstop4ever joins my matches. I always think the same thing...never stop what? attacking. After trouncing him for about 30 minutes an not losing any (i stuck around cause i need practice versus attack attack attack lions) i sent him the message:

    GUARD!!!!!!!!!!!! Lion has it just like everyone else. And u need to use it if u ever want raise ur level of play.

    You know it's bad when i send someone that message, lol. But damn. He just never stops attacking. The last fight i took over half his power away with p, 2p, p, 2p, p, 2p, p, 2p. I'm not generally one to try and show someone what they are doing wrong with move selection, but u would think after 10 consecutive CH 2p's ur opponent would try and do something other than their biggest launcher after u CH 2p them. [​IMG]
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Heh funny thing is p, 2p, p, p sometimes works on more knowledgeable players too. Granted if they continue to Abare I could do something more damaging but something wonderful about watching the head snap back over and over again.
  12. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    His name is "neverstop4ever". What do you expect his play style to be?
  13. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    Damn SDS Overfiend!!! With all due respect, take your head out of T-Fam's ass why don't ya? I mean that's my suggestion but hey, I guess you could say it's my opinion also. In the VFDC we whine and cry about the game mechanics and put other players down and we like to talk tough and stick up for each other no matter what b/c we have no sense to think for ourselves sounds more like it. The SRK forums does have lots of newbie players but you will hardly find good experienced players bitching and whining amongst one another and putting each other down which is something I can't say for VFDC. But you're right, I agree that T-Fam did sum it up nicely and I admire that he admitted his own faults. But hear me out T-Fam:

    I thought we were friends...I honestly mean that. I had some very ggs with you and I thought you were a nice guy. I enjoyed watching your vids and listening to your commentary. BUT when you backstabbed me TWICE and then got your posse to dog me out and had nobody in the community speak up for me, it just showed me that this community was all based on favorites...on seniority or what have you. True, I'm a newbie to the game and I haven't been here as long or haven't made as much friends as you but I never once whined or bitched about anyone(except pullers like Darthminion) or put other players down the way you did to me and to see other members of the VFDC community come to your defense just made me really see what the VFDC is all about; favorites. You see, I'm a believer in "practice what you preach" and if you're gonna put down a noobie for complaining about bitching too much, you sure as heck better not be bitching yourself or it's just hypocrisy. There's no sense of righteousness, dignity or morality to VFDC. Instead it's got that primal, "If you mess with my boy, I'm gonna dog you out no matter what!" mentality and quite honestly, I don't want to be a part of something that's as stupid.

    Hey well the SRK forums is one of the nicest websites I've ever visited. I've never had any problems with people putting down my playstyle or tell me I don't know how to play the game. I guess it just depends on the person eh? Actually, I didn't come back to complain...I was just looking through and if you actually check, it was TheWorstPlayer who brought up that too many people complained and I just posted to agree with him.

    Wrong, strong players don't complain, bitch and moan and put other players down...that to me, is a noob. A weak mentality isn't a trait of a strong player. They learn about the matchup, their opponent's playstyle and about their weaknesses, and then they get even in their next matches. They don't put down other players or tell them they don't know how to play b/c of their own faults...there's no difference between that and a noob who calls you "cheap" or "you suck" because you keep throwing him. I was criticized by you whether I used DM P+K or not...that's the thing that I never understood. I remember very clearly during one of our set of matches where I didn't even use DM P+K and you said that you were surprised that I didn't use it and then I told you that I didn't do it b/c I know you didn't like it and thus felt like I was holding back to which you stated that you didn't want me to hold back. Sure I've complained about Shun's overly strong combos or Kage's TFT throw but I never once targeted a player and told him that he sucked and he doesn't know how to play...I just tried my best to learn the matchup and do my best the next time I meet them online. I just think, "There's gotta be a way around that" or "Dang, how can I beat that?" I guess I just don't really care all that much about having an ego...I just like to play and have fun. IMO having an ego just makes the game less fun b/c instead of a battle of wits and skills, it becomes a battle of egos which isn't my definition of fun.

    The thing is, VFDC is a pretty small community...almost everyone has played one another or knows each other to some extent. When you get as much flaming and badmouthing and complaining as VFDC does, considering it's small size, it gets pretty bad. Plus the fact that VF5 is almost dead doesn't help much either...it's so hard to find players online these days. Honestly, I did give this game and community a try but in the end, it is what it is. I left because of my own personal experiences with the community but like I said, each person has different experiences; your experience here is great while mine, well not so much. It's all good though and I've moved on to a place where my experience is much better just like you moved on to VFDC from whatever gaming forum you used to go too. Regardless, VF5 still holds a dear place in my heart b/c of the amount of time I put into it and the fun I had with it but honestly, SF4 just has so much more players to challenge and characters to master and learn.

    Thanks and goodluck to you too with VF5.
  14. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Pretty long posts in here.

    btw Tsua man, it took me a long time to get respect from alot of the players and members here on VFDC. For a long time, things I said and did were largely shrugged aside, and when it came to online, I couldn't even get matches with players people called the top guys. It took awhile, and I actually had to climb up there myself, then I finally understood.

    I'll also tell you right now, that SRK is no different, it's probably even harder to win respect over there in any given section of the forums or community. It's more accomodating to players like valle, choi, wong, etc. You can also get flamed to hell and back, but I've been a member since 2002, I don't think youve been there long enough to know.

    All fighting game communities are like this, egos run rampant. Typically you'll be hard pressed to get respect from anyone, until you meet them in person, because that automatically shows some commitment, otherwise you playing whatever game just looks like youre playing it as a flavor of the week.
  15. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I think contributing, like coming up with set -ups and combos, flow charts ect.. gets you respect here. Things that show youre taking the time to learn the game. As I remember, you got that whole debate going about DMPK. THe problem with DMPK is solely related to on line play. Personally I didnt have a problem with you, or when I did we handled it on XBL, and nothing was said here. IMHO, VFDC has always been about sharing info, and getting people together, making a stronger VF community. It kind of seems like you wanted something you had not earned as of yet.
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I think it's silly to complain about how other people play. It's not my business how they use the controls. Finding a way to defeat their style is the goal.

    As I learn more about the game, it's easier for me to spot someone that doesn't understand the system. I also like noticing things like "Geez! This person does NOT care if they get hit!" That means it's combo time.

    The random mash and the online flow are great challenges. If I beat them and someone complains, well... that's nice.
  17. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Didn't we have a Reasons We Win/Lose Section up and running at one point? Maybe we should put most of the recent complaints back there. In the meantime, I consider most complaints.....not, particularly a bad thing. It's just another form of exchanging notes [​IMG] Something to look forward to in the mostly male soap opera that is Pro Wrestling....I mean Virtua Fighter DC. We should all start doing promos next. [​IMG] Come this next Pay-Per-View your sorry, no defense having, DMPK-ing, 2p-ing, lag bastard ass will belong....to ME and I will be the NEW heavyweight champion of the world!!!
  18. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    You forgot low sweeps. You can't forget the low sweeps.
  19. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    No. It doesn't.

    Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and say, it shouldn't be about trying to seek respect from anyone here though. Just earned.
  20. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    Man, it's just like "the old days". I left around the same time as Tsua and as soon as I come back we're right back to the same old arguements.

    Fun times...

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