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Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    While I agree with this statement 100%, it's also the same reason why you don't see me in Ranking anymore. Jhow your my friend and I'm known you for well over a decade, but really I'm tired of facing the Shun entourage.

    The lack of character variation gets old very fast. When ever I decide to play Rank my only options are you and None Other with the exception of Gentleman Thief who random makes a guest appearance. (I'm specifically talking about the only players who can lower / raise my rank leveling bar)

    Not to take anything away from you because I know your a very competent player because a lot of people don't know your history of being one of the strongest SF2: Turbo players like I do, but fighting Shun online with that 3-5 frame loss is just to frustrating and I hate to say it, but I've tossed in the towel.

    Blocking your DM+PK and not being able to punish by 46P is just depressing. Sure sometimes it works but that's only if I give up an advantage and wait for you to do it which puts me at risk of being thrown or worse. You can't block the move and punish on reaction most of time and PK; 20pt of damage or what ever it is is not enough when you have Shun constantly ticking away 40s and 50's plus.

    Also at the end of a round when I know 2K is coming... I duck to block it and get my +16 advantage and DBL Palm comes out in 13, but because of the 3-5 frame loss online... I eat DM+PK.

    So what can I do? Well I stop hosting and go searching for other opponents. Well what do you know hey look it's another Shun. It's None Other! Hey wait didn't I just play him 5 minutes ago everyday this week and everyday for the last 3 months? I look some more, hey look it's Shun is Drunk... I look some more, hey it's SCHAKAL81... *sigh* the list goes on and on.

    Until more character variations show up in Ranked then I'm done. This is the reason I started playing Vanessa in players a lot and I may even consider learning Shun or Sarah.

    It's like Denkai said when he beat you and got to Conqueror. If you can beat'em... join'em! No fucking way I was going to use Jacky to get to that shit. It's to much fucking work online.

    I did my best to go against what he said and what LA Akira has been saying since the beginning, but when you are standing there waiting for a move that may never come because you can't punish anything... well then the game you are playing is not VF. It's something else!

    Sorry bro I know it's frustrating, but maybe you can rally the troops again to revive ranking matches. You were successful with it before maybe you can do it again.

    -Konjou aka A bRoKeN jOyStIcK
  2. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    If you say so.

    One of the thing about this site and the online aspect of the game is, most vets don't even get asked to play, you have better things to do.

    Another thing about this site and the online aspect of the game is, some connections are better than others, and most vets don't want to play in laggy matches people take too seriously, everyone has better things to do.

    p.s. for the record just to be clear though, I'm not a VF vet, I need like 500 more posts! j/k

    EDIT: let me add, that when I was playing alot sometimes I'd try to assist players, and I was and had been assisting players for the longest time. Some of these players just bite my hand off, so I gave up.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    hehehe giggles and remembers his Shinn Akira experience.[/size]
  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    don't forget you also don't have VFDC by your gamertag
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    LMAO that has nothing to do with nothing. I'm a vet and I don't have that by my name. And there are some new VFDC players who have that by there name.

    I think that's just choice man... it's easier to identify something / someone if it's associated to something / someone.
  6. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I think you got the point I was making about the new players with vfdc by there names but then again.....

    we might have a darthminionVFDC in the future
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I have VFDC by my name because the Gamer Tag "Libertine" was already taken. That's all.
  8. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    CALM DOWN PEOPLE I know Its too early to say I see where this is going but........ I was just making a lame joke to go with slide joke about 500 more post til he makes vet. There is noting wrong with having vfdc by your name. its great for the website.

    P.S. Them just jokes. they don't hurt people.

    P.P.S. Having VFDC by your gamertag is ok in my book unless your Darth Minion, AddyPaddy, SirAddyPaddy, or anyone other puller dipshit that plays VF
  9. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    plus siraddy, moldaiver, templaerIV
  10. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I feel you Rodney. I have one master rank among 4 different accounts. I know I have weaknesses, but I cant rely on my training or knowledge on line. Last night, I got DMPK'd @ +20.
    I love the game, and nothings gonna stop me from playing. But Ive met some great guys playing on line. I used to be very vocal about lag, but I decided to accept things for the way they are (after 1.5 years). Just keep trying, remember it took you a long time to make Champion in Evo. [​IMG] @ me for some Nessa matches.
  11. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    dmpk'd @+ 20 = Shiny Furry
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    this sounds interesting [​IMG] I wish there was a TMZ for vfdc, where we could get the lowdown on stories like this, lol.
  13. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    Shiny furry? as in your shiny, but still coated in layers of soft hair? interesting.
  14. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Must... not... laugh...

    . . .


  15. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    I feel ya Konjoh. I had the same problem with rank too. It’s always Shun or Lei's, but in player I find it even harder to find people cause they are already in a match or other. I try my best no to ask the same person for a match to often but with so few people on it's hard not to. I guess that's why I've taken such a long break from this game.

    Oh and Slide I can relate to people biting your hand for teaching them something. That's why I try not to say anything anymore. It was a bad assumption on my part thinking most people are not to proud for some constructive criticism.
  16. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    hey people, i'm always up for some player matches. Send invites even if i'm in a game. If i'm playing someone from here and it's a good set, u will probably not get a reply. But alot of times i'm playing some random, and it is just one or 2 matches and i'll gladly ditch them to play u. [​IMG] But i won't know u want to play unless an invite is sent.

    Reversely, if i send u an invite and ur playing someone, just assume i hoped it was a random opponent and u hadn't planned on playing them long. Also, if ur in the middle of good games and u don't reply right away, i understand that too.

    And lastly, i have to say, i have had almost nothing but positive feedback from helping people learn the game. I don't have too deep a wealth of knowledge to share, but i try and help people when i can. I've given lot's of people here on this site tips where i can, and 99% of the time get sincere appreciation in return. I've also got a lot of tips here from people, and appreciate that too.

    Personally i just try and not let a few bad reactions spoil if for me, and i try and never assume i'm too good for feedback in return. On one had it is great to have a stronger player let u know where u can improve, but on the other there are players i'm much stronger than, but they can still offer me valuable advice if i'm humble enough to accept it. Just my opinion though.
  17. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    The problem with players on xbox live (not vf)community is they play the game to win (pullers, cheater, and minions) not to try and learn or gain any skill in the game. They also go in the game thinking there the best at vf and the move is affective its cheap.
  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Bad games to Kingo for making me spill coffee all over my stick [​IMG]
  19. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    bad games to Gentleman Thief for being just to fucking good at Rock - Paper - Scissors... bastard!!!!!!
  20. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    If it was offline there wouldn't be lag for people to do their scrubby tactics and i highly doubt you'd have the balls, so keep typing little man

    If i did play you it was probly more than a year ago.

    Perhaps if you didn't decide to constantly stomp after the games i wouldn't of disrespected you, i also didn't join your games cause i was already in one.

    Big thrills on getting underneath your skin too. I wonder if you take this game too seriously?

    So much QQ over online actions, i'd love to see a halo3 thread like this. "He came over to my corpse and T-bagged me, then he said bad things..."

    To sum it up, Boo Hoo, i really couldn't give 2 shades on what you think of me, i'll play how i want and say what i want. If you don't like it just come on here and write another angry letter, cause that's all you're doing

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