Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    cadorna, just low throw his ass or use full circulars.
  2. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    sry bout the cheese cardona, i played way too many vanessas the other night tryin to spam K+G ppk on me. nothin against you ur good i just tensed up against vanessa. I will make it worth while next time.
  3. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif~/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif (punish blocked DM P+K)
    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif (punish blocked DM P+K)

    What am I missing here?
  4. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    The backdash moves work and the circulars all work when you exactly predict that the person will use a DMPK in that instant. Using those techniques it is east to crush the DMPK spammer with no skill and that's what i do. The problem is when a decent player abuses DMPK and then knows you will adjust and takes advantage of it. Those moves that crush DMPK are riskier and/or slower than the moves you normally want to do at small to mid advantage during close-in fighting.

    I think that the DMPK moves are abusable in VF5. They seem to connect more dependably than in VF4 and a lot of moves leave the user at smaller disadvantage which makes them even better to DMPK after. Yeah, they are punishable on block but they often push you away and they have far less guard stun than other moves that leave you at similar disadvantage, making punishing with either throws or attacks harder.

    This is not a new thing here. It has been annoying me for a long time. It's not when scrubs abuse the move that is annoying. That is easy enough to crush. It is irritating when a so-so player becomes very hard to beat because he understands how to abuse the move to totally turn upside down small to mid disadvantage situations.

    Maybe SEGA knows this and thinks it makes the game better and there is just some logic to it that I don't get. To me it just seems like something that is far easier to abuse than it is to punish the abuser and that runs counter to my idea of what VF ought to be. Maybe it is just my pet-peeve.

    I would like them to change it in the next version, not that they care what I think.
  5. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    12f throws, and less active throw window, makes easier fuzzying, and -8 get away no 'guarantee' throw punishable.
  6. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    What surprised me was that you don't normally abuse those moves. C'mon, Wolf is already powerful enough, you don't need them!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  7. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    you gotta take risks sometimes. I use Jeff. If my opponent likes to evade, then my choice is easy. either K+G as a universal solution, giving +9 on NH and opponent side turned for me to fuck them up, or K (KKP is 53 dmg on NH) or 46P (46P > 64P+K > PKP 83 dmg NH) if they have a favourite direction to dodge.

    I really dont see why there is this massive deal about DM attacks on this forum, and thats coming from a scrubby motherfucker like me.

    Possibly the matches have lag that affects the frame game so as to overpower DM P+K? I dont know

    my 2c
  8. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    ya like i said i was up against some major vanessa spam all night long from other players so i guess the dmpk hat was on a little too tight against you lol. I will admit it is easy to get into the habit of abusing that move though but i will decrease using it the 12 step program way lol
  9. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Last i check that WAS the way of the Ninja. I played this guy before when i was "Sleep" in VF5 about 3 matches before the option to Rematch was intergrated i think he score was 2-1 in my favor. I haven't seen much of him lately but its sure feels pretty cool when your whuppin that ass and he CAN'T Run. I look forward to him and Art Of Phoenix whenever he's comes back online with his Kage now that I'm "Awoke".
  10. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Dude, I wanna complain some more. Killa Ken pulled twice on me tonight before the fight started. He admitted it. I don't understand. I am not that good.
  11. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Heh, just now had a 6th Dan jabroni but the 'tag' of youceagain pull on me. Vanes-user did about about 4 moves, which included the Electrifying Tornado Kick...which Aoi promptly swatted except once in the match. Then he pulls on me just as I broke his leg for the third time in a row. Oh well...
  12. A_Sea_of_Ink

    A_Sea_of_Ink Member


    He pulled twice on me tonight. Some 10th Dan ranked me back down to 7th Dan, and I started using him to rank back up. On my 8th Dan ranking match, he pulls right as I'm about to deliver the final blow!
  13. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Pulling on a ranking match is the worst, that hurts, lol. I played you once agian and won no pull. I beat mr. expirement and two other vanessa's that were playing that cheesy style. I usually suck at her, but yesterday i did okay. I still think i'll avoid vane at all costs.
  14. Virooster

    Virooster Active Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">how about this:

    when someone feels to make a post in the bad game thread, how about putting a youtube movie of said match, for proof of awfulness :p. i would love to see them</div></div>

    I would LOVE to do that, it I knew how!
  15. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Mr. Experiment and PaperLion play that annoying style. I can usually beat them using anti-Vane-bs tactics.

    I actually bought a retired monkey from the circus. I have been teaching him to play Vanessa on XBL. He's gotten up to 6th Dan. My monkey is pretty cool, but whenever he loses to Eileen he throws his feces at my 42 inch HDTV and I don't appreciate that.
  16. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I would LOVE to do that, it I knew how! </div></div>

    I don't like these movies on the YouTube. You see, I sometimes play a little liquored up and I keep finding videos of people taking advantage of me in my impaired state. Chief Flash and God Eater are the smut peddlers I'm talking about here.
  17. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    that was hilarious Happy, good stuff
  18. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I don't like these movies on the YouTube. You see, I sometimes play a little liquored up and I keep finding videos of people taking advantage of me in my impaired state. Chief Flash and God Eater are the smut peddlers I'm talking about here. </div></div>

    No offense so please lets not start a war. Just making a comment. But what's the difference from being liquored up and getting owned or being liquored up and owning in a youtube vid? Either way it's still a match. You win some, you lose some. If people(not just you) are so worried about performing bad then maybe you should avoid playing people like MrExpert, myself, flash, trickyviper, etc who you know save matches randomly.

    Plus I just wanted to point out that the SMUT name calling will most likely make these 2 people want to post something negative as a response.

    Again I am only pointing this out cause far to often people responses are misunderstood. You could be poking fun, but this is the internet, which means it's like the twilight zone.

    Any way, sorry for boring people...
  19. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Dude, I totally don't care about those matches being online. It's actually kind of funny. I was making an ironic joke whereby I state that am scandalized because I got wasted and got taken advantage of and the "smut" (like porn) got put up on the web. You know, sort of paraleling my experiences to a drunken sorority girl who winds up on "Girls Gone Wild." It was a joke. Maybe a funny one or maybe not.

    Seriously, I didn't think people would take it way. Then again, like you said this is the internet and sometimes irony and tone can be hard to detect.

    So if anyone wants to record me losing or winning, you can do whatever with the video. Someone could even post a montage of me eating a million DMPKs but I couldn't watch it or it would trigger a DMPK-PTSD flashback.
  20. mrxperiment

    mrxperiment Member

    so what exactly did I do wrong? I thought both of you were much better players than me, I simply got lucky and beat both of you once. That's it, just once then after that you two owned me. Was it so bad to lose one single time to a new player like me who isn't as good at the game as you two?

    wasn't trying to do anything in particular, just trying to play and learn, just like you. just thought you guys should know.

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