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Arcade version of Virtua Fighter 2 in Ryu ga Gotoku 5

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Sep 19, 2012.

By akai on Sep 19, 2012 at 2:45 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    The upcoming Ryu ga Gotoku 5 (Yakuza 5) for PS3 will have the arcade version of Virtua Fighter 2 playable in the "arcade" within the open game world of Ryu ga Gotoku 5. Ryu ga Gotoku 5 will be released in Japan in December 2012. Original source of Information: jin115.com website

    Genesis likes this.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Sep 19, 2012.

    1. AnimalStaccato
      If you get to fight a bear I might just buy a PS3 and play it anyway.
    2. Chanchai
      Put it this way, if you were ever waiting for Shenmue 3... you should put off the dream for awhile and play Yakuza ^_^
      Genesis likes this.
    3. tetsujin007
    4. Sudden_Death

      with that emulator you can change the textures. in that video you can see I changed some texture and put a message hehe.

      great news! the guy who did this emulator ( ElSemi) was hired by SEGA!. I guess theres a good chance this port might just be a good one!
    5. tetsujin007
      thanks, ic, i got that emulator but where's the instructions on how to mod the textures like you did, is it easy to do etc?
    6. Richkwondo
      ^This. Yakuza is basically Shenmue if Shenmue had power meter supermoves, environment items as weapons, and Random encounters. In Yakuza 1, you got stopped by so many random encounters challenging you to a fight, you couldnt get down the block without having five brawls. It got really bad during the final stages of the game, you are trying to get to objectives, and these Gangster goons keep impeding your process, and thus draining your stock of health items.

      Yakuza one is really worth the price of admission for having Mark Hamill (he plays Mad Dog Majima) scream "motherfucker" at the top of his lungs repeatedly. Michael Masden,Eliza Dusku and Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luther from Smallville) also voice acted in that game.

      The quality has just gone through the roof on this game since it hit PS3, as the only thing that sucked about Yakuza 1 and 2 was the graphics. Storywise, the game gets less and less believable, as Kazuma Kiryu obstensibly quit the Yakuza at the end of Yakuza 1. It is hard to swallow and accept that he keeps getting involved in the affairs of an organization he quit.

      Anyway,ChanChai hit the nail right on the head, as we lament that we never got Shenmue 3, we have plenty of Yakuza games to enjoy. So much so that I would like to see Ryo Hazuki as a hidden character in the next Yakuza.

      One last thing, in Yakuza 4, there was a casino slot machine that displayed never before seen Story Cinemas to Virtua Fighter 4 (it chronicled Jacky rescuing Sarah from J6 and Pai vs Lei Fei to save Lau). It's on youtube, here is link.
      Chanchai, Jide and Catch22 like this.

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