Aoi Reversals

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by Dragon, Jun 5, 2002.

  1. Jythier

    Jythier Member

    I reversed Jacky's soccer kick lying face up, head towards... timing was P+K right when the foot would've hit... Against a person it's demoralizing, especially if they're used to playing comps, and have a habit of down attacking all the time.
  2. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    What's the most effective way to train oneself to read, recognize, and
    reverse when the automatic response is to GUARD? Even if I clearly
    see an attack I COULD reverse, depending on the lifebar or
    the type of match (ranking), I'm less likely to go for the reverse, even though
    this is a big part of what Aoi is all about. Putting opp. on their asses
    when you reverse their bullshit-fu, to quote Creed. If you guess wrong,
    you've just been SPoDed into silly putty. This is PS2 play we're talking about,
    so I'm wondering if I should'nt use Aoi in Arcade mode on high
    difficulty mode and practice the reverses there. Seemingly, in Arcade
    mode, you're likely to see a trifle more diversity at it's highest setting
    than you will for Kumite, ie Jeffrey will butt-bomb and belly-flop down-attack
    the shit out of you in Arcade as opposed to Kumite. Anyone notice this?
    I can reverse plenty in training mode, but there's a sort of vaccuum on the
    training stage, a pointlessness after a time. And just like in real life, excessive
    training doesn't help unless you're able to pull the moves off in real matches;
    still, I'm a Kumite whore most of the time, but I'd like to have a firm grasp of
    reversing in case I find extensive human play. At the same time, my little
    9-Dan Kumite ranking sprinkled with human wins means something to me, so I don't
    want lose prestige trying to learn new techniques that will get'
    my Aoi honey killed. I figure I'd better learn to reverse, since I don't evade
    very damn well.
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    You just need to know the opponent. Lau & Jacky are always good to reverse mid. I rarely reverse low, even though they've got a fair amount of low attacks.

    Pai & Lion -- don't bother, as it's a 3-way guessing game. Ithink they both have equal high/mid/low attacks, and they're all usefull & well used.

    Lei Fei -- also good mid.

    Sarah -- mid with some high. Learn the flamingo stuff.

    Akira/Wolf/Jeffry: I never really tried reversing in Ver. C. Too much shoulder.

    Other than that, it's generally just a feeling. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  4. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Because of the very nature of Aoi's movements and style, that
    kind of contained, controlled spinning column of balance, the freakish
    speed and acrobatics of Sarah, Lion, and Pai really cause Aoi
    problems. I think it may be another example of that natural mismatch
    theory, such as IMO Jeffrey over Lau, Akira over Shun, Lau over Lion,
    Jacky over everybody, so on.

    Sarah's flamingo shit is really getting under my skin, while her knees are
    nightmares and her throws vicious. A double knee while you're floated?
    Jesus. Sarah can keep light little Aoi in the air and pound her, and tell me you don't
    look rediculous. That's Sarah's strength, I think: embarrassing you into
    submission. Oh, and the number 1 fucking pisser move of her's? Probably
    that low shin-breaking stopper of an opp. attack that I can think of,
    outside Lau's low punch/elbow or Jacky's backfist.
  5. Desbastard

    Desbastard Member

    I never knew that Aoi could reverses while she's grounded!! How do you do it and what kind of attacks can she reverse while grounded?
  6. zZz

    zZz Member

    Why don't you read the previous posts before asking that question?
  7. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    why don't you read the age of the topic and last post before being a know-it all?
  8. zZz

    zZz Member

  9. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    stop it!
  10. Gndalf007

    Gndalf007 Well-Known Member

    Actually, the grounded reversal does come in handy, because there are times when you can reverse a weak down attack when it used to be guaranteed.

    Confirmed example: I get thrown by Kage's [3]+[P]+[G], which 'guarantees' a weak down attack, because I can't roll out of it. However, I reversed the down attack several times.

    So, there are instances where the reversal gets you out of 'guaranteed' down attacks.

    Also, because of that reversal, I start feeling like I never even need to techroll. I'll do it if they're in the air coming at me, but most of the time, I don't have to even quickrise. Thus, I don't get punished.

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