Aoi: Final Tuned

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by Myke, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. Nybec

    Nybec Well-Known Member

    In a 3on3 match vid with including two Aoi players I see them once each use [P]+[K] in a situation where I would normally use [2][3][6][P]+[K] sabaki (after blocked [4][3]+[P]+[K] -6 situation). The first time I saw it i figured the Aoi player missed the input or something. But when the other Aoi player did it too it got me wondering. Are the attributes changed for [P]+[K] somehow? And why would it be better than the standard [P]?
  2. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Maybe it was input error?
    them adding variety?
    also pk gives you the option of the other p,p,p, or something else. I just say it interupts an opponent nicely, variation I guess, plus getting bitch slapped is kinda insulting. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  3. Nybec

    Nybec Well-Known Member

    Watched the clip again. The Aoi's is in different teams and they both do [4][3][P]+[K] blocked -> [P]+[K] once each. Any other situation where the [4][3][P]+[K] gets blocked they are countered (because doing sabaki I guess). There should be nothing wrong with the stick then. Seems to be something I'm missing here. Some dodging properties of the [P]+[K] or something.
  4. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    I don't know about FT, only EVO but my thinking behind it is this. A good player will be expecting [2][3][6][P]+[K] and will either block (and get a guaranteed throw) or respond with a move that won't be sabakied. In either case [P]+[K] is a fairly safe move, it will interupt most attacks and if it is blocked, you can follow up with a delayed [P] or [P][P]. Much like Vanessa's [3][P]. As for why not just use [P], I don't know... I also just looked at the FT move list and the disadvantage from a blocked [P]+[K] has been reduced from -12 to -6 making it a better option than in EVO.
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Has the semicircular property of P+K been removed for FT from Evo (seems weird only last hit is semicircular now) or is it an error in the FT movelist?

  6. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Like I said variety, I doubt the Aoi player used it cause of semi circular properties, they would have just thrown otherwise, it all comes down to just mixing their game up imo, if they were to do 2,3,6, p&k all the time after 4,3 p&k what you think would happen..
  7. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    P+K only gives LC counters (which I'm certain has something to do with it) due to it's damage. It will also interupt a delayed attack and, in many cases, catch someone evading. There aren't many 12frame, semicircular always YC hits in the game...
    So while it's not the best payoff it's certainly one of the safest. If you just want to mix things up you probably would be better of with a move with better stats on hit (even) imo. It's an interesting choice of move used however.

  8. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    I see Aoi players doing [6][4][P] more often.........does it sabaki Elbows and Punches like it was on VF4?
    However in the command list VF4FT,it 's the same as VF4Evo /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    kimheng said:

    I see Aoi players doing [6][4][P] more often.........does it sabaki Elbows and Punches like it was on VF4?
    However in the command list VF4FT,it 's the same as VF4Evo /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The sabaki properties remain the same, but the guard/hit/counter hit stats are slightly better and it now sobers 2 dp instead of 1.

    Anyway, she already has an attack to sabaki elbows and punches.
  10. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    It works well on jeff,
    it's for knee's as wel /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
    2 dp, does sound better to use this now mix up than using pk, p,p all the time ^_^
  11. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    lol I just notice that VF4FT [6][4][P] has the same animation as her older VF4 [4][P]

    [3][P] is not garanteed anymore after her back throw,but I notice she can more use her ground reversal when light down attack are garanteed after some Lau's throws
  12. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Just coming back to the ground reversals
    does anyone know what roughly the stats are for ver b ground reversals now?, I've checked the charts and Evo (Verb) and FT (Ver a) have the same stats this can't be right can it 0_o . Seems to me from what clips I've watched the [6] [6] [P] + [K] followup is guranteed after most light down attacks now?
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Just coming back to the ground reversals
    does anyone know what roughly the stats are for ver b ground reversals now?,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ver.b isn't out yet.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I've checked the charts and Evo (Verb) and FT (Ver a) have the same stats this can't be right can it 0_o .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    but it is right. The stats didn't change.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Seems to me from what clips I've watched the [6] [6] [P] + [K] followup is guranteed after most light down attacks now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    iirc, it always was after the light down [K] reversal when you're head towards (+20).
  14. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

    New Combos:

    After you inashi your opponents right handed move, you can do 33P+K~KK~small down attack!! but beware, the second hit of KK sometimes will miss on heavier characters.

    For this combo to work, u need to buffer the command in reverse since you will always swtich position with your opponent after inashi a P/elbow in FT.

    So Practice hard guys /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  15. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    I thought Ver b was out my mistake /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif (It's out soon though right? otherwise I think we're getting ver a...)

    [ QUOTE ]

    I've checked the charts and Evo (Verb) and FT (Ver a) have the same stats this can't be right can it 0_o .

    [ QUOTE ]
    but it is right. The stats didn't change.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Dayam was hoping not ^_^' In particular I was just remembering some of the Lau clips, I'm guessing it's just his window for down attacks just got narrower, not guranteed no more then,as the opponents didn't bother to attempt them. good.

    [ QUOTE ]
    iirc, it always was after the light down K reversal when you're head towards (+20).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Light p's as well with Akira, Goh. I remember doing it if iirc....
    Sorry for rehashing this just the ground reversal game just something thats been bugging me for a while seems a bit more useablel now in FT.
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    After you inashi your opponents right handed move, you can do 33P+K~KK~samll down attack!! but beware, the second hit of KK sometimes will miss on heavier characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Huh? That's a major freakin upgrade imo. Instead of Aoi needing to use [6][P][P] she gets the (slam) knockdown combo? YY upgraded ^^

    Also; [3][3][P]+[K] can be used as a delayattack against those who ETE cause of it's stats right?

  17. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    After you inashi your opponents right handed move, you can do 33P+K~KK~samll down attack!! but beware, the second hit of KK sometimes will miss on heavier characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Huh? That's a major freakin upgrade imo. Instead of Aoi needing to use [6][P][P] she gets the (slam) knockdown combo? YY upgraded - Nybec will be happy as a mofo. Can't be fun being a punchbased char against YY now (if Aoi watches stance).

    Also; [3][3][P]+[K] can be used as a delayattack against those who ETE cause of it's stats right?

  18. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    After you inashi your opponents right handed move, you can do 33P+K~KK~samll down attack!! but beware, the second hit of KK sometimes will miss on heavier characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Huh? That's a major freakin upgrade imo. Instead of Aoi needing to use [6][P][P] she gets the (slam) knockdown combo? YY upgraded ^^

    Also; [3][3][P]+[K] can be used as a delayattack against those who ETE cause of it's stats right?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    In fact,[6][P][P]is not guaranteed after the inashi. you better do [4][6][P]~[P]+[G] instead. Again, you will need to buffer the command in reverse aswell. Only the second hit of [4][6][P] will hit(a back hit) but the hit throw will come out as normal. This combo works on both left or right hand P/elbow inashi.
  19. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Is it the same timing as for Evo? The [4][6][P] [P]+[G]hit throw followup or is the window larger?
  20. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

    you can do the 46P follow up in evo too, timing is the same. but as i said, the position between and your opponent may not swtich in EVO, so it's hard to input the command in the correct way.

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