AOI AOI AOI AOI Aoi fans this means WAR

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by PlasmaSOUL, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    Ok then, thats what i was trying to do before you brought me into this. NOW what are some good followups when you're +2 frames after the [P][K]? how about if you go for the down? which attacks should i use to put them down, what would be a good follow up to that? dash in and keep pressure on? trya nd knock them out of a tech roll, something i've never really been good at with Aoi...
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Man you're lucky boston's a haul for me, I'd drive up there just to rip off your head and eat your purty mouth. If you think new york needs any more cocksmoking, why don't you get in touch with one of them at "peter's bar", that's where they hang out. They're the ones sitting on the upside down stools.

    Anyway, who cares how hot your girlfriend was, we know she was just a smokescreen to hide your longing for sal. She dumped you when she finally realized that she didn't have what it takes to get you aroused - a hot meaty cock. Also if I suck so much at VF how come I crushed your spirit every time we've played? huh? HUH?! And you're using Akira the cheesy poof! Looks like all that knee practice was a waste of time. Stop beating off to frames and get some actual useful skills and experience like GP!!@

    PS: Don't fuck with ice9 so much dude, remember how he said he'd throw down with anyone in a singaporean arcade? CHINOS ATTACK!! BALLPOINT BUSTERRR!!!!
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey man, it happens. I've never said I've known everything about VF, and TC vs. non-TC falls in that realm. In all honesty, non-TC/TC is less relevant than counterable in my neighborhood. There aren't that many scrubs to play, so a throw, right after a TC move is not that common. A quickpunch, then throw is more common I'd say. Hence, I've not concentrated too much on what's TC and not, although I know the majority of them, and I don't do too bad with that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just want to say that knowing frames imo is something that is very important.... and no something that is throw counterable don't always give you a free jab... (sorry GP, but jabbing high recovery moves being common doesn't exempt you from knowing that not all throw counterable moves can be jabbed)

    For example... Vanessa's [P][3][P] is throw guaranteed.. but if you try to jab it... since it's -8, it'll either get blocked.. or whiff if she ducks... or maybe even get staggered by her rising hook attack... sure you can figure this out by just having experience... but not knowing that move is throw guaranteed definitely puts you at a high disadvantage when you have to deal with that situation.. I can't tell you how many times i've gotten owned by goh players when evo first came out cause I thought half of his move list are throw guaranteed. The opposing goh player used this fact to MC hit me everytime...

    I'm not undermining experience, but those people who jab those high recovery moves obviously either

    1) see someone who knows the frames do it and then copied
    2) know the recovery time from maybe evo perfect guide and then understands the jab is free.

    How will those intermediate~high level player take guaranteed damage if they don't understand move recovery (frames)???

    You can't deny the fact that Aoi is a character that takes a good deal of recovery knowledge to play... and knowing frames will definitely help in playing Aoi. This is why people use [P][K] instead of throwing also... hehe

  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    pffft. welcome to the internet.

    Seriously though, we're not here to suppress freedom of speech, people can flame all they want. It's healthy. There's a point where it's officially out of line, but using swear words isn't over that line. I've chosen to take part, and obviously shang gets a little harsher treatment from me than other people have in the past... let's just say some people respond better to honey and some people need to suck down some vinegar.

    PS: you and hikky are providing great entertainment for the rest of us, but if you feel you shouldn't have to deal with the mean guys in this thread - then don't. Take the high road and bow out of the flame war, let the jackasses out there bray themselves hoarse.
  5. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:
    Man you're lucky boston's a haul for me, I'd drive up there just to rip off your head and eat your purty mouth.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok Matt/Creed/Kreedo/Weirdo whatever you want to call yourself. You better hope I don't see you in a VF gathering or in real life ever. Because you do, you better run cuz I'm gonna fucking stab your ass until you stop breathing. You better run you motherfucker and get some jogging lesson so I don't catch up to you. Fuck this owned shit, you are gonna die bitch! You want to come to Boston? Bring it BITCH!

    You know, you need quit sucking on FL's cocks just to get even with NYC. You get fucking ass raped everytime you go to NYC. Now you whine and bitch like you aren't getting the fucking 'respect' you deserve. Fuck youself Creed, you bunch of whiners.
  6. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:
    Man you're lucky boston's a haul for me, I'd drive up there just to rip off your head and eat your purty mouth.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok Matt/Creed/Kreedo/Weirdo whatever you want to call yourself. You better hope I don't see you in a VF gathering or in real life ever. Because you do, you better run cuz I'm gonna fucking stab your ass until you stop breathing. You better run you motherfucker and get some jogging lesson so I don't catch up to you. Fuck this owned shit, you are gonna die bitch! You want to come to Boston? Bring it BITCH!

    You know, you need quit sucking on FL's cocks just to get even with NYC. You get fucking ass raped everytime you go to NYC. Now you whine and bitch like you aren't getting the fucking 'respect' you deserve. Fuck youself Creed, you bunch of whiners.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And this, folks, is hostility in a can. Only problem is, the can is empty.

    Sorry about ruining the thread, Creed. Even though it was already on its way to destruction I feel that I kinda helped it along further. My apologies.
  7. baobab

    baobab Well-Known Member

    surgical donuts
    So lemme get this straight....

    Aoi's [3][P]+[K] MC [P], [K] is the raddest thing since Shamoo jumped through a hoop.

  8. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ya we've established that, but what to do after in different situations and stuff!?
  9. JIonMaru

    JIonMaru Member

    everyone just focus on aoi strategies and just shut up about all this argument.... it wont get u anywhere........ so all you ppl cussing ur ass off just shut up.. this page wasnt suppose to be arguing page , but it is a character help page... ok? so dont post shit like this.. or atleast pm if ur gonna argue
  10. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ya we've established that, but what to do after in different situations and stuff!?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1. [4][3][P] or [2][P]

    2. High throw if you think they'll guard or backdash

    3. After hitting with [P][K], Aoi has +2 advantage, but the opponent can avoid high throws by buffering [3][3] to crouch under the throw (you've probably seen this in "challenge" training against Akira) and then hitting [G] in time to block your attacks. If you anticipate this, you can use a low throw.

    4. Sweep if they dodge

    5. If you're not sure what to do, you can always just back away and watch how they react, then crouch dash forward and use either rising [P]+[K] or throw.
  11. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    I would have to agree that [4][3]+[P]+[K](-6 on block) is a better option than [3]+[P]+[K] in a given situation (fishing for CH). CH[4][3]+[P]+[K] --> [6]+[K][K] will give you 59 dmg and a down while [3]+[P]+[K](-4 on block) -->[P][K] gives 52 dmg and +2. If the latter combo was +3 it would be a different story, but CH[4][3]+[P]+[K] --> [6]+[K][K] gives awesome wakeups.

    CH[4][3]+[P]+[K] --> [6]+[K][K] --> they TR --> [3]+[K] (backstagger) --> [6][6]+[P]+[K][P] nets 117 dmg

    CH[4][3]+[P]+[K] --> [6]+[K][K] --> they QR gives you mid-throw guessing game since they can't evade (no E-#TEs)

    CH[4][3]+[P]+[K] --> [6]+[K][K] --> [3]+[K] --> [2]/[3]+[P]+[G] is 91 dmg if they decide to stay on the ground. The only drawback to this combo is that you'll have to predict that they'll stay grounded because you have to do [3]+[K] immediately after the combo.

    [6][6]+[P] is her best wall-stagger tool. It causes a CH[3]+[K]-like stagger on normal/mC/MC/crouch guard hit so it will always cause a wall stagger on hit. If you hit with [4][3]+[P]+[K] during the stagger it will cause a fast stomach crumple as if it connected on counter. So..

    [6][6]+[P] --> wall stagger --> [4][3]+[P]+[K] --> [6]+[K][K] --> [2]/[3]+[P]+[G] for 101 dmg

    Shang is correct about [P][P][6]+[P]([G])[P]([G]) cancels being better than [6]+[P][P]([G]) cancels because you have 2 hits instead of one that are cancellable.

    [6]+[P][P]([G]) sucks IMO because you you do both hits and it's blocked, you're throw counterable, and if you cancel the second hit and your opponent predicts it, you're actually -12 if they block the first hit. You might think this is no big deal since no one think to throw there, but if you become predictible with your cancels, that throw is free (unless you're buffering TEs into your cancels LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

    Also [P][P][P] on hit --> [2]/[1]+[P]+[K]+[G] is pretty good, a lot of people fall for this. You can mix this up with a delayed [2]+[K] after [P][P][P], but be careful since if it's block you're definitely going to take like 40-60 dmg depending on who you're playing against. I would suggest backdashing after [P][P][P] and watch you're opponent to see if they flinch-crouch (AKA shitty fuzzy-guard /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif)

    I gotta go so that's all for now.

    And eveybody from the US arguing, shut your mouth because nobody cares about VF here anyway, it's not worth it. Go play GGXX, CvS2, or Marvel if you want to cause drama.
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member


    I think the frames thing is important for different people. Me... I never really bothered with it. If I get whacked trying to throw after a non-TC move, I generally ask about it, but not much more.

    What I was trying to explain was... a jab-throw move is a lot of times better than just throwing after a TC move. If someone buffers in 3 throw-escapes after their long recovery move, they've got the majority of the throws done. If the other guy jabs, the jab WILL hit, throwing the player off guard in the meantime. They've got a couple of frames to figure out to buffer more throw escapes, or block... not always enough time.

    I'm not stating in stone that this is how it is... just how it's effective when I play... you know... the 5000 people I play against that Shang was referring to earlier (rolls eyes).

    W/ people like you around, is it a surprise that I "ran away". Besides, my chic didn't dump me, so I've got a pretty good reason to be here.
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    You so didn't want to go there, because we both know you're about the same size as calista flockhart, except she doesn't have to shave her ass.

    If you try any shit the next time I'm in boston, I'll snap you in half like a twig and use your legs to cornhole you, deliverance style. You'll be tying your shoes with your tongue. Every time you breathe, people will wonder why your breath smells like your ass. Oh wait, they wonder that anyway!

    And when are you gonna get off of new york's nuts? They won't let you into their club no matter how many times you toss andy's salad. They already said shang's too weak to hang with them! Maybe if you really work hard at making up with GP, you can become an honorary member of his Kotoyoshi Rural McDonalds VF clan. You'll be the weak link on the team, and they'll be all embarrassed and pretend they let you on the team because you're a japanese wino who lost his job and dedicated himself to learning DLC. "Hey you've heard of mukky akira? This is sukky akira! He's gotten so good despite the muscle spasms and loss of his eyesight! Please go easy on him!"
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Alright, Creed and Shang, you guys proved your point, but you guys could have picked a less useful thread to hijack and re-enact NY vs FL WWIII.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    No Myke, you make yourself sounds like you always go for +2 over a down.

    In your own words " +2 afterwards which forces the opponent to guess between another elbow class flow chart or throw."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, that was amazing -- quoting me on something that has no absolutely relevance to the situation. My quote is describing a nitaku situation, this is nothing new, it's not my opinion, it's fact. Now how does that equate to me advocating ALWAYS GO FOR +2 OVER A DOWN? You're so fucking stupid.

    [ QUOTE ]
    You’ve completely disregarded the fact for the same MC (we are talking about after a MC here) opportunity with another (better) move you can get close to 65 to 70points of float and a down.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, YOU have completely disregarded the same fact, and I have to thank you for bringing this up. From the get-go, all I've said is Aoi's [3][P]+[K] is a good move with good rewards (why don't you quote me on that you knob jockey?). Not once did I say to never ever go for a float/down. Not once, asshole. Is any of this getting through? Shit.

    And yes we're talking about MC, so let me ask you this: which has a better chance of MCing? Aoi's [3][P]+[K] at 16 exe or Aoi's [3][P] or [6][K] at 18 exe? You're making it sound like you have absolute full control when it comes to MC'ing. You don't. It's always dependent on your opponent's action. But I thought if you had been frame-savvy enough I wouldn't have had to explain that.

    News just in: Akira players around the world drop the SDE for Yoho! We are indebted to Shang for his insightful analysis that would take any normal person an eternity to come up with......
  16. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    I would have to agree that [4][3]+[P]+[K](-6 on block) is a better option than [3]+[P]+[K] in a given situation (fishing for CH). CH[4][3]+[P]+[K] --> [6]+[K][K] will give you 59 dmg and a down while [3]+[P]+[K](-4 on block) -->[P][K] gives 52 dmg and +2.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Please,are sure that [4][3]+[P]+[K] is -6 on block and [3]+[P]+[K] is -4?
    because my brother always throw me after block ,so i thought these two moves were throw counterable! /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
    oh,oups,hello everybody,i'm an Aoi player too,csnape has telling me about this thread /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  17. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    On "relevance"

    I don't understand why it's not relevant since it is part of your flowchart from MC d/f+pk. It equates to you advocate always going for +2 because it is the only thing you have said so far. You are pointing to the right and talking about the left.

    On "No, YOU have completely disregarded the same fact"

    No I don't think I have, let me explain to you. What I said was: use f+k or d/f+p at -6 (-5 for Lion Jerky!), at -4 you can use b,d/f+pk,f+pk,p stuff instead of d/f+pk and why they are better (down more damage same risk). No one is saying you can't go for d/f+pk nitaku, I HAVE said it way back if you feel confident, go for it. But you 'should' not go for it all the time or majority of the times. If you do go for it all the time like GP then you are not taking the full advantage of the situation. The very fact I cannot assume always CounterHit, you cannot deny that you will fail at nitaku and lose that free damage at +2. AND! If you cannot assume MC, you can't even assume you get your pk +2 damage in the first place, which is why I'm saying it's low risk and low reward. I think you and GP needs to come up with something concrete rather than just “well I think Aoi is about paper cuts†or “I use it since it works for meâ€Â. Or in Ice-9’s case “well you should stfu cuz I’ve played both of you†Let me point out Myke this is all they are saying. Can you find one post where GP is talking base on fact instead of ego?

    On the “16/18â€Â
    I think many people have made very clear that b,d/f+pk is better at d/f+pk (16)for countering at mid disadv (-4). I don’t know where you are getting at, are you reading all the posts? Again for the retarded mind, that does not mean b,d/f+pk is a replacement for d/f+pk, we are talking about MC only.

    On “framesâ€Â
    There is nothing wrong with understanding frames. You won't be able to progress continuously without understanding the advantages and disadvantages of hit/guard of many attacks, which is what frames represent. You CANNOT use experience as substitute for this understanding. If you do not understand the difference between -4 and -8, you might be able to figure out the patterns of the people you play with regular and beat them but when someone new comes along and pull something you’ve never seen before…. You will lose to them. If you want to adapt you need to know what is going on first, and that’s what frames teaches you. This is pretty clear for GP as he said himself, “if I don’t why something is happening, I will ask afterward.†I’m assuming he is asking AFTER he lost. (Again for you retards, nobody is saying knowing frames means you don’t need experience, you fucking moron). I haven't played GP but I can tell you this, messing around with just throw and p into throw isn’t gonna get you very far, not even in the US. FL fags will fuck you up if you are clueless and keep on tossing jabs out at +8. That shit is for 2 year olds.

    Not gonna go to that SDE/Yoho garbage. Lame flame bait.

    Creed: I am challenging you to boston outside my house right now! If I win you will toss andy's salad. If I lose you can go back to tossing imf's.

    Ice-9: thank you for your 10hours late pointless comment again. You are a fucking waste of a Mod. Oh NO!! Are you gonna slap your 8 inch "I'm gonna ban" mod cock on me? remember that aint' gonna help you pleasing the ladies, or GP in your case.

    Ps: people have requested me to replace all my "ice-9" referals to be "ass-9" from now on. Please everytime you see ice-9, I meant ass-9.
  18. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ok when you guys give frames for one move then compare it to another can you give the frame data for that move to for us who dont freakin memorize the frame data? Also where is this -4 and -6 coming from? i thought we were talkin about when you're at an advantage...why in the world would use you those slow moves when you're at a -4 or -6, i thought everyone just went over how slow they are?
  19. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    [3][P]+[K]: 16 exe, -4 guard, +1 hit, +13 MC
    [4][3][P]+[K]: 16 exe, -6 guard, -1 hit, Down MC

    Hmm, if frames matter so goddamn much, shang, please explain how these moves are the "same risk". "Similar risk", maybe, but they aren't the same. Unless you telepathically know you're gonna get the MC, [3][P]+[K] sure looks like it has better frames . . .
  20. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KoD said:

    [3][P]+[K]: 16 exe, -4 guard, +1 hit, +13 MC
    [4][3][P]+[K]: 16 exe, -6 guard, -1 hit, Down MC

    Hmm, if frames matter so goddamn much, shang, please explain how these moves are the "same risk". "Similar risk", maybe, but they aren't the same. Unless you telepathically know you're gonna get the MC, [3][P]+[K] sure looks like it has better frames . . .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sure it has better frames, but not by much. First off, either move is more likely to get evaded, blocked, or score a CH than a normal hit. Said that, +1 or -1, it doesn't really matter, since you can still do plain [2]+[G] fuzzy guard at -1, and so can your opponent. So that point is moot.

    Same thing with -4 and -6. The only difference here is they can beat your [2]+[P] with a knee instead of an elbow. That's a pretty big difference, but you shouldn't be trying to [2]+[P] here. Two facts still remain the same in either situation. 1) If you want the lowest risk of being hit, you'll still have to E-#TE, TE-G, or R-TE in either situtation. 2) You can still get out of a throw a throw with any atack.

    And then of course she has much better and high-damage mixups after [4][3]+[P]+[K] than [3]+[P]+[K].

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