AOI AOI AOI AOI Aoi fans this means WAR

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by PlasmaSOUL, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ok so when are you guys coming up here again to whoop my ass? you ever get your stick to work right again? cuz i'm DYING for a good long session of play,preferably where you dont need to leave at like 9PM(i know you have work but how bout weekends?) Ya i'm trying to back off of reversals so much they're just too much fun, but VERY bad to use against jacky(well for me) they were more for screwing up your Akira /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif But seriously i want to get together more often and hopefully sometime soon, but as i said before it's hard for me to get down there since my girlfriend uses my car,nevermind i'll have the house to myself for a week next week i think so it could be some VF4 madness...
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Here's a follow-up to what you and Shang said.

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    hmm everytime i do the f+K+G,P i get owned, i guess i'm punching when i shouldn't be cuz they just block it and throw me or punish me.

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    Then you're doing something totally wrong. I don't know the stats b/c I've never counted frames. But, you should not only be not getting punished on this, you shouldn't be getting thrown either. If it's dodged, that's another story, but on block, the only thing they can get off is a low punch, with few exceptions. A knee or elbow is non-threatening. If it's blocked, I go back and forth between elbows, and [2][K]+[G]. I've only seen the thing Sabaki a couple of times as well -- it's not a great sabaki.
    As per my first post- mix it up w/ the throw.... it works.
    As per Shang, [4][3][P]+[K] is definitely her bread and butter, but against intermediate+ competition, I wouldn't spam it after an G-cancelled elbow. That's rather standard, and can often be dodged. I'd do some throws after a G-cancelled elbow for good measure.

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    d,d/f,f+pk, this move kinda suck. Obviously being a sabaki you can throw people off once awhile, but on the long run it’s better off to stay away.

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    Ignore that. It's a great round-starter against any of the punchers, and even a Sarah (although I wouldn't use it against Sara later in the match though). If you're timing is good, you can even get use it against Lei's Sen Shippo, but a reversal is probably better.
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    Other stuff:
    Her f+p,p(G), f+pk,p(G) stuffs are good, but her pp,f+p,p(G) stuffs are even better.

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    This is very true. I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again. [P][P][6][P][P] is your friend. Space each one out, and try to draw a low punch in there... especially between punches 2 and 3.
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    Stuff you should do once awhile but don’t abuse it: d+kg, use it to stop them going crazy on you, but you are in trouble if you don’t MC.

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    You're at a slight disadvantage on hit - they fall over on MC. My favorite follows to [2][K]+[G] (on hit) are mid-reversal, or [2][3][6][P][4][P]+[G]. The latter goes under mids, pointed out by Myke. If they commit to something w/ mediocre at best execution, you'll get the counter hit. Other wise, a normal hit.

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    ff+pk,p: use it more from mid range.

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    Better yet, don't use the whole thing.
    [6][6][P]+[K](delay)[6][P]+[K][P]. A lot of times, they're expecting the end of the combo, and will go for a throw or a low punch. Waste them.

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    While these things are great to look at and cool when you pull it off, you are paying a big price for it.

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    this is true. I know a lot of people that pay the price for trying to over reverse. I myself am guilty from time to time. Obviously, any non-cancellable charge attack, attacks from far away, etc., are great. But other than that, I'd get good w/ the YY first, then go for the reversals.

    One thing that hasnt' been mentioned, is her [3][P]+[K]. Low-throw or [P][K] is guaranteed on MC. I now go w/ the [P][K] as it's free damage and leaves you in a nice position, while the throw can be escaped.
  3. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ya i surprised shang and jerky with the [3][P]+[K] to low throw a few times, but instead of that why not do her knee to jumping kick instead of [P][K]? I love reversals, thats why i play Aoi, i love her whole style and the way she reverses and everything, but i do also love the YY stance BUT what are some guaranteed follow ups? it seems [6][P][P] only works in closed stance(or open not sure) but sometimes i'll try it after an inashi and both elbows will whiff and i'm fooked! and dashing in is wierd sometimes cuz of the camera change, what are some really good suggestions to her inashis? what about her [P]+[K],[P],[P] slap string? i like to use it once in a while but is it even faster than a regular punch? any tips would be great! Also her old great move [4][3][P] i think i found a new use for it! since it now seems all but useless in Evo you can now use it as a set up! you pull that at a situation where you're not quite able to do her new [4][3][P]+[K] then you do the [4][3][P]+[K]! so you MC them with the double palm when they think they'll stop your slice, then you pull the slice and stagger them. tell me what you think? i mean theres gotta be a use for that move
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    [4][3][P] is the double-stop. Check out my first post, and you'll see a good use for it (a setup, as you stated).
    However, I would never use [4][3][P]+[K] right after. [2][3][6][P]+[K] or [4][4][P]+[K]. Neither if you get the stagger w/ the doublestop though -- they're too far away to pose an immediate threat.

    The reason you go w/ [P][K] after an MC hit with [3][P]+[K] is b/c it's free damage -- they CANNOT guard or dodge it. The other moves don't guarantee any damage.

    I mix up my YY follow-ups. Dash->throw, dash->low throw, [6][P][P], and even [4][6][P][P]+[G] sometimes. Just depends on your opponent.
  5. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Hey Soundwave,
    we are playing this tuesday again. I'll make sure Jerky let you know before hand. Let's try to hook up on a weekend when Jerky doesn't need to leave so early sometimes.
    Couple of notes on what we are talking about here. I shouldn't have said d,d/f,f+pk is useless. It has it's uses, it's a good round starter when you know he is coming at you with a punch.
    On f+kg,p. The sabaki portion like people said is not very effective. It wasn't clear but after p is defended, Aoi's at mid advantage meaning her elbow will beat your opponent's fast attack (d+p); great MC chances here.
    On d/f+pk,any time you can MC with this, you can MC with f+k. The risk is about the same I think, but MC f+k will give you an auto float combo. Where as MC d/f+pk would give you a free low throw, which will always be escaped. Again, it's a matter of style.
    Anyhow, both jerky and I would love to talk vf with you irl. Jerky would actually talk about other things beside vf, but i probably won't. haha
  6. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    [4][3][P], despite being weakened in evo, is still her fastest mid double limb attack. As such, it blows right through sabaki, inashi, and non-aoi reversals. Think lei fei.

    There's a discussion of YY followups here. I'm still confused as to whether the followups are guaranteed.
  7. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    gaijin i wasn't saying [P][K] was a bad follow up i was just wondering why not do a [6][K][K] with Aoi? isn't that her most guaranteed damage? especially if you float with a knee first?where are you guys playin Tuesday, it's my last day of summer so it might be hard for me to get down there and especialy stay late, but a weekend up here would be great!
  8. JIonMaru

    JIonMaru Member

    your rite about the [6][K][K] thing, but somtimes they block it and end up doing a gaurenteed throw move or a combo.. its best to do [6][K][K] when your opponent is crouching or staggered or any kind of collapse..... i play evo at home ,hahha
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I think i'm getting confused.
    [P][K] is guaranteed when [3][P]+[K] hits with an MC. That and a low throw (which is escapable) are the only things guaranteed. [6][K][K] is not.

    The only time I do [6][K][K] when my opponent isn't crumbled, is after [4][6][P]+[K] and my opponent is throw happy (and I've got a lot mroe damage to waste). That's just me though.
  10. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    oh ya my bad, i was thinking that [3][K]+[G] crumpled for some reason...obviously you would go for a faster attack like [P][K], but doesn't that hit high and they'd be in a forced crouch which would be low. So what about [6_][P],[P] or something along those lines like [P][P][6_][P][P]
  11. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Do you have access to a PS2 version of evo? Go to training mode, record [P],[3]+[K]+[P],[6][P][P], start playback. Block the punch, try to respond with a knee so you'll get major countered. Then just hold down guard. Magically, the [6][P][P] will be blocked. Try the same sequence again, but substitute [P][K] for the [6][P][P]. Now, no matter whether you guard, evade, bang the machine, you'll eat the [P][K]. Yes, [P][K] really is guaranteed damage, and probably nothing else of note is.
  12. JIonMaru

    JIonMaru Member

    I dont reely use the move [P][K] alot, to me its kinda useless, and [6][P][P] is a guaranteed throw move yet it is an extremely good move to do when your oponent is just waiting to be attacked.. but a good crouching attack is [6][K][K] idont know whether its is a guaranteed throw move but when the AI block it they end up doing some heavy attack or crazy throw... so is it or is it not?
  13. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    You're missing the point. Look at what KoD said, but w/ the right command typed in. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    When Aoi's [3][P]+[K] hits on an MC, it puts the enemy into a forced crouch position at -8 (or more... enough for a throw). The throw can be escaped though. [P][K], despite the fact that it's high, and the enemy is in a crouched position, will hit, 100%, everytime. if it doesn't, you didn't get the MC.
    [6][P][P] is not guaranteed, nor is [6][K][K] or any other move. Hence, my original post, that said the [P][K] follow up is free damage -- there's no way they can get out of it.

    How about this? Think of it as a string:
    Not only is it free damage, but you finish a few frames up as well.

    Also as KoD said, try it in training, and you'll see. Nothing else is guaranteed beside the low throw, and that can be escaped.
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    After MC d/f+pk you are +13. which makes the 11 frame punch a combo and not the 18 frames f+k. how can p hit while force crouched? it just does. While the d/f+pk is a bit faster than f+k or d/f+p (16 vs 18), I honestly don't see why you would want to use d/f+pk if you are LOOKING to counterhit. If you MC d/f+pk, you get a p,k, and a +2. In the same situation you can use d/f+p to MC which will give you a big air combo...
    again, d/f+pk MC = pk free and nothing else is, but in many cases it's better to go for a float.
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Wow, are these stats right??

    Execution: 16 frames
    Counter Hit: +13 ([P],[K] guaranteed)
    Normal Hit: +1
    Guard: -4 (!!!)

    This seems like a really, really good move...if those numbers are right, this move seems easier to use effectively than [3][P] or knee (both slower, both recover slower, and former is only special high).
  16. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ya shang what have you been smoking /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif not only is the [3][K]+[G] faster but i think it also has a much higher priority than [3][P]. I always seem to get hit out of [3][P] while [3][P]+[K] usually knocks them out of whatever move they're attempting, but i never noticed about the [P][K],gotta start doin that. I usually just go for the lowthrow because it catches people by surprise, i mean the chop to forced crouch,not the low throw.
  17. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ya shang what have you been smoking /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif not only is the [3][P]+[K] faster but i think it also has a much higher priority than [3][P]. I always seem to get hit out of [3][P] while [3][P]+[K] usually knocks them out of whatever move they're attempting, but i never noticed about the [P][K],gotta start doin that. I usually just go for the lowthrow because it catches people by surprise, i mean the chop to forced crouch,not the low throw.
  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    OK, you guys are right. I've been smoking too much. d/f+pk is a great move.
  19. Nybec

    Nybec Well-Known Member

    This thread seems to be started by someone blinded by Aoi's beauty /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    Anyhow. I've experimented with backdash to floater move tricks with Aoi. It seems to me that the best floater to use for this is the [3]+[P]. So maby I can get some tips on how to work with it and what combos to use.

    There is absolutely no combolist for this move on my version of Evo (too bad). And since [3][P] always seems to hit on a minor counter with the backdash trick it's even harder to train it in free training.
  20. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    how do you do a backdash into that? do you have to throw a guard in there so it doesn't do the double palm? cuz tahts what should come out after a backdash without buffering in a guard i think...i personally hate that move and i really dont rely on floating with Aoi, just not her style. The only time your opponents legs should be off the ground is when you're whippin them around like a rag doll with a throw or reversal /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif her floaters dont seem to float "high" enough and they come out quite slow it seems so you just get MC'd all day long. i think crumples with her are much more effective, but thats just me. For dashing games i like to play with her new rising palm from crouch after a back/forward crouch dash or her elbow hit throw(usually after forward dash for that) or her new crouch dash throw or her new from crouch throw.

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