Any Winning Eleven players here?

Discussion in 'General' started by Chanchai, Mar 17, 2003.

  1. Duke

    Duke Active Member

    Raider: I have started practised PESII a lot now.
    And next time, you and Netrom will have a extrem hard time to beat me.
    And one thing, my favorite team is Manchester United.
    The reason they are my favorite is because of Peter Schmeichel (Goalkeper).
    He was my favorite when i was i kid (1992)
    But anyway, Netrom and Raider had some beatiful goals. My god.. some of them was nice!
    And the reason you guys won, i acted like a bully.
    I had a minium of 3 red cards every match.

    I only kidding, you guys played awesome.
  2. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member


    Yeah man you better practice, because I have started to play serious again too.
    And with almost 10 years of experience from the ISS\PES\WE games, I'm hard to beat know. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to a tough battle against you, and then we'll see how stands victorious in the end.

    Btw, that last goal in the video that you scored.
    It's sweeeeeeet! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Unfourtunately that's all there is to it.Patience , determination and practice,practice,practice....It really is like the football equivalent of vf without out the complicatedness of learning everyone else's moves to know how to counter them.
  4. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    wooo hoo!!!!i scored my first freekick in a match with germany!!!
    but i forgot to save~
    *jumps for joy* >¦ )
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    what happened to studying for tests, no time for games?
  6. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    gotta relax also.just pass up 2 projs and had one test.
    2 more to gooooooo
    i meant no time.... 2 go down bugis >¦ )
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    is ok
    I do that alot
    rush for project?
    work for 3 hrs...1 hr of break..rinse n repeat

    study for 2 hrs...1 hr of break (cannot study for too long..brain goes flat)

    Do u play winning 11 arcade version?
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I bet you nearly screamed the house down didn't you ( well I did for my first ).There's a real sense of gratification when the first one curls in though, isn't there?Who did you score it with ? I didn't realise Germany were too hot on set pieces.
  9. Duke

    Duke Active Member

    Just like me Raider, have also played ISS\PES games almost 10 years now. I also played Fifa, but stopped when 98 or 99 came out.

    But seriosly, you and Netrom had som exelent goals as well. But you know my 2 keepers played exstrem badly remember?:D Barthez and Van Der Sar(was that he`s name)
    Anyway, I have just like I said in my last post, started to play PESII extrem hard. (harder then my 1000 hai hai whit Lei-Fei:)) I should practise and kick you and Netrom ass. And Kuma will join me in a 2v2. That can be taken on the next gameparty.
    Lokking forward to it and the next time we gonna play EVO.

    later dudes, a sweet girl did just step behind me!!!!!! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gifTG03 (The world biggest computerparty)
  10. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Chanchai said:

    Just curious if there are any enthusiastic Winning Eleven players hanging out at VFDC.

    Also ported as Pro Evolution Soccer in Europe (as far as I know), the series has finally hit the US with the release of WE6 (though we didn't get WE6: Final Evolution I think). I'm definitely happy it's being released here with a good amount of people snatching it up in my local area. Or so the gameshops seem to lead me to believe.

    Hopefully, the series will have a strong reputation in the US and overtake *cough* FIFA. I can only hope on that. I think the game is pretty much well known and received anywhere outside of the US (wouldn't be the only thing).


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Recently, I've been playing ISS Advance on the Gameboy Advance. This was released just this January in Europe, and isn't available in the US as far as I know. It is a terrific game that looks great and plays well; certainly better than the first ISS on the Advance. If anybody lives in Europe or has access to an import shop, I suggest you find yourself a copy.

    As far as websites go, I really can't find much of anything about it. Most GBA sites focus on the same MarioZeldaMetroid games, overlooking the real gems. I will be writing a review of ISS Advance on my website this week, though.
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I played it a while ago, think i'll just stick to the real pro evolution.
  12. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    summah: nope never play arcade one.hehe
    csnape: mine is the jap version.i dun haf ze patch.i think its micheal ballack who score.u were right man haha i was jumping ard the house.hahaha

    i think germany is quite a strong team.though they dun haf blazing speed.gotta be patient and try to go for set pieces.they are quite good at them.

    btw...maradona rawks!haha i think hes the shortest playeer in the game.but hell is he fast!i think hes like 2 times of carlos.and hes a striker! >¦ )
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah I've got maradonna in my Liverpool masters league team and when he sets off on a run almost no one can catch him!Problem is he's so small trying to win headers with him is a joke.Germany are certainly a good defensive team.I 've played as them a few times but I prefer to have plenty of attacking options. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  14. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    csnape said:

    Yeah I've got maradonna in my Liverpool masters league team and when he sets off on a run almost no one can catch him!Problem is he's so small trying to win headers with him is a joke.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Man you could always use you're arm. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Ah the old " hand of god " eh? /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif It would be nice of them to impliment it for him in subsequent games maybe hehe /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  16. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Winning Eleven 7 News!

    Thanks for the links man, hope we get some thing close to a date for euro release soon.btw does anyone ( like me ) still take release dates at face value.Soooooooo many games are promised to come out at specific times but are continually changed.It's only good when things are sped up though like evo is now 20th of june instaed of 27th.Yippy KAYE ! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  18. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Re: Winning Eleven 7 News!

    The release date of
    WE7 in Japan: August
    PES3 in Europe: october/november
    but I don't have informations about the US version, sorry !!

    I have some informations about WE7/PES3 from a interview of Takatsuka and his KCET team for a european video game television :

    - More teams, 70 national teams, 60 clubs, and the possibility to create 10 team.

    - The possibility to create your own competitions (like in the old "Sensible Soccer").

    - Many incredible news in the Master-League Mode.

    - More hidden teams and classic players.

    - Possibility to create your own national team. Like a trainer, you can select the players you want in your national team.

    - WE7 and PES3 are going to be exactly the same games and this time, KCET don't previous a Final Edition of WE7.

    - WE7/PES3 is a online game... but just for the new datas (new players, new strategys,...).

    - New graphic engine and a better gameplay when 2 players are face to face (more possibilities).

    - This time, KCET use the opinion of the fans to do a better game.

    - New comments
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Re: Winning Eleven 7 News!

    Sound good but to what extent, i mean it's still very much in the dark.
  20. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Re: Winning Eleven 7 News!

    - Release Date August 7th
    - Master League now split up in to 4 seperate leagues (the "WEFA Championship")
    - New graphics for the scoreboard and player name displays
    - From one of the screenshots, it appears that there will be a 64 club teams as previously reported
    - Greater depth of kit editing and overall editing
    - Many more animations including the moving of hair etc.
    - Will be on a CD-Rom
    - Tunnel animations like those seen in ISS3
    - Players can be seen wearing bandages for injuries and shown drinking for energy
    - 20 Stadiums, all with improved crowd interaction
    - Two new features in the training modes
    - New artificial intelligence
    - Compatible with Hard Drive and Online Adapters, but online play is not confirmed, yet!
    - Ability to unlock things in a "WE-Shop"
    - Referees are now more likely to give advantages
    - Smaller clubs will have smaller crowd attendances
    - No on-line play (despite rumours)... online features are just for downloads
    - Seaman's ponytail swings a lot!
    - Search engine to find a player with wanted attributes in Master League
    - Eyes, nose, hair, eyebrows can all be moved on the face in edit mode
    - New replays which look more realistic

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