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Any VF5 Ideas ?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ONISTOMPA, Apr 10, 2003.

  1. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:

    If Taka did come back, man who in their right mind would believe any of the VF characters can throw him little less float his Fat Sumo Ass? Please do you know hard it would be to do that to Taka? Since Sumo Wrestlers are highly skilled at using their weight in a offensive manner. /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

    I have played VF3 and yes you can joggle his Fat Sumo Ass just like another VF character.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So are you pro-Taka or anti-Taka? The first part of your post seems anti while the second part seems pro.

    I'm just curious, not like it really matters or anything. As much as I would love for my favorite sumo to return, I know it'll take too much to make his fat ass the same quality (graphically) as the other characters. Maybe if they'd put him on a treadmill...but then he wouldn't be Taka.
  2. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vale_Mesmo_Tudo said:

    What i wouldn't like to see in VF5:

    -Air combos (midair too)
    -Bounce Combos

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will be pissed if this happens, VF is a fighting game it's NOT a sim.
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mirage said:

    I will be pissed if this happens, VF is a fighting game it's NOT a sim.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually VF was meant to be the first Fighting Simulator in comparison to what F355 Challenge was for racing fans with it's realistic physics. But apparent as you know there was compomise that was made. But hell I happy with the result and Sega are constantly refining the VF Engine.

    Let just hope the core people that worked so hard to make VF as good as it is don't leave Sega and we end up getting screwed. After Street Fighter Champion Turbo Edition it all went down hill for me. I realized that core people of the game left capcom and it was the end for the veteran fans of the game. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Yeah, realism is good, but too much of it might kill the fun.
  5. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have played VF3 and yes you can joggle his Fat Sumo Ass just like another VF character.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, not really KFS. Yes, he can be floated, but not like any other character. In OB it was signficantly different. I can't remember the damage number off the top of my head (kbcat, fill me in), but if a move did less than X damage, it wouldn't even knock him down. Advantageous and disadvantageous for Taka - nonetheless very different. The only way Akira could DLC Taka in a float was to have him hit a wall first. Even then, it had to be a wall adjacent to a downslope. Furthermore, don't forget that almost every throw in the game had a special Taka animation. So, I would say that Taka was not able to be floated like every other character, not in the least /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Taka was a very unique character. I'd love it if he was brought back as he was so much fun to play. However, he's a lot more work to fit into VF4 and as a result Sega opted out. I'm not surprised - think about it, to keep him as unique as he was in VF3, you'd have to included more animations for throws on Taka, make decisions on what would cause a KD on him, and would the KD animation be the same?, what float physics do you use with him?...etc etc. I think you may see him back in a VF5, should that happen. But it will take a lot more work than any other character.
  6. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    afroconnexion said:

    So are you pro-Taka or anti-Taka? The first part of your post seems anti while the second part seems pro.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm Pro-Taka because he as a character was completely from left field if you know what I mean. I was really surprise to see in VF3 but when I'd got to play him, I was glad that Sega put him. He was really fun and had a lot of the sumo techniques that you see in Sumo matches. Sega did a great job implementing Taka into VF3 considering how different he is.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Llamfair said:

    Taka was a very unique character. I'd love it if he was brought back as he was so much fun to play. However, he's a lot more work to fit into VF4 and as a result Sega opted out. I'm not surprised - think about it, to keep him as unique as he was in VF3, you'd have to included more animations for throws on Taka, make decisions on what would cause a KD on him, and would the KD animation be the same?, what float physics do you use with him?...etc etc. I think you may see him back in a VF5, should that happen. But it will take a lot more work than any other character.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I completely agree.
  7. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    That was one of the best posts i've ever seen in my whole life!!! LOL!! GO MAKE A MOVIE! VIRTUA FIGHTER 5: Taka Strikes! "Ar'ya fuckin' talkin' to me?!!!" "DO YOU WANNA FUCKIN' DIE MAN??"

    VI-RTUA-A FI-GHTER 5 (loud sound)
    TAKA's Back, and he's got some special vendetta..
    This upcoming 2010, Taka will make some damage!!
    A film by Yu Suzuki.
  8. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    BTW, Can u guys imagine Kage doing his [4]+[P]+[G] on Taka?? ROTFLOL!!! Ouch!!
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    BTW, Can u guys imagine Kage doing his [4]+[P]+[G] on Taka?? ROTFLOL!!! Ouch!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    why imagine? just play VF3.

  10. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    i meant in a realistic way... Kage would get smashed.
  11. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Speaking of character talk, any word on the korean fighting styles that Yu has been researching? Anything new pop up in the last month or so?
  12. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Not thats been posted or talked about SD.
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member


    Since you clearly don't want to play anything that is even close to virtua fighter, why don't you wish for a brand new game and leave the poor VF series alone? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif That way everyone wins.
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    That's not a bad concept. Imagine this -

    When in a position where you want to escape throws, you can either
    1. Enter multiple throw escapes, then escape the throw and play the guessing game that results..
    2. Enter one throw escape + a specific anti-throw-counterattack, i.e. if you just KNOW kage is doing to do a TFT you can enter b+P+G, ...then f+P+K (or something like that) and you would break kage's throw and go immediately into a canned counterattack for some small guaranteed damage against Kage. But by doing that you give up the ability to enter multiple throw escapes, you shouldn't be allowed to do guaranteed punishment against 2 or 3 different throws. (in the case of two throws that share the same escape, you can have different [direction]+P+K counterattacks for different throws).
  15. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    CreeD, let us dream, lol. I would like to see, it doesn't mean i think it's going to appear. I would like to see Virtua Fighter with a brand new combo system. Maybe you didn't notice, but get someone who doesn't play games and make him watch the game. That person will tell it's always the same thing, every character can float other characters, it's the same sound when they hit, it's always mid, high, and low. There is a system, that makes all martial arts in the game very similar. That's why I would like to see VF5 with a brand new combo system, and maybe some more depthness in each character's martial art. Something that would make the game look extroardinay compared to any other fighting game. For example....I would love to see kage jump around the arena (not exaggerated), as some jumping moves would look cooler. Also, it's so stupid having down attacks.

    Before i continue this post i would like to say: THIS IS MY OPINION. thank you


    The game shouldn't have (I say "the game" but it could be another new game, as CreeD said..) life bars, because it's not realistic. But without life bars, i think it wouldn't even be a fighting game. Keeping the life bars, they should add a specific system for each character, for each martial art. So that you couldn't attack a character while he/she was on the floor, but in vale tudo you can, so if you were using Vanessa you should be able to do it.

    I think this is just too much complicated. And as i said before, I'm not hoping to see any of this in any future game. But before you think that all of this is stupid, try imagining it yourselves, and changing some of the stuff i've said. Because the games's future relies mostly on it's creativity, maybe realism, and some innovative stuff. You can't just wait for a VF5 to come with better graphics, new chars, new modes, new stages, new items, and the exact same fighting system! Look at Unreal Tournament and Unreal Tournament 2003. Both games are completly different in many aspects. Ut2k3 is a merging between UT and Quake3, and while many veterans from the first didn't like it, many others joined it. And there's a whole new level of games nowadays, so in my fucking humble opinion: VF5 should be VERY VERY different. Besides that, namco's merging with sega, i think. I hope this doesn't mean a game with Taka having to fight an Ogre....
  16. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Bah, I'm pretty happy with the existing combo system. I used to want to make a completely "realistic" game like you're describing (back when I was interested in programming and game design). Problem is that allowing someone to go "killer instinct" on someone without consequences isn't realistic. When I wanted to make that game, meters were what I thought would remedy that. I thought that right under the life meter would be an endurance meter which would go down at a specific rate depending on the style (aikido's going down quickly, kickboxing or vale tudo's going down slowly). Bah, I could go on forever...it's a whole other topic in itself.

    My point is I love VF. Nuff said /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Dude, are you on crack? THere are games more or less like that - go play Pride FC or UFC. THose are great games in of themselves. VF was never meant to be some uber-realistic fighting game. It has some realistic like elements, but they are implimented in a video game way, not a real life way.
    BTW - EVERY martial art has attacks for an opponent on the ground, be it a strike, stab, or hold.
  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vale_Mesmo_Tudo said:
    Before i continue this post i would like to say: THIS IS MY OPINION. thank you

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude stop wasting time giving your opinion and go learn how to play vf. You are not welcome.

    Here's ONISTOMPA on rice
  19. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Shadowdean, I'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that, i know every martial art has down attacks, but i was refering to the [8]+[P] ones. Vanessa's DS down attack... no one (at least in Vale Tudo) does that... And There should be at least a distance limit for them. It's impossible for akira to jump 20 metres high in the air, from one side of the stage, to the other side! And no, i'm not on crack, as i said before, no game is realistic, but VF should (for the blind ones: it's my opinion) be remodeled. Not completly, just some stuff. At least remodeled in such a way that people who don't play the game would want to buy it, and still keep all of the game's veterans turned on.

    Shang, get a life.
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vale_Mesmo_Tudo said:
    Shang, get a life.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Vale: here you are comparing a game to a martial art and insisting how it's unrealistic because certain characters are doing things that are physically impossible while making moronic comments like: "no game is realistic" or "At least remodeled in such a way that people who don't play the game would want to buy it"
    And you want me to get a life? Explain to me why anyone would buy the game without playing it, retard.
    Here is Vale

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