Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US more

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TechnicalMonkey, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    FV was great!!! That was one of the first fighters to include walls, armor breaking, dramatic finishers, etc. Last Bronx was great, too, but not many people know about it...

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Try saying 'no' to her....


    Well, BR5 sure proved us wrong, so anything is possible. [​IMG]
  3. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Well, in terms of fighting games it hasn't always worked for SNK (KOF97, 99-2001, 2003, XII, Maximum Impact 1 & 2), Namco (T4, SC3, SC3AE, SCIV), Temco (DOA4), Arcsys (GGXX/, GGI) or even Capcom (SFZ3, EX3, CFJ). </div></div>

    lol very carefully picked. I commend you good sir.
  4. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    You can't violate our EULA! You'll regret this!
  5. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    lol very carefully picked. I commend you good sir. </div></div>

    Thanks... You know what's sad though?? I actually liked T4 (the story was more gritty and "normal" imo), KOF MI(1 & 2), SC3AE, and CFJ (Hauzer ftw!!!)...
  6. sibarraz

    sibarraz Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Don't know, KOF 97 was a huge sucess and still very succesfull in Japan, I think that this would have been considered the best kof ever/pre 2001 if weren't because 98 pretty much picked an amazing game and make it a legendary game

    Fighting Vipers was popular in Japanese Arcades? I saw a video with a tourney with BunBunMaru and it seemed like VF players also played FV

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