Amazing Feats in Single Player Mode

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Your right about the CPU AI being broken, it gave me unrealistic ideas about how good I really was too, I mastered Goh in quest mode to the highest level on expert, when I first got on XBL last year I thought I'd kick ass with my quest mode skills, I couldn't have been more wrong, quest mode tactics don't work on human opponents I had to learn this the hard way lol
    (my quest mode scrub goh is in the purple suit) [​IMG]

    As can be seen I wasn't playing very intelligently at that time because my training came from playing against ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (they call it that for a good reason) fortunatly I've managed to get rid of most of the bad habits I picked up from quest mode thanks to the very helpful advice of other HUMAN players, quest mode is only for defensive training and execution skills it won't help with anything else
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    First, I'm a transformers fan [​IMG] currently playing war for cyberton. I have nothing against transformers. I just thought someone who's screen name is Chief_Flash and whose current loc is Cyberton, shouldn't really make remarks about something being ubber gay [​IMG]

    Second to all my VFDC brothers, here's what I know

    1) The VS mode in Virtua Fighter is what its all about (I agree with everybody)

    2) Playing the AI (in its current form) is no substitute for playing against
    real live opponents

    3) Quest mode , and the AI's are there to show you some of the basics
    all in preparation for playing VS mode

    4) Playin Online is not the same as playin with no lag in VS mode

    5) Vs Mode is the real deal.

    Now, boys and girls, that being said ... ROFLMAO [​IMG] And for those of you that are wee bit thick:

    The point of this thread is to explore the notion of pulling off some Amazing Feat against the AI in single player mode.


    It is not the point of this thread to compare playing against people to playing against the AI.

    It is not the point of this thread to talk about amazing feats pulled off by top
    players against other human players

    It is not the point of this thread to talk about how broken VF PS3 AI is

    I know English is not everyone's first language, and some of posters here are
    still learning the basics, so I understand, if not everybody is able to comprehend right off the bat. Its all good [​IMG]

    To get back to the point of the thread:

    If you don't think getting a draw against the AIs in Quest mode with no hits landed by you or the AI is an Amazing feat, then try it. Maybe it is my poor skill set that is making it a big deal. I currently think its hard to do, maybe
    some of you could do it with no problem, but if you haven't tried, then everything you've said is empty talk[/size] [​IMG]

    This is a thread about single player mode in Virtua Fighter [​IMG] If you don't give a damn about single player, then Y read and comment [​IMG]

    I happen to think there are lots of fun uses for single player, if you don't good 4 you.

    I think there are some Amazing feats that have yet to be pulled off against the AIs in single player, whenever I'm not in a VF tournament, or I'm not playing someone in VS, I don't see anything wrong with messin around in Quest mode, or the Dojo. I don't see why you girls and boys have a problem with that [​IMG]

    On my philosophy about losing, he, he, ha, ha, You all know deep down inside why it bothers you so much [​IMG] You know, and I know [​IMG]
    I've lost thousands of matches. I've lost more matches than some of you young pups have played. I'm a master at losing [​IMG] And that just fucks some of yall up [​IMG] Well if MasterPo has lost 15,010 matches how much has the motha fucka won [​IMG] And herein lies the cognitive dissonance. I value a good well planned loss more than I value a good well planned win. Why? Some of yall out there have to be smart enough to ask that question. Just the law of probability says there are a few of you smart enough [​IMG]

    [8] [5] [P] [+] [K] [+] [G]

    Here it is again, in slow motion this time. Watch my hands [​IMG]

    When you win, you're exploiting the weaknesses of your opponent.

    When you control your loss you are overcoming your own weaknesses

    In martial arts, the mirror match, is the last hill to climb. Facing self is the final battle. Once we have mastered our own weaknesses, then the opponents strength is irrelevant.

    Back to regular speed: LOL

    Because I place such an emphasis on losing, it appears to dimish your obsession with winning. I mean winning by lag, or spamming some cheap move, or by framing your opponent to death, winning by luck, or by pressure, or by whatever. You've invested a lot of time an effort into winning and when I promote self mastery through loss its a very painful paradigm shift [​IMG] Whoever heard of playing a fucking video game to lose LOL
    But I do. Of course (these days) I win by mistake some time [​IMG] (I take no pleasure in it though ) The idea of capitalizing on my opponents weaknesses is not entertaining to me [​IMG]

    But somehow (deep inside) you girls and boys know, that if I'm able to lose the way that I say I can, I've mastered my weaknesses and in any match (against me) you stand to lose your manhood/womanhood by winning [​IMG]

    @ Hazzerzone Now that's the spirit [​IMG]


    Have any of you pulled off some really Amazing Feat in Single Player?

    A couple of nights ago, I was able to go two consecutive rounds without letting the AI land a kick, a hit, or throw, and I also (intentionally) did not land anything. Which ended in two rounds time up and we both had full life bars left. I'm trying to get to a complete draw 3 rounds with no hits landed on either side. Has any one done this before [​IMG] Does anyone know whether will get single player mode replay back, so that we can document the
    undoable in VF single Player mode?

    [8] [5] [P] [+] [K] [+] [G] [P]
  3. ShinjukuATM

    ShinjukuATM Well-Known Member

    Lol...We should all post vids doing that shit all day.I could make a vid where I always do 3kg k to be at -22 but the amazing AI throws too early and I get away with it all the time...No really Po it isnt that hard to do that stuff.Have u ever done extreme stepping gainst the AI?The AI gets confused and cries after being avoided by stepping madness...Funniest thing in this thread is u dissin the US OFFLINE! VF CHAMP.I feel sorry 4 u PO

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