Absolution 2004 Report

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by archangel, Apr 18, 2004.

  1. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    well everyone has covered pretty much all the bases.. except i'd like to thank the UK and Euro VF community! you guys are what made the tourney for me. everyone is so friendly and encouraging, making the atmosphere at tournies extremely enjoyable.

    the game is too good and also it has the nicest community of any fighter, IMO. so everyone give yourselves pats on the back! without you all, abs would have been shit but you managed to salvage it into something fun.

    most tense moment: the end of Dai vs Hatim.. low rising attack counter...! hatim i do not know how you had the balls to do that when you had a tiny amount of life left but christ! it was too good.

    funniest moment: the thomas the tank engine theme coming through the megaphone.. haven't laughed like that in ages haha.
  2. KneeNinja

    KneeNinja Well-Known Member

    I'll skip the complaints and give props to players, I'm sure other fellow vfers has covered all the bad stuff in their post and no one wants to read it from me again.

    European players:
    Man I really feel sorry for you all witnessing such a tragic tournament, feels like some of you got robbed by the event. I hope it doesn't put you off from visiting UK again, because I still have not played most of you yet, due to lack of vf set ups. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    Ogi: Nice to meet you, you seems to have made a big impact on some of the UK vfers, you showed us the fun side of waching kage which is a rarity. Nice one /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Exypher: Damn you land of weeder, I wanted to get even before you left but you was nowhere to be found /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif. It was nice to play your sarah even if it was only 1 game. Sexy sarah there Jurgen Schmurgen from Durgen Burgen, easy with the weeds boy /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

    French Players: Aye Shwoking, FrenchAkira and co. In 2 days I didn't manage to play any of you, I wish we could have got some games in but, due to dissapointing organisation it wasn't to be. But from watching you play and hearing good things about you from fellow vfers frenchs are to be watch out for! Congrats in placing high in tourny.

    Rock Howard: Nice to meet you, I think I had the most games with you out of the european players. Good Goh! You gave me a scare during our groupmatch, but Jacky cannot be out skanked /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif. I'm sorry K4oru wasn't having his day, I only played him once, good match!

    ManjiMaru: Good Akira from the land of Santa Claus (Onny's brother), only managed to play you once, but you showed finnish has skills /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    noman: You have a good Akira and Lei despite you denying it. Keep it up.

    iceK and other Europeans: Sorry I don't remember your names. Good show you put up. Nice one.

    Uramachi Bums: We did well! at least we positioned higher than them Pandas(Anythig goes VF) in singles tournament.

    Hokages: We did well in the team tourneys! Beat them Pandas and positioned higher than them Uramachi Bums.

    Congrats to champion: Ryan for placing 1st, good luck in evo2k4 /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    2nd: Delune/Zeng, man you robbed me! But you deserved it /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif, awesome solid Lion and the rest of chars. I enjoyed our Akira vs Akiras, hope to play you again soon.

    3rd: ThePrince, Awesome win against Daisuke, thumbs up.

    Jun/Kola: definetly best wolf in UK i've seen, single handedly won the team tournament for his team. And super cool guy /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    The rest of UK players: top tier stuff.

    Sorry if i missed out on anyone, my memory is abit hazy at the moment.
  3. stalwartsamurai

    stalwartsamurai Well-Known Member

    U know I swear prizes should have been given to 4th and 5th places on all games

    for VF that was
    4th French Akira
    tied 5th Daisuke, Jun, Knee Ninja and Me
  4. Masamune_Blade

    Masamune_Blade Well-Known Member

    anata wa,neko desu.

    shit i played sooooooo shit no one can prop me, too much concentration aimed at tekken tag that i wasnt feeling vf at all this weekend. this is the first time i have ever said "i played shit at the tourney" and i hope its the last, and i know it wasnt my fault,cuz we had 3 tourneys going on at once 3 of which i was playing in, in fact, i was playing 3s better than i usually play VF and I DONT PLAY 3s!!!

    i apologise for not skanking people and not being jokes enough for you to remember me.

    nice meeting you Exypher and Ogi.
    and it was fun playing with Noman and Icek, even though noman brucked one team and optimus brucked our team.

    oh my days /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    props to zeng and hatim for doing so well in the tournament, and standards to ryan for setting them as you always do.


  5. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    well i look forward to what ever u hav planned, an will help in anyway:)
    ive already mentioned to ryan that we need to do a proper tourny at say a counsil hall or summing (£50-£100 rent)
    damn, i really messed up at vf (my excuse is i cant play in those conditions!)
    but at least i rang out jun 3times like i said i was going to, and i beat ino's jacky even though no one beat him in my group till he cam against VO and me:)
    anyways it was fun but boy... like AA said it was nothing on gamefocus/dynamic league!!!
  6. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    an other bad thing, rehan/The Chef got his ps2 soul calibur stick stolen!!!, he gave it to a jap player but then it went missin!!!
    also at least 3 dreamcasts broke, all because of peoples who cant play with sticks use bloody pad adaptors an dont even pause it before they change it!!!
    damn, i sware ive seen projectors go on ebay for £300, i heard that last year someone stole a projector, hell hatim even found someones car keys with a usb key ring on it, right on the floor!!! im not surprised more stuff went!!!, Andrew/kensou told me how someone tryed to take a ps2, the people who was "running it" are lucky that he stopped them!!!
    anyways if there was 700+ games played by players and they paid between £10-30 per game entered, say £15 for arguments sake, i make that £10,500 minmum takings!!! minus the prize money,(£3,200) thats still £7,300!!! someone told me the rent of that dive was £2,000. but theres no way thats true!!! an i heard the 9people from japan was £1,000 a head, but then i heard that some of them paid for them selfs!!!
    anyways it was a ripoff right from the start, nxt time i will be there just to say "GoooooooooooooDDDaa"
    and at then end of the day he couldnt even let cunkis hav his say....:( ohh well
  7. TrojanX

    TrojanX Well-Known Member

    Everyone should know that if I say something is big it's going to be big. So...

    I expect to see everyone at the "HEAD 2 HEAD" tournament.

    Expect more details soon... It's going to be big!
  8. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    good good
    just vf? or others like Super/hyper sf2 (hint hint)
  9. TrojanX

    TrojanX Well-Known Member

    Hehe! I can't reveal full details yet but lets just say that "Sega" is onboard together with others.
  10. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    coool, hope its soon... just to get that absolutly bad taste out of my mouth:)
  11. Saurian

    Saurian Well-Known Member

    Guys if you are having problems with your DCs I'd be happy to sort them out for you, I feel bad for all the people that had a bad time at the event - I'm up Kilburn area so if you're around these sides give me a shout.

    That's proper disgusting that Rehan's stick got teefed /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  12. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    i know jericho/michaels was one that bust
    ask rehan/chef who elses!
  13. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    yeah a regular VF tourney would be too good! we used to hold the 3s Ranking Battle in an old scout hut and it ws fine! i've been looking around the net for venues that might be good to use, but most places are for big corporate events and stuff (not much call for videogames tournies i guess /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif ). the biggest problem is screens, to my mind. it's not about dragging a TV onto the bus / tube!
    anyone happen to run a TV shop?
  14. Zakuta

    Zakuta Well-Known Member

    I own one of the TVs that was at abs (the TV/VHS combo one). They're proper sick, they'll come in handy any time.

    Anyway, aside from me losing as much as £150 worth of crap over the last week (as well, as a busted DC), i'm not gonna lie and say I didn't have fun at the tournament.

    I played lots of games, met some ppl - had the occassional laugh (like taking Kola to thr 5th round. MUAHAHAHAHA - *ahem* i've never escaped 2 vital throws in a row before - maybe I should play more EVO - lol) and had headaches! Guaranteed when going to a tournament - for me anyway.

    Didn't get to meet all the VF heads, but thanks for coming...even if the tournament didn't run as planned, I hope you all had fun playing other VF talent.

    Can't really say it was the best tournament ever - but yeay, I had fun anyway *shrugs*.

    Hope to see your handles again someday. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Pai~Chun likes this.
  15. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Absolushit = All the hype, none of the substance, saw this coming miles away. I feel sorry for you guys first getting duped by that dynamic league fag and now this. Good luck, thank god you guy got Ryan hart. Otherwise might as well quit vf. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  16. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Haha, fucking shang. I was waiting for that...knew you wouldn't be able to resist the "I told you so"...

    Anyways, I also feel bad for every VF'er attending this event, especially the international guys. Furthermore, isn't 20 pounds a little steep for a tourney entry anyway? Fuck, that's like 40 Canadian!!!

    Hope the next event turns out much better.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    If this event was as bad as folk are reporting I can't help but feel for the players who travelled abroad to attend. Coming all that way for a poorly organised event with tiny screens and no consoles. That sucks.

    The signs that this was going to be a fiasco were evident early on when VF4 was initially spread over two working days. I know that put off some folk form Scotland attending, myself included.
  18. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    And you Mates wonder why non of the Yanks ever made a effort to come to the event. LOL /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  19. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:

    And you Mates wonder why non of the Yanks ever made a effort to come to the event. LOL /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, we would have got wrung out if we showed up. hahahaa
  20. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    well I actually had fun at the Dynamic League and compared to the Abs one, DL ruled. Ullysis was all Bark and no Bite.

    And there won't be a next one cos I doubt the VF'ers will be attending the next one Unless it's at a better location.

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