A Brutal Aoi, or Cerbral Aoi?

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by lau_fists, Aug 18, 2002.

  1. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Here's one way:

    Try Aoi's [2_][3]+[P] hit throw after recovering from a low attack, like [2]|[2_]+[P] or [2]+[K]+[G] (normal hit). Aoi's [2_][3]+[P] beats lots of high attacks and elbows, as far as I know. This way, the attack hits as a counter, since it's interrupting another attack.
  2. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    I think there is a few guaranteed throw situations with Jeffry as well. How about [6][6][P](MC), into splash mountain or front backbreaker (not positive, but pretty damn sure; since it staggers the hell out of opponent). Everytime I connect with this, the throw seems unnavoidable. This other one is definately guaranteed. [1][P][K] into low throw of your choice. If your fast enough with the low throw afterwards the damage from both moves is totalled up, not divided; thus making it a combo. Ex. [1][P][K] into machine gun knee lift does 85dmg (20+65).
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member


    Against people, use [4][4][P][K] when someone is [P][P][P] rushing you, or when you TR and you think they're going to try to throw you -- works like a champ.
  4. Desbastard

    Desbastard Member

    The problem with most people with this move is that: they wait and see if the [2][3_][P] hits AND see if it's a counter hit, THEN they input the [4][P]+[G], which means that it's already too late. The key here is that you DON'T do that.
    Even if you don't know if the elbow will be a counter hit, just immediately input the throw motion anyway. But do try to time it a little. Practice, practice, practice! Try the 'Free Training' mode as a good measure by turning the CPU action 'on'.
  5. Desbastard

    Desbastard Member

    The reversal vs. sabaki (deflecting attacks) question is an interesting one, and there is no clear cut answer. You cannot just say reversals are better in every case, nor vice versa. If you're unsuccessful with a reversal you're liable to eat a counter hit or thrown. If you're unsuccessful with a sabaki, it's still a regular attack which your opponent must deal with.

    Thanks for the comments. But I still think her [4][P] and [6][4][P] deflects are rather useless because the opponent still have time to guard her next attack no matter how fast it is. Maybe a throw...?

    But still, I think as an Aoi player I have to start learning using her deflecting attacks now to improve my game. Can anyone help me with this? Just how many deflecters does she have and how to use 'em?

    One more thing: if I'm not mistaken, the [4][K]+[G] and the [6][K]+[G] are also deflecting attacks. However, I'm not so sure because I've only saw it once happened. Can anyone clarify these for me?

    Last thing about her [8][K]+[G]. I LOVE it!! I often can pound my recovering/rolling opponent with this move by delaying it, then immediately do it when they've stopped rolling and getting up. Furthermore, it's also a great way to surprise your opponent when they're in a middle of a series and you have some distance from them. I think this has to be one of her best surprise move against offensive chars like Lau and Lei Fei.
  6. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    I don't have a prob doing it in training mode it's incredibly easy. it just doesn't work for me in matches even when it's a counter.
  7. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice with [4][4][P][K] Gajin. While playing kumite last night, I think I discovered a good follow up for her low kick reversal (the one that stuns the opponent). If you're quick, you can do [4][6][P], [P]+[G] hit throw afterwards (not sure if you or anyone else already knows this). Sometimes, the first hit from [4][6][P] whiffs, but the second hit into the throw still works and is unnavoidable to my knowledge (check this out for yourself to confirm it). I'm assuming what determines whether or not the first hit whiffs is either the size of your opponent or the time you take to input [4][6][P]; since distance can't really be an issue here due to the fact that the low kick reversal has the same effect on all the characters. I discovered this by tricking the cpu into using it's rising low attack after continuously performing the triple dan throw that ends with [8][2][P]+[G] (the version that does 1 more point of dmg and the pounce is not guaranteed afterwards). If you just stand there and wait for the cpu to get up, it will usually try a low rising; ensuring a low kick reversal. Try this ([4][6][P]) when you get a chance. I'm pretty sure it's guaranteed follow up after the low kick reversal.
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I've not played Ver. C in about 6 months, but I think you're right about [4][6][P],[P]+[G] being guaranteed. Generally, the most damaging follow ups to low crescent reversals are:
    low: [4][6][P]+[K][6][K][K]
    mid/high: [4][4][P]+[K][P][P][P][K] or [6][K][K]

    The good thing about [4][P] in ver. C is that it's not a throw counterable move. [4][3][P] afterwards is pretty good -- will crumble if someone tries to throw, or goes for a slow starting move. It's changed a lot in Evo. It's a crescent (full I think) and you can go into the Ying Yang after it.
  9. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Hmm... so [4][6][P]+[K] is actually fast enough to connect with before your opponent recovers from the stun? I read this somewhere (maybe on this thread, or perhaps your guide). But when I tried [4][6][P]+[K] after the low kick reversal, the cpu blocked it (twice I think). I guess I wasn't fast enough; I just figured someone goofed cause that move is so slow. Also, you can always get an extra punch in when you connect with [4][4][P]+[K]; even on Jeffry. Instead of [4][4][P]+[K],[P][P][P][K], I press [P]([G]),[P][P][P][K]. It's a measly extra 2 points of dmg, but is more stylish and every little hit counts /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  10. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    I don't know...b, b +P works wonders if you catch a Jacky or a Lau
    human running in, but that's about the only opponent I use the move
    against. Just a mental connection. Aoi is damned difficult to make headway
    with if you aren't willing to wait and react to what the opponent is coming at you with.
    Aoi's best techniques seem to come after the opp. makes their move, if that move
    doesn't destroy you. Some things you just can't do anything about. Also any of
    her attacking grounded/rising opp. stuff is excellent.
  11. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    <font color="ff3366">But I still think her [4][P] and [6][4][P] deflects are rather useless because the opponent still have time to guard her next attack no matter how fast it is.</font color>

    Her sabakis aren't useless. The dodging chop, [4][P], gives a frame advantage if blocked, and it sabakis a variety of attacks, like high and mid punches, high and mid kicks, and elbows. That covers most high priority pokes. I've been able to use [P], so maybe [P]->throw would be an alternative. I don't know if that's guaranteed or not.

    The chin slap, [6][4][P], is much better in my opinion. A good followup would be [6][K][K].

    Aoi's back heel slap, [4][K]+[G], sabakis mid kicks, but it's a turn away attack. I think the punch in the spinning roundhouse-bodyblow, [6]+[K]+[G], [P], sabakis attacks, but I'm not really sure which ones it works against.

    There are better sabakis in the game (like Lion's [2][3][6]+[P]), but Aoi's aren't that bad.
  12. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Lion's meteor punch is [2][1][4]+[P], not [2][3][6]+[P]...I'm sure this is just a typo from Ghostdog.
  13. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    IMHO, sabakis have a place, because they have a much larger window of effectiveness than reversals. Also, as aforementioned, sabakis also actually hit, and can be used as stand alone techniques- if you use a sabaki, and the opponent does nothing, at least you have put him in block/hit stun. If you do a reversal, and the opponent does nothing, you are screwed. Reversals are great for breaking the opponent's flow. Sabakis do that, and also allows you to direct the flow.

    I use the f,b+p chin slap quite a bit. I think this one has a much larger sabaki window than the b+p.

    Desbastard, if you are talking about the AI, that is correct. The Kumite opponent NEVER escapes a low throw.
  14. FokFu

    FokFu Active Member

    Question about YY stance evade technique

    Hi all,

    This is a question regarding Evolution Aoi's YY stance evade [P] - the animation looks like a side chop and it crumbles on MC. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    When you're evading from the YY stance, can you buffer in a side throw escape followed by doing the [P] YY-stance evade attack?

    I notice that it takes the evade side chop a while to come out even if you input it right after the evade and Aoi is vulnerable to a side throw during this window of time (My guess is that the delay is slightly longer than 8 frames?). It sounds like a good idea to buffer in a side throw escape before pressing [P] for the side chop.

    Is the above a feasible defense technique? Thanks.

    Kbcat - I think I tried the above against Johnson tonite, but didn't really work. I could've screwed up the command input.....


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