80 movies !!

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Akora, Sep 18, 2001.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Daniel, are you streaming? If so, no wonder the playback is jerky.

    Also, one curious thing is that when I have the flash site maximized while viewing the clips, the playback quality is very poor. But when I minimze the site things run smooth. That site takes a lot of CPU/RAM...
  2. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member


    Try downloading the entire clip by right clicking on the link and "save target as" before playing the clip. That way you have a local copy to play from, as opposed to streaming the clip each time. If you still get a jerky movie, it might be a codec problem; go to <A target="_blank" HREF=http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com>http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com</A> (assuming you use a Win9x/WinNT/2K/XP on an x86 PC) and download Windows Media Player 7.1 and might help.



    Oops. 2.5k/sec is painful. =/ I managed to burn all 80 clips (actually, 78 clips... 2 are corrupted) onto 2 x 700MB CD-Rs. I *might* be able to make copies and ship them to bandwidth-challenged individuals... but, it's a fair bit of hassle... plus VF4 ver.B machines are starting to make their way worldwide now.



    Knee ~ P,P,f+P,b+P for Wolf no longer works in ver.B; Wolf's SS and Knee floats have been toned down dramatically.



    Wolf's dodging throw has been adjusted in ver.B? Really? Damn, I really like that move a lot, "vacuum cleaner" is definitely an apt term for the move.



    - Yep, at least on the test version, Wolf's f,f+P ~ pounce was a great attack.
    - Akira Special #3 (Fujin combo) was in the test version, and is also in ver.A and ver.B.
    - PIT SE RBC and regular RBC throw stun time has been extended in ver.B, so SDE followup is (almost?) guaranteed

  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    One more thing I forgot to mention about Wolf...in one of the clips, he did what I think was a low reversal, bashing the opponent (was it Shun? Jacky?) in the head with his knee. I almost jumped out of my seat when he did it...I thought Wolf's low reversal was an SE type?

    I also checked out the Jacky clilps...they're alright, none of the Jackys seemed to know about the BKC yet (or maybe it wasn't in the test). I did notice that f+P,P,d+K (counter?) took off 20-25%. Geez!

    RE: PIT -> SE -> RBC -> SDE -> DLC ahhh!

    Also, finally saw someone low throw after blocking a low rising...Jeffry's triple knee bash!
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yeah, in the clips, there aren't very much successful scenes of Wolf's dodging throw. At the game center, I myself have seen that someone was running around 15 win streak by almost using it only though. It was an eveil..

    -- Akora.
  5. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    I've seen two good Akira clips: Akira_vs_Akira and Akira_vs_Akira3 (so many Akira clips, so little time).
    Anyway, I think I saw the clip Ice-9 was referring to when he posted about PIT->SE->RBC->SDE->DLC. Very impressive, but I was wondering if PIT->SE gives you enough stun time to pull off a deep bodycheck, or a standing palm->DLC. I saw this on www.mars.dti.ne.jp/~bj-cake/vf4/tech_akira4.htm (the deep bodycheck part). Just wanted to know if it was almost guaranteed or not.
    And speaking of deep bodychecks, is ST->SJK->deep bodycheck still good for 50% damage, or has it been toned down?
    And speaking of toned down, are the ST and guard breaks still as effective as in VF3tb? If this has been covered before, I apologize.

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=red>DOG</font color=red>
  6. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, I only played on the test version, in which PIT-SE didn't give you enough stun time to follow up with anything if the opponent is a fast blocker. I don't think the deep bodycheck is guaranteed in ver.B, but is likely to hit depending on what the opponent is trying to do.

    Apart from rolling single palm and double palm, there are no guaranteed followups for stumble throw AFAIK.

    Guard break in test and ver.A was not very good, but they've made it a little better in ver.B. I believe you can get a guaranteed standing palm from f+P+G in any stance (and d+P+G in closed stance) from which you can do a Fujin combo OTB.


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