5 Steps to Learning Virtua Fighter

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Chestnut_Bowl

    Chestnut_Bowl Member

    Are all throws the same speed?
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    except some notable exceptions (catch throws), they are
  3. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    The reason you go into stance is because you do [2][G] too late. You're waiting for the two punches to finish and then you do the command.
    What you need to do is [2][G] before the second punch animation has ended.

    It might be more advisable to get the habit of doing [G][2] instead of [2][G] because I see how accidents could happen when you don't use the fastest timing for your punches.
  4. jinogre

    jinogre Member

    How do you deal with get up kicks? I play Lion if that helps any. Is it best to just guess and block? (I'm sure with more practice I'll be able to see them on reaction like I can in tekken and not have to guess). I usually try to stay out of their range and 6K+G if they whiff. Or if i'm close and I predict the low I do 8K,K. How do I deal with the mid kick at close range? Can I out prioritize it if I predict it?
  5. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

  6. jinogre

    jinogre Member

    Ok this gives me a better idea of what to do against them, now I just need to fine to it to Lion's game.

    Ok, another question (like I said I'm a new player) when you successfully evade something what is generally your best option? A lot of times when I'm playing I'll evade something and it almost feel like I've gained nothing. Coming from a long tekken background I'm used to getting something out of it almost everytime (usually a launcher like hopkick).
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    It really depends on the type of strike that you successfully evaded, at what disadvantage (small, medium, large frame disadvantage) did you evaded the strike, and what you anticipate your opponent will do.

    In general, you will likely have the advantage on a successful evade (evading a single high jab likely will not give you advantage and may leave you at disadvantage still). So do the same thing you would normally do if you have advantage. But always take the action based on what you anticipate your opponent will do.

    If you successfully evade a strike that takes a long time to recover, it is possible to get guarantee damage. This is getting into more technical information.

    A successful evade will put in a side turned situation - all your strikes whether they hit or is guarded, will give you more favorable frame difference between you and your opponent (ie advantage/disadvantage) relative to your strikes hitting or guarded by opponent from the normal situation.
  8. jinogre

    jinogre Member

    One other question to go with that. If your opponent is doing a string say P,P,P do you have to evade 3 times to evade the string or just evade the initial hit?
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Usually, you only need to evade once; however...

    Likewise if after successful DM evade, you press an attack button while opponent is continuing their attack string, it is very likely that you will get counter hit by the opponent.

    In general, it is best to wait until opponent have finished their attack strings before attempting to go on offense. Therefore, this requires more knowledge of opponent's tendencies and character attack properties.
  10. jinogre

    jinogre Member

    Thanks for that info, really cleared things up and when I was playing online last night things weren't tracking so well bc before I had a tendency to tap or hold guard whether the evade was successful or not.
  11. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I think successful evade being able to avoid the complete string if you don't press anything afterwards is not as true as it was in the previous version.

    Vanessa's Offensive Stance PPPP, if you evade the first P, the third P will sometimes track, and the last P will always track unless you're already in Vanessa's back by then.

    Sarah's Flamingo KKKK, third and last Ks will track depending on a few things...

    Fuudo, one of the best VF players, sometimes evades 2 or 3 times during an opponent's string. It's not to be flashy, it's a necessity to get that evade-punish damage.
  12. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Subsequent attacks from a string is not realigning your character to each other, the hits that happen is due to hit boxes. The first evade puts you off the normal axis. The subsequent attacks being made from the string will remain off-axis, however, if swinging that leg or arm off-axis still touches you, it will be detected as a hit. The moves from an attack string string are not "tracking" you or realigning to you unless you input an attack or so.
  13. aseomoc

    aseomoc Member

    What? Sorry, I really don't understand. So after you evade a string you either just block or evade again? What the point of evading strings then?
  14. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Successful evade a single attack (not an attack string) - generally you are at advantage. You can go on the offensive (see earlier posts on some exceptions).

    Thus, if you anticipate opponent to use a single attack (no followup options such as Akira's [6][6][6][P]), evade is a nice option or choice to make.

    If you evaded an attack that could be an attack string, then things become more attack string dependent.
  15. Grabczas

    Grabczas Well-Known Member

    Some strings will get you staggered or even get guard broken if you just stand and hold G. For example Jacky's [3][P][P][P]+[K] (hold) give stagger on block, Jean have his guard breaking charges and I don't how is rest of cast [​IMG]
  16. Skkcrc

    Skkcrc Member

    Can someone give me advice on hit confirms/verification? I'm picking this up from games like third strike and SF4, both of which I can hit confirm even the most difficult stuff.

    I was trying to learn confirms in VF5, but I'm finding it much more difficult since there are three options for any hit (guard, hit, counter-hit). Is there a way to set the training dummy to either guard, hit, or get counter-hit?

    It seems like hit confirming your crouch punch would be a huge advantage. If it counter-hits you can launch before they interrupt you, if it normal hits you've got solid advantage, but if it's blocked you want to stay on the defensive. Anyone got any advice for how to build up that recognition?
  17. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    The free training mode have AI option to make computer randomly either "guard or get hit," "normal hit or counter hit" options. Those might help with getting your hands / eyes trained to recognize the hit and choose an appropriate action.

    The other option is to use the record command option and record three actions. You can try this:
    Action 1: [P], hold [G]
    Action 2: [P], neutral
    Action 3: [P], some 15 frame or more mid move

    Block the high punch, and do a low punch immediately.
    Action 1: opponent will guard low punch
    Action 2: a normal hit on opponent.
    Action 3: a counter hit on opponent.
  18. Skkcrc

    Skkcrc Member

  19. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
  20. JohnnyScogz

    JohnnyScogz New Member

    Awesome thread.

    Hey, quick question: Lion - is he all right for a beginner? I like him, Pai, and Taka.

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