360: any good controller alternatives and sticks?

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by wasted, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. Chinny

    Chinny Well-Known Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    Have you tried playing the XFPS with a PS2 stick? Or just a pad?
  2. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    I don't own a PS2 stick.
  3. XenoVagrant

    XenoVagrant Active Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    So what are the most of you going to do about VF5?
    Will you wait until a lag-free ps2 to 360 adapter is released or will you get the hori stick?

    I am a pad player but i plan to order the stick because in Europe it is hard to find and later on it may become rare just like the DOA stick.

    I dont think that they will release a proper adapter anytime soon so I guess that my choice makes some sense.
  4. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    People ship to as long as you pay shipping to and fro.
  5. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    thought i'd throw out there that hori and joytech make pads that have a dpad shaped like a + similar to dualshock pads. i've never tried one and am not a pad player but i figure you pad warriors should know what your options are.

    unfortunately they are both sold out at playasia but i see the joytech one from time to time at walmart.


    also the joytech pads are very easy to hack with big pads to solder to but doesn't have a common ground like the gamestop mini controller.
  6. XenoVagrant

    XenoVagrant Active Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    They do but i dont want to pay any customs etc so Id rather buy something from within the E.U.
  7. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    I have a wired Madcatz controller and I ordered a Hori Pad EX Turbo (not arrived yet)

    For the standard Madcatz 360 pad, there are the ones with the rubber grips, and the ones without. I got the ones without. (trust me, you dont want to one with the rubber grips)

    My impressions with it that the D-Pad works really well, not as well as a Saturn but good enough to perform Hadokens and Shoryukens without screwing up. The face buttons are well responsive and I'm satistfied with it.

    Keep in mind that I have not tested it out with a 3D fighter on 360 yet.

    But for those looking for a controller pad with a better d-pad, this one is well worth looking into.


    I will post my impressions of the Hori Pad EX Turbo when I receive it
  8. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    I'll let you know that the face buttons on the Hori Pad are terrible. Sometimes in VF5, I've noticed that the buttons lag in returning to original position. Like you press them in, and they won't bounce back up immediately. Cheapest face buttons I've ever seen. D-Pad is a dream though.
  9. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    uh boy! that's no good... I will keep it for whenever guests come over and I hand them the crappier pad.
  10. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    Maybe I've just played on it too much. Was great when I was playing DOA4 a year ago. Not food for the precision of VF5 for the buttons. I like the original 360 pad buttons WAY better.
  11. XenoVagrant

    XenoVagrant Active Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    I just couldnt wait any longer so I order the Hori VF EX2 stick from amazon.co.uk

    54 gbp delivered... ouch.
  12. Anubis_0shift

    Anubis_0shift New Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    Howdy folks, I've been looking throughout the forums for a place to ask this question, and this seemed like the place to do it.

    Ever since I played the Virtua Fighter 5 demo with the regular XBOX 360 controller, I have been frantically looking for an alternative controller method. Obviously, I ran out of options pretty quick considering that the EX 2 Arcade stick is more or less the only choice.

    Thus I ask:

    What is the general opinion of this stick in use with Virtua Fighter? I know it's a carbon copy of the Dead or Alive stick, but does it do the trick for VF as well? I've never purchased an arcade stick before, but with the 360's "D-Pad of Doom" staring me in the face, it seems like a much better alternative. I'm hardly interested in buying the best money can buy, but seek only an arcade stick that will make the game more fun to play.

    Would you guys recommend buying it?

    Sorry for the long-as-hell post, but thanks for your time.
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    3 choices for X360 VF sticks

    I've used the EX 2 and the DOA stick to play Akira. They both work fine. EX 2 wins with ease of acquisition and (relatively) low price - a powerful, 2-hit combo.

    Other choices cost more and could result in a better-quality product...

    Use the services of 001 and get a custom-made stick. Judging by the links in 001's post - I'd trust his work. There are probably other stick-builders on VFDC and other forums.

    Buy an HG and see if someone (like 001) will gut and rewire it with an X360 controller PCB.
  14. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 choices for X360 VF sticks

    Just bought a DOA 4 stick from Gamestop (in-store), and I noticed something interesting:

    It shared the same SKU as the new VF5 EX2 sticks. That's right they're being marked back up to the same cost as the VF5 editions because of VF5's release.

    They're the same exact stick btw. My friend was actually able to get a "VF5 edition" one... I'm sorry what a joke - it's a EX2 stick with VF5 stickers. That's it. The DOA4 edition at least has an overlay. I got my friend to give me the stickers and I went ape shit on strategically covering everything DOA, heh.

    It's a good stick imo. It's best you're gonna do save getting modifications. As far as I'm concerned however I'm threw with paying for expensive mods. This will do me fine.
  15. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: 3 choices for X360 VF sticks

    there are basically 3 differences between the doa4 and new ex2 sticks.

    1. different art
    2. doa4 stick has a ground wire coming out of the cord that is screwed to the bottom metal plate, ex2 doesn't.
    3. ex2 has heatshrink tubing over the solder points of the joystick microswitch connections, doa4 joystick microswitch solder points have no protection.

    in my opinion the ex2 wins just for the heatshrink tubing over the solder points. i've come across 2 doa4 sticks that had a joystick wire break off for whatever reason. the heatshrink tubing keeps the wiring in its place.
  16. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 choices for X360 VF sticks

    I've had the VF5 Ex2 stick for roughly 2 weeks now, for VF5 it definitely does the job.

    If you're new to stick like me, it will take some time to get used to moving the stick in the correct directions. Especially when you have to play on opposite sides.

    You might find combos a little harder for a while, but in the end, as I've noticed over time, some of the more complicated moves can be done easily on the stick over the pad.

    I can play VF5 well with the stick, but I struggle in DOA4 mainly because of the countering system in that game. Sometimes I can't react quickly to counters, but when I'm fighting in that game, combos and throws are easier than when I use the Pad.
  17. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 choices for X360 VF sticks

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">in my opinion the ex2 wins just for the heatshrink tubing over the solder points. i've come across 2 doa4 sticks that had a joystick wire break off for whatever reason. the heatshrink tubing keeps the wiring in its place. </div></div>

    I see. I of course only see from a surface level of normal use, and from that standpoint the sticks feel no different from each other, but due to the above I kinda wish I went with the EX2.
  18. Dessico

    Dessico Active Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    Wasted, did you ever get your hori pad in? I'm considering that option at the moment. I went ahead and tried the sandpaper method for the original 360 pad, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. The way the d-pad is positioned screws up my inputs. I end up accidently jumping in SF:HF way too much.

    I play most games with the PS2 pad with absolutely no problems at all. It's a shame there's nothing comparable to it for the 360.
  19. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic

    my Hori pad just arrived this week, I didn't get the chance to do anything this week because of work. I will give a try tonight or this week-end.

    I will post my impressions.
  20. negative1

    negative1 Active Member

    Re: 360: any good controller alternatives and stic


    this is going to sound crazy but here goes..
    i've had the sega virtua fighting stick since
    the saturn (vf1,vf2), i got an adapter for
    the dreamcast (vf3)...and an adapter for the
    ps2/pc via the usb (vf4)...

    is there the slightest chance in the world
    it work for the xbox 360? i know it would
    be easier to switch to a new one..but i'm
    so used to it.....

    ok, i'm done now.


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