[23 Feb 2013] Winter Brawl 7 - The Madness (philadelphia, pa)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by FightClubHuBBs, Dec 7, 2012.

By FightClubHuBBs on Dec 7, 2012 at 10:54 AM
  1. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member


    Big E Gaming is proud to announce Winter Brawl VII at the amazing Holiday Inn – Stadium Hotel.

    02/23/2013 – 02/24/2013

    Holiday Inn Stadium
    900 Packer Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19147
    Located in the South Philadelphia area 1 mile from the Philadelphia International Airport.

    Room Discount Link: (Room Rate is $109 a night before taxes.) http://www.holidayinn.com/redirect?...Code=1&hotelCode=PHLPS&_PMID=99801505&GPC=NE1
    Winter Brawl VII Sponsors:

    Big E Gaming

    Gaming Vision Network

    Namco Bandai



    Team Sp00ky

    STREAM: (Main)
    Will be streamed by none other than the infamous Team Sp00ky! The stream can be found here–http://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky
    2nd Stream–Tekken/SCV and more Jaxel:http://www.twitch.tv/8wayrun
    Extra streams: TBA

    Eric “Big E” Smalls
    (267) 231-8996

    VP–Robert “FightClub” Hubbs
    (610) 573-8305

    VP–Zack “Kattermari” Kattermann
    (201) 650-1318
    Online Venue Pre-Registration: $30

    At The Door Venue Registration: $40

    Spectator Fee: $20

    Unless otherwise stated all console tournaments will be played on PS3.
    All singles tournaments will be standard format 2/3 match points for normal matches and 3/5 for finals matches. (UMVC3 and 3D fighters will be 3/5 match points)

    Team tournaments are single match the entire tournament including all finals matches.

    Venue and entry fees will be collected between 8am and 5pm both days. Please allow 1 hour prior to tournament start time to register. Even if you preregistered online you will still need to check in at the registration desk for each tournament.

    Ok players if you entering 2012, Umvc3, tekken tag 2, mk9, p4A and kof13, we will be taking registration for those games from 8am-12pm, after 12pm if your not in the line you will not be in the tournament SORRY.

    This must happen this way for everything to run on time.


    Saturday 02/23/2013:
    Team Tournaments:
    SSF4:AE teams 3v3 — start time TBA — $30 per team
    UMvC3 3v3 — start time TBA — $30 per team
    3S:OE 3v3 — start time TBA
    DOA5– 2v2– start time TBA — $20 per team
    MK9– 2v2 - start time TBA– $10 per team
    SCV–2v2 – start time TBA –$20 per team
    TTT2-2v2 — start time TBA–$20 per team
    KoF13 — 3v3– 1pm — $30 per team
    Brawl and Melee Teams


    SATURDAY 02/23/2013:
    Singles Tournaments:
    SSF4:AE — 6:00pm — $10 — will continue Sunday–ps3– $500 pot Bonus plus some HOT prizes
    UMvC3 — 6:30pm — $10 – will continue Sunday–ps3–$500 pot Bonus plus some HOT prizes(half the pools will start Saturday and the 2nd half will start sunday at 11am)
    MK9 – 3pm– start time — $10–ps3– pot Bonus plus some HOT prizes
    SC5 – 3pm– start time — $10 (top 8 sunday)–ps3– Pot Bonus info coming soon
    TTT2 – start time TBA — $10 (top 8 Sunday)–ps3 to come
    P4U — start time TBA — Free Entry –Ps3
    BB – start time TBA — $10–ps3
    GG – start time TBA –$10– ps2
    DOA 5 — 5pm — $10 — Ps3
    Melee Doubles — start time TBA
    Brawl doubles/Melee Singles– start time TBA
    Brawl Singles– start time TBA
    ST — start time TBA — $10 – held on arcade cabinet Or Super Gun–


    SUNDAY 02/24/12:
    SSF4:AE – continued from Saturday – start time TBA
    UMvC3 – continued from Saturday – start time TBA
    KOF13– start time TBA – $5 –ps3
    SC5– continuned from Saturday– start time TBA
    TTT2– continuned from Saturday — start time TBA
    VF5FS — start time TBA —$10 entry fee.
    SFxT — start time TBA –$5
    MB:AA – start time TBA — $10–Pot Bonus info coming soon
    AH3– start time TBA – $10 entry fee–ps3
    3S:OE – start time TBA — $10–ps3–Pot Bonus info coming soon
    UMK3 – start time TBA — $5
    All-Stars - TBA

    Guys if you see names down twice or if you don’t see your name on the list let me know.
    L_A, Chibiaya, Johoseph and 1 other person like this.
Winter Brawl 7 - The Madness
Start Date: 23 Feb 2013 08:00 AM
End Date: 25 Feb 2013 08:00 AM
Time Zone: America/New_York -05:00 EST

Holiday Inn
500 packer ave
philadelphia, pa 19148

Posted By: FightClubHuBBs

Confirmed Attendees: 6
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Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by FightClubHuBBs, Dec 7, 2012.

  • Winter Brawl 7 - The Madness
    Start Date: 23 Feb 2013 08:00 AM
    End Date: 25 Feb 2013 08:00 AM
    Time Zone: America/New_York -05:00 EST

    Holiday Inn
    500 packer ave
    philadelphia, pa 19148

    Posted By: FightClubHuBBs

    Confirmed Attendees: 6
    You can not RSVP for this event...

    This event has already begun, or has already passed; RSVP has been since closed.
    The following users have RSVP'd "Yes": 6
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    1. Rare_Entity
      Alright, I am now officially registered for Winter Brawl. :D
    2. FightClubHuBBs
      Hey people you have less than 48 hours to register online for Winter Brawl at the LOW LOW price of $30. Hurry up or you're gonna be paying $45 at the door.

    3. IntheQueensName
      Is anyone going to be around Saturday/Saturday night for casuals? Is anyone bringing down a setup?
    4. Shag
      Hubbs, VF players only need spectator badge correct?

      QueensName, I plan to bring a setup on Saturday.
    5. shadowmaster
      I planned to play in my room too so I can warmed up too before the event. I planned to bring my Xbox for it. I didn't even know who else was doing that I still plan to bring my Xbox anyway.
    6. IntheQueensName
      Excellent, I'll get at you in the coming days to exchange contact information. There was little opportunity to play casuals @ NEC and it was exceptionally disappointing.

      Okay good to know, I don't have an xbox, stick, but maybe I can borrow one and bring it.
    7. FightClubHuBBs
      No Shag you must pay full venue.


      okay people we've extended pre-reg til monday 5pm est. Hurry up this is your last chance.
    8. Rodnutz
      While I should have registered early don't you guys think $45 at the door is very steep? Especially considering that that does not even include entry fee for VF and the game is not even featured on Big E's site? At that price I hope we can at least get some quality displays or LCD's this time around. We usually get those crappy CRT TV's.
    9. FightClubHuBBs
      There's always some people that go, pay full venue fee and enter only one game when we hold an event even for side tournaments. If they pay why should I treat you guys like your special? And we are all lcd now. We went lcd at nec, but you would've known that already if you came.

      VF5fs is now side tournament becuase you people seem to not travel for the game. It was a main game at NEC(25 entered) and Summer Jam(38 entered).
    10. cruzlink2
      I agree why so steep?. It's like saying VF is a side bitch but you get to put up with girlfriend type bullshit :).
      SDS_Overfiend1 and Tricky like this.
    11. _Denkai_
      I agree, 45 at the door and that's not even for the tourney. I should hold a tournament at my house and charge that much and if people don't show up, I should say that they're the reason the community is dying.
      steelbaz and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
    12. Tricky
      Right this is a good example. Why are we paying main tournament fees when we're a side tournament? It feels like we're getting jacked, especially since the game isn't listed on the pre-reg page.
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    13. FightClubHuBBs
      So when vf5 was a main game at summer jam and nec you had no problem paying $40 at the door but because you guys choose not come out to support the game you cry because you have to pay $45 and get pushed to the side tournament listing? I have been working my ass off trying to keep a tourney scene alive at majors in the philly area for years now and you guys aren't helping me. If the numbers drop below what we had at NEC then VF is done at all philly majors and it's not beucase of a venue fee that EVERYONE pays for, it's because people don't make the effort to play their game even if it's a side tourament. People like Damdai only come out to play ST, 9.89 only plays mk2 and umk3, etc etc.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    14. Shidosha
      if i recall - SoCal regionals was the same price at the door. Honestly I would feel bad about the tourney entry fee if this wasn't announced way ahead of time, so this is no surprise. I saw the early bird specials come & go. I saw those damn youtube vids and other methods of advocating that people register early to beat the price jump & get the game running on time and so on.

      In this situation, I feel that if you didn't get your ticket early, you should get hit with the late fee. It just seems unfair to me that we're going to a tourney to compete like everyone else & we only pay spectator fee. We don't get MAIN STREAM, but we get stream time (like the anime fighters), we get spot designation, and all the stuff that everyone else gets. Also, it's not like the tourney orgs are making bank with these prices. It's so that they can afford to give us another top quality event down the line.

      If you don't want to support/pay that much then fine. I see where you're coming from and that's your decision - but at least if you have intent on going to an event you plan ahead and TRY to allocate some money to the side if you know you're gonna be one of those late registrants.

      That's just my (unwanted) opinion tho
      Blackula and BLACKSTAR like this.
    15. Shidosha
      Also, just to add info to something rodney said: At NEC the VF stations all had lag-free flatscreens & ps3's. Actually we had a whole side of the main ballroom set up for us to get casuals in & so on. Unfortunately most of those stations went unused so tekken replaced those spots (we used like 3 or 4 at most not including the stream station)
    16. SDS_Overfiend1
      45 at the door just to be seated in the back.. LMAO!!!! Cruz you a fool lol! VF always the Side piece.. the girl that gets no mention. Have fun fellas.. This fucking game is dead as JFK... You could'nt revive this shit even if Ryu was downloadable content.
      _Denkai_ likes this.
    17. Tricky
      I'm still going though, I'll see you fellas there.
      Blackula likes this.
    18. Chefboy_OB
      If I make a surprise appearance, would anyone be willing to let me use their stick? #Stickless
      steelbaz and cruzlink2 like this.
    19. _Denkai_
      I speak honestly or not at all, It's the reason why I choose not to post on the internet much. There's a reason why people still choose to go to side tourneys when the entry fee is that much for other games, they are usually guaranteed at least 25 people minimum while VF is lucky to have that number as a maximum. You see, other communities aren't relying on 4 guys from NYC to make or break things
      SDS_Overfiend1 and Tricky like this.
    20. cruzlink2
      Chef I am bringing my high grade. We can share that.
      Chefboy_OB likes this.

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