[17 Dec 2014] Wednesday Night Fights VF5:FS Tournament (Walnut, CA)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Plague, Aug 22, 2012.

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Wednesday Night Fights VF5:FS Tournament
Start Date: 17 Dec 2014 08:00 PM
End Date: 18 Dec 2014 12:00 AM
Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles -08:00 PST

Super Arcade
1211 N Grand Ave
Walnut, CA 91789

Posted By: Plague

Confirmed Attendees: 0
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  1. floodnhard

    floodnhard Active Member

    dont really feel like driving but i will probably show up tonight.
    00000000, R_Panda and Plague like this.
  2. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    Hey, if anyone can bring a PS# that would be great. Plague will probably bring his but he may have to leave before too long. I can't bring mine because it's broken. I'll bring my Live Gamer Portable so we can record the matches if you guys would like.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    00000000 likes this.
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Is there any recorded footage of the tournament?
  5. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    I wanna thanks everybody I met yesterday. Was great playing with you guys but was even greater how you were so cool making me feel like at home. I really hope to repeat this wonderfull experience sometime in the future
    Chanchai, 00000000 and Plague like this.
  6. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It was nice meeting you G0d3L. Have a great trip!
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    00000000 recorded many matches. Check back to see if he's uploaded them.
    00000000 likes this.
  8. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    OK! Playlist is up. Sorry for the delay, I wasn't home all day. Filenames and descriptions are temporary as I have to input them manually so they'll be changed tomorrow! (not every match was recorded as some people forgot to press record)

    Chanchai, G0d3L and Mister like this.
  9. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    anyone knows which monitor we were playing on?
    Could it be an Asus VW246H?
    I'm asking this cause I wasn't able to almost all my juggles (even land the uber simple bound 66P+K) and got some problems at CFG too (after my elbow for example).
    don't know if was due to the monitor being less laggy (inputs done too early out of the buffer) then mine (MS238H) or laggier.
    The thing that upset me the most was me vs plague (match recorded and in the playlist): at the end of the last round I 2P'ed him in CH and then tried to grab him but instead he grabbed me.
    Was really a WTF moment (plague should remember my WHAAAAAAAAAAAT lol).
    I'm asking this because if this monitor (the same used by the NY guys) is better then mine than I need to buy it asap before sega cup europe
  10. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure that the monitors used at WNF are the EVO standard 236H. Which are you using?
  11. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    I play on a MS238H.
    It should lag less than the 236H/246H series as tested by tech sites (tho it's done with the old and not super accurate snapshot method). You can find some raw numbers at the sub 1 frame monitor thread on srk forum.
    A couple of friends near me have those EVO monitors and never got any problem and infact it was for this reason that I asked about the monitor we used at WNF
  12. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    The VH236H's (EVO) were discontinued by Asus and replaced by VH238H which is LED/LCD as opposed to just LCD. They both are spec'd at 2ms lag. But now even tbe VH238H's are discontinued and I'm not sure which model replaced it. All 3 of my monitors are 238 models and seem to be pretty much the same as the original EVO monitors from back in the day. I believe the models that start with VS or MS dont have the built-in speakers. I accidentally bought a VS238 for xmas and had to return it.
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    The monitors at WNF have speakers. They are not loud enough to hear all that well.
  14. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

  15. floodnhard

    floodnhard Active Member

    pretty sure that fight vs gals was that other goh sonken
  16. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    Ok! I'll change the name!
  17. floodnhard

    floodnhard Active Member

    hey plague ill be coming down tomorrow and picking up 0000000 on the way
    00000000 likes this.
  18. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    im there
    floodnhard and 00000000 like this.
  19. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I was there until 9pm but no one showed
  20. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    :/ that sucks dude, that happened to me 1 time
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