[15 Jun 2014] COMBATS VIRTUELS #1 ボルド格闘トーナメント (French VF5FS tournament) (Bordeaux, France)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Kaleendaah, Mar 23, 2014.

COMBATS VIRTUELS #1 ボルド格闘トーナメント (French VF5FS tournament)
Start Date: 15 Jun 2014 10:00 AM
End Date: 15 Jun 2014 07:00 PM
Time Zone: Atlantic/Reykjavik +00:00 GMT

S.W.G.A. Bordeaux
Residence Crespy 2 33400 Talence
Bordeaux, France 33400

Posted By: Kaleendaah

Confirmed Attendees: 2
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  1. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Ok seems like the train will be 45 Euros in 2nd class. I think I may find a cheap flight to paris beauvais with Ryanair. What I need to know is how long does it take to get from the airport to the train station so i can organize my coincidence with a good error margin (I don't wanna be stuck in paris because i did my calculation wrong).
    So the info I neeed are:
    1) Are there buses or trains that takes me to the train station from the airport?
    2) if yes is there a website where i can check the departue schedule?
    3) How long does it take to be out of the airport when I land in the airport?

    If any peeps from Paris are going I'm sure that not only me but also Unicorn will apreciate the help.
  2. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    I did a quick research.
    What's the name of the train Station ? Paris Montparnasse ?
    If so, from Beauvais Airport, you have to take a shuttle ( seems to have one every 15-30 min ), 15.90 euros, about 1hour 15 min to the subway "Paris Porte Maillot". Then from that subway station, you have to take the subway to go to the train station, about 30 min.

    To be safe, I would recommend you 3 hours beetween the plane and the train...
    In case you would be lost in the airport, searching for your luggage like someone in Rome...:D

    Also, to take the shuttle back to the airport, it says on the website that you have to do it 3 hours 15 min before your plane.

    I think it's better if you land at the airport Paris Charles de Gaulle
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  3. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Aren't there easy jet flights from your town to Paris Fabrizzio ? If the diff is less than 30 euros It's totally worth it. Cause with the bus ticket+ metro tickets + time it would end up almost the same amount and a lot more trouble than the two mains airports.
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Ok, seems like all the flight i was looking with ryanair are going pretty fast. I have to take the plane and get in paris on friday then leave on monday.
    There's is a route with easy jet BUT it will be available only in july not june :/ the other option is to take a flight to rome and from rome take another flight straight to bordeaux. I don't think I'll see some money before may so I may not be able to join you. But never say never.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Who is the organizer of whole this tourney? Is there any "around" stuff like friendlies and sightseeing planned and organized? Is it possible (and mainly - worth to) come earlier or leave later?
    :) Questions questions :)
  6. Kaleendaah

    Kaleendaah Active Member

    "Who is the organizer?"

    I am. ^^

    "Is there any "around" stuff like friendlies and sightseeing planned and organized?"

    Nothing planned actually but it is possible to do some casuals on Saturday before the tournament or do some sightseeing (or both) I can make you visit my town, it would be a pleasure !

    "Is it possible (and mainly - with to) come earlier or leave later?"

    Yes absolutely and I recommend it ! We'll play more so it's fine by me.
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Unfortunatelly I won't be able to come :( I am sorry but I need to solve some personal issues that happened in my life before I will be able to travel anywhere again :(

    Sorry and I hope you all will have great time in France. Hopefully next time I will be able to join you as well
  8. Masakari_jp

    Masakari_jp New Member

    Bonjour! I'm Japanese VF Player. I'm staying in Paris now. so I'm interested in this event,but I can't speak English! ..Can I participate?
    oneida likes this.
  9. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Well...do you speak french ? lol
    Welcome. There is a french VF community in Paris maybe you can contact @Chibitox to spare some games.

    And yes the bordeaux tourney is open to everyone. How do you plan to make the trip ?
    Masakari_jp likes this.
  10. Kaleendaah

    Kaleendaah Active Member

    Bonjour Masakari ! お元気ですか? フランス語を話すことができますか?
    Masakari_jp and Pai~Chun like this.
  11. Masakari_jp

    Masakari_jp New Member

    Thanks for your reply. I can't speak either English or French.:rolleyes:
    I can speak Japanese & Chinese only. So if someone speak Chinese,It is easy to take to communicate for me. Otherwise,translator will be my help :ninja:

    I will take the plane from Paris to Bordeaux.
    If there is no delay, it is expected to arrive in Bordeaux airport to 9:40 :)
  12. Kaleendaah

    Kaleendaah Active Member

  13. Masakari_jp

    Masakari_jp New Member

    I arrived!!
  14. Masakari_jp

    Masakari_jp New Member

    Now I will stay in the entrance of the apartment

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