$1000k Shangster vs. Cozby

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Cozby, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    so u guys are playing for $1,000,000 wow, big deal here!
  2. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    With $1000 on the line y'all need to go ahead & sort out your Dural.
  3. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    good luck to you the both of you.
  4. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    1 million in rice money. So if i exchange it 1million rice money =1USD LOL
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    this wont happen.

  6. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what this thread is about. Is like a game of tag being play by blind people.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    no. not money.,. that's too easy. First, $1000 aint much., Depending on how the matches go, you could end up earning as little as $3 per round. That's nothin [​IMG] Its got to be a lot
    more personal and rewarding than money [​IMG]

    The loser should have to be in a 5 minute YouTube video appearance, in a kow-tow prone position wearing(clothes chosen by the winner) apologizing, crying (real or fake tears doesn't matter) and asking the winner for mercy and declaring verbally and clearly that the winner is his new master. At random times throuhout the video kissing the winner's ring or bowing at his feet. At the end of the YouTube video the loser must verbally, and symbolically denounce any further use of his own screen name. The loser should have to forfeit the use of his screen name 4evr. e.g if Cozby looses then he can never use the name 'Cozby' again (in private or public) if Shang looses goodbye 'Shang' The winner would have the rights to the video and could post it as often and as many places as he chooses for two years.

    The YouTube video should be titled

    "Byatch looses manhood in video game show down" [​IMG]

    That video would be worth much more than $1000
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

  9. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    no money needed 65lbs bags of white rice is enough lol
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    First of all let me just go on the record and say, Cozby and VF#s are both scrubs. While Cozby might have people believe he never played me offline.. He has... Here's Cozby's offline winning record against me:
    <span style="font-size: 26pt"><span style="font-family: 'Arial Black'">0%[/size]</span> </span>
    the above is a fact, no one can deny it. It happened, accept it.
    In reality, I am probably his sole inspiration for improving because he never knew what vf was really is until he played me. Therefore it could be said, that I am Cozby's master. And now Cozby thinks he's somebody just because he went a gathering and beat a few of his fellow scrubs on and offline. Congrats! But guess what He's still a loser because he's too scared to play me with his "main". You might scrub 3 wins at the beginning of 50, but you still got zero mental game and I'll make you drop the stick in 20 games just like that akira vs. kage clip.

    This bet will never happen because:
    A, Cozby doesn't have any money(only a big mouth).
    B, Cozby is not stupid enough to think he will win.
    So talk all the talk you want, but at the end of the day it's the same result. KO... You are not ready, the day you know you've improved in vf is the day when you realize how sucky you are, son. Shangster out.
  11. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    you guys are playing ft50? seriously? hurry this up!
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Shang cannot find his rice money [​IMG]
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    How to fail...

    <Shangster> how about if i come down and play you some non-cash match this week? i'm not working the whole week.
    <Shangster> like today i stayed how all day
    <cozby> if you want to shang.... i dont wanna force you
    <Shangster> fuck off!!!
    <cozby> you stood us up last time lol
    <cozby> i have a good setup btw
    <Shangster> yea so?
    <Shangster> 15in tv + wat?
    <cozby> lol
    <cozby> good enough i should say
    <Shangster> i don't care
    <cozby> can we just do the mm at my house then?
    <neoKEN> home advantage :p
    <Shangster> no i'm not bring money to your hood. wtf u think this is
    <cozby> ive asked flash about paypal and he wont respond
    <Shangster> paypal ge
    <cozby> ill pm him tomorrow probably
    <Shangster> u r gonna be so owned it's gonna be lol
    <cozby> yo man, dont let me win, whatever you do.
    <Shangster> hahaha
    <Shangster> cozby when do you have off work this week
    <cozby> friday, and saturday afternoon
    <cozby> shang do you know anyone named gavin?
    <Shangster> How would I know?
    <Shangster> so ur not off on any weekdays... ggg
    <cozby> do you know anyone with that name lol
    <Shangster> no
    <cozby> friday is a weekday according to my job
    <Shangster> i can't play in my house period now
    <Shangster> and you being black doesn't help
    <cozby> shit - scratch friday. thursday and saturday afternoon im good
    <Shangster> tomorrow
    <Shangster> take a day off
    <cozby> im not that bad hahaha
    <cozby> what time will you come?
    <Shangster> i have to be home before 6
    <Shangster> pm
    <cozby> ewww
    <cozby> i wont be available tomorrow until 3
    <cozby> we could def squeeze 50 matches in though
    <Shangster> well fuck
    <Shangster> u fool
    <cozby> what
    <Shangster> take the whoel day off
    <cozby> 3 hours is enough time
    <cozby> well
    <cozby> 2
    <Shangster> asshole.. i have to be home at 6
    <cozby> 1 for you to go home
    <cozby> its possible
    <cozby> let me know what you want to do
    <Shangster> first to 50 u can't do in 3 hours
    <cozby> i did 200 with numbers in 5
    <cozby> do the math
    <cozby> 100 in 2 1\2
    <Shangster> yeah whatever
    <cozby> 50 in 1.25
    <Shangster> first to 50.. do u know how to count?
    <cozby> math fail shang.
    <Shangster> yeah you are a failure
    <cozby> lol
    <cozby> lol
    <cozby> im pretty sure we wont play 100 matches
    <cozby> 60 tops
    <Shangster> z fucking z
    <cozby> u might get a ring out or two if l let you
    <Shangster> hahaha
    <Shangster> i'll bring the money tomorrow
    <Shangster> have ur 1000$ ready. i'll be at your house at 3pm
    <cozby> i thought we were doing 500
    <Shangster> ...
    <cozby> it would take me extra time to get 1000
    <Shangster> how about this cozby, i'm gonna give a taste of reality
    <cozby> shang are you bipolar?
    <Shangster> no u said 1000k
    <cozby> oh i see... youre really bipolar
    <Shangster> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    <cozby> lololol
    <cozby> i put up 500
    <cozby> u do 1000k
    <Shangster> i'm bipolar but u made a post that said $1000k Shangster vs. Cozby
    <cozby> yeah u guys killed the joke lol
    <cozby> shang fails at math
    <Shangster> so u can't play for the amount you said you would.. nothing new here..
    <cozby> 500-1000
    <Shangster> lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    <cozby> whats the problem
    <Shangster> 500 tomorrow then
    <cozby> cash right?
    <Shangster> yeah
    <cozby> k
    <Shangster> be home at 3pm
    <cozby> k
    <cozby> you know my address right?
    <cozby> my info is still in the thread
    <Shangster> don't worry
    <cozby> worrying about ants is unheard of
    <Shangster> since i don't have xbox360, i want 10 match warm up though
    <cozby> yeah u can play arcade mode for a few minutes
    <Shangster> rofl
    <cozby> do you have a stick?
    <Shangster> so u aren't gonna play ur jacky until we start lol what a clowd
    <cozby> whatever you need to grease your exit valve shang
    <cozby> cuz ima be all in that
    <Shangster> what?
    <cozby> crisco?
    <Shangster> that's fine i'll play train mode for 10mins
    <cozby> ok
    <cozby> do u have a stick?
    <Shangster> don't worry about my stick
    <cozby> its important though
    <Shangster> worry about your money.. tomorrow 3pm
    <cozby> the games are free enough already
    <cozby> k
    <cozby> hey shang
    * EmX (~SEFF@75-13-138-239.lightspeed.mnchmo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Leaving)
    <cozby> we aint playing unless 1000 us is up collectively
    <cozby> so dont waste yours or my time
    <Shangster> lol ur a loser
    <Shangster> if i lose i'll go to the bank.
    <cozby> more bum talk shang?
    <Shangster> or u bring money to boston
    <cozby> LOL
    <cozby> 500 nigga
    <cozby> fine ill go to the bank with you
    * EmX (~SEFF@75-13-138-239.lightspeed.mnchmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #vfhome
    <Shangster> deposit the money with GE coz. stop playing games
    <cozby> this bipolar motherfucker...
    <cozby> do i intimidate you that much?
    <Shangster> ur a clowd shoe playing games.. fuck off.
    <Shangster> if you want to play put up the money
    <cozby> do i intimidate you that much?
    <cozby> you asked me to deposit money to ge 5 minutes ago
    <cozby> yo are you ok?
    <Shangster> did u do it?
    <Shangster> keep on crying for repspect coz.. u ain't never gonna get it like this
    <cozby> shang what do you call a chinese crackhead?
    * CaliPower (~calipower@75-58-226-234.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #vfhome
    <cozby> waaah
    <cozby> youre nothing shang.
    <cozby> you dont even exist
    <Shangster> some1's hurt.. too bad i deleted all the wolf vs. wolf replays where u got owned
    <Shangster> keep on crying respect
    <Shangster> too bad no1 gives a shit about you
    <cozby> thats funny
    <cozby> i have replays too
    <Shangster> respect me flash respect me you, respect me this guy
    <cozby> wow shang i didnt realize everyone loved you so much
    <cozby> yo are you coming tomorrow or what
    <cozby> you can tell me everything you want then
    <Shangster> u aren't gonna pay
    <cozby> i will
    <cozby> 500
    <cozby> you sound weak shang
    <cozby> pump estrogen much?
    <@faceless> so what does the topic link really lead to?
    <cozby> how do you save logs
    <Shangster> leads to how great cozby is
    <Shangster> all you how to do is talk shit.. too bad u can't get respect from ur game
    <cozby> 500 tomorrow shang
    <Shangster> wtf have i been saying for 2 weeks? DEPosit the money with a safe source I can trust then we play z fucking
    <Shangster> z
    <cozby> wow i didnt realize i talked so much shit
    <Shangster> look at ur log
    <cozby> how many types of pussy can one man be
    <cozby> serious question here
    <Shangster> ahhahaha keep talking i'm sure u gain respect
    <Shangster> come on cozby tell us about all the people hating you
    <Shangster> lol owned
    <cozby> 500 shang
    <cozby> are you coming tomorrow?
    <cozby> if you had a penny for every keystroke...
    <Shangster> cozby you dumb ass, my terms have been up for 3 weeks.. learn how to read
    <cozby> yes or no
    <cozby> lol at this bum
    <Shangster> SOMEBODY RESPECT ME!!! i'm cozby
    <Shangster> coz read...
    <Shangster> read
    <Shangster> stfu and read
    <cozby> keep typing shang
    <cozby> ur still a bum
    <Shangster> oh i am
    <Shangster> hahahaha u keep on calling people bum..
    <cozby> nah just u
    <Shangster> at least i don't have to cry to people about how i get no respect
    <cozby> and im not the first
    <Shangster> ha
    <Shangster> ha
    <Shangster> ha
    <cozby> thats because we all know that
    <cozby> you still havent answered my question
    <Shangster> u aren't too bright. no i am not coming to your house to play you for 500, if you want to play u know my terms.
    <cozby> so... i contact ge right?
    <Shangster> i'm gonna drive down to ri to play a scrub like you? lol waste of time
    <Shangster> u stupid?
    <cozby> bipolar
    <cozby> im obviously retarded cuz i couldve sworn you said you wanted to come tomorrow
    <cozby> sigh
    <cozby> shang either way you look at it, ur losing 500.
    <Shangster> you are dumber than I thought... i hope you gained some respect tonight scrub.
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I thought you guys were joking and made fun to each other, but appearantely both of you are serious!!! VFDC needs some blood!!!
  15. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Damn son Shang sounds scared.
  16. V_MIRZA

    V_MIRZA Member

    Yeah, Shangs a puss

    Go Cozby!
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yo MIRZA, that's a heavy charge [​IMG] Do you have any first hand knowledge that puts Shang in the puss category? If U have first hand knowledge about Shang being a puss please give examples [​IMG] otherwise designating Shang as a puss is not appropriate at this time [​IMG]

    This is proof that Shang is probably not a puss
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    He knows martial arts? He can do wire-fu type moves to land major CH's?
  19. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    This thread makes it worth coming to vfdc again
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Respect that yet?

    To be honest I'm scared of Cozby shooting me. I'm sure I'm going to put myself in the hoods where this black kid just lost his monthly salary from Wendy's...Nigga please.

    Keep on crying for respect Cozby... Maybe some day people will travel to play you when you are somebody. If i had an ounce of respect I might have, but I don't. You are a waste of time. You had your chance with me when I had the xbox, I was waiting for you to play. Did you own? Nope, instead you wasted my time mashing wolf and akira. And you got owned yourself and ran off to mash sf4. Respect that yet?

    My money offer was up for like 3 weeks, and it's lol you only wanted to play for money after i got rid of my xbox. Respect that yet?

    You are real pathetic when you were too scared to use your jacky vs. me, so you can 'save' it for the money match. What a joke! Respect that yet? I know how good you are man, I've seen a lot of good players in my times and trust me when I say this: you aren't that good. I'm sure a lot people told you the same thing already. Just accept it. And you are a sore loser to top. You will always suck with this attitude. Always...

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