[1 Mar 2013] World Game Cup 2013 (Cannes, France)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by DWR, Oct 14, 2012.

World Game Cup 2013
Start Date: 1 Mar 2013 11:00 AM
End Date: 2 Mar 2013 11:00 PM
Time Zone: Europe/Amsterdam +01:00 CET

Palais des Festivals de Cannes
1 Boulevard de la Croisette
Cannes, France 06400

Posted By: DWR

Confirmed Attendees: 11
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  1. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Great looking event guys, well done everyone who entered. I was lucky to be randomly lingering around the Shoutbox when it was linked, so tuned in and saw the lot (very clear broadcast with no break-up). Looked a lot of fun, with some cool prizes on offer. Fascinating to see the various generations of players facing off against each other. Really nice to see two characters I actively play in the final clash as well :)
    Can think of some other games out there where all you often see at the end is a top tier mirror match :zzz:
    BlueLink likes this.
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    So Im back home. Another 15-hours behind steering wheel (and with about 5 hours of sleep during last 64 hours) was pretty insane, but it was worth it.
    I will write more later (now I wish mainly sleep... or die :D ) but for now I wish to thank all players I met and play with there. Was great to see you personally and to enjoy some offline VF!!!
    MarlyJay likes this.
  3. Aion

    Aion Well-Known Member

    Mister, this is the website of the guy who made my stick: http://www.byrdo.org/joysticks/

    Also, I had a pretty decent time at Cannes. It was great meeting and playing with everyone.
    Mister likes this.
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Thanks for the info.

    Guys This event was great. Kinda sad i wasn't in the streaming but anyway seeing i was 7th make my trip worth it (altought i think vs marlon i would have lost so probably i'm more 8th than 7th).

    Now the italian crew knows what's missing and we will come back stronger and faster (this is really important).
  5. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    My second offline VF event, it was so much fun. Can't believe I wasn't sure to come at the beginning, but after I heard all the EU people I played online for years would come, I would have had regrets.
    Didn't picture G0d3l would be so damn funny and cool, man, YOU're awesome !
    Thanks for coming with Mister and JohnCA, and nice play. Some epic lol moments with Krye ( I DON'T CARE ! )during the sessions ( Chibitox will remember my 43P spam )and the restaurant, with the UK guys too, Jide marly ash...Didn't get the chance to play you more than a few games, but there will be certainly more occasions.
    unicorn cz it was nice to meet you IRL too, and thanks for the rides. wow you really made a very long travel just to come here, props to you !
    Been nice to see erdraug, kaleendah and GFA with his buddies too, fun guys.
    The level of play was high, it was a great tournament, with around 24 players, that is huge for a small VF tourney... thanks to the UK IT NL CZ guys !
    Me and Krye have surprised itabashi zangief a little , but at the end, he set the things right lol.. too bad we couldn't play more after the tourney.
    Get to see the top 8 matches again, hopefully it has been archived and will be online soon. It's a shame that my only matches what can be watched is me being spanked by itabashi lol
    I played the solo / sparring mode for 5 days before wcg just to not screw up my hit throws timing like in BT paris cup, and I almost didn't miss any input, combos or hit throws so I'm pretty satisfied with my game this time.
    Nice to see so much motivated VF players in Europe. But honestly I wasn't expecting less.^^
    Even if there will be no VF touney at the next wcg, I hope everybody will come again and play in the hotels..

    And now I'm afraid to go back playing online again lol
    Feck, Unicorn and Sozos like this.
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Ok, so let me put my 5 after-cents here :)

    So for the beginning. Driving the car for 15 hours just to get to Cannes is insane. I will never ever do it again. At least not until next year, that is for sure. It destroyed my hands. Wrists. A lot.
    The WGC was one big mess. Luckily in VF, we more or less ignored organizers and run the tournament without them, but some things that happen in other tournies are unbelievable. Hopefully this will be better next year, because it makes people salty. Two of our national players who where in Cannes this year will not come next year because of what happen to them.
    On other hand, offline VF with other players was awesome. There was so many great people and players and it was so nice to meet people face to face after knowing them by their avatar and nick only for such a long time...

    As for VF community, after we played at our room at friday, the rest of czech guys mark VFers as the "most mature FG community ever... ever"
    It makes sense to me. I dunno how it looks like in other countries, but when our ppl plays SF or SC or Marvel or so, they are often salty etc. They swear if opponent pull out some shit on them and such things.
    When playing VF, if you pull out some shit, your opponent will do the "ah yes" or "oh right" face and nothing else. You can see it quite often. Noone is swearing and noone is salty. Awesome! I was even apologizing to some of my opponents for pulling out some shit on them... just to be told (by all of them!) to not be sorry. That it is not MY fault I pulled out some shit; but it is THEIR fault they did not managed to defeat themselves vs it.
    I can hardly express how awesome this behavior is. And how much I love this approach.

    And now specifically... I enjoyed playing every single person in Cannes. There are people I am not enjoying to play with, but there was noone like this at WGC. Everyone was really enjoyable and it was great to play vs every single person out there!

    Mister, was awesome to meet you in person and to play you without that stupid online lag! Hope to see you again in the future and to play you more!
    Krye, thank you for all your advices and for all those games. Your game is admirable and you helped me a lot by answering my questions. I will ask more for sure :) You just looked so scared most the time in Cannes :D
    G0d3l, your trolling to Kingo was awesome as much as your Kage is! I never ever played any Kage offline... And it is scary experience I must say.
    JohnCA, it is shame I did not play you more. Still, I watched your games vs Krye at Sunday and it was great show to watch!
    Aoin (was that you with that Pai, right?), thank you for our games. Shame it was so few, I hope to see you again and to play your pai again. Till then, online FTW :)
    Marly, I really enjoy to play vs you, Hope to see more of that eileen next time :) And hope I will not fall for that Vanessa so much next time.
    Jide, thank you for showing me how Goh really works. It was great experience.
    Ash, I will steal some of the stuff from your wolf! Hope you do not mind :)
    Kaleendaah your Lion is amazing as much as your adaptation skills!
    Chibitox, your VF is scary no matter who you use! And your games vs Kingo was great, especially with Godels help :D
    Then there was some french Shun player... Cant remember his name..? I played him only on Friday but I had a lot of fun :)
    And last but for sure not least, Kingo. I played you online. I saw your games from Paris BTC. I tough I know what to expect. And I was wrong. Completely. Your game is awesome. All I can say is I regret I was not able to play you more and to understand what you are doing with your Aoi more into deep. I really enjoyed playing every single VFer in Cannes, but I enjoyed you most of them all.And I hope to meet you offline again.

    And thats it. I hope I did not forget anyone (if yes, I am really sorry! was messy as hell at certain times) and I really look forward to meet all of you again in the future!
    kingo, Sozos, Aion and 1 other person like this.
  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Hey guys, good that everyone made it back in one piece!

    Let's start with the obvious: this was one hell of a weekend for Euro-VF! Some sweet, sweet matches, seeing that Japan isn't that far away anymore, the birth of some hilarious VF-memes and meeting so many passionate VF-players. It was great.

    I had a great weekend in spite of Air France losing my luggage (I got it back 20 minutes before my plane back to Amsterdam left...) and having some input issues. Those are just minor details, though! The rest of the weekend was awesome!

    Just want to say thank you to everyone for coming out, with some special shout-outs to:

    First and foremost the Italian crew who I shared an appartment with. It was great seeing Mister again after all these years, and meeting JohnCa (the guy who grew the most during the weekend!) and God3l, whose awesome character made everyone feel at ease :) . Thanks for driving everyone to Cannes Beach all those times as well!

    The UK-Crew who were kind enough to host a casual session on saturday afternoon in their appartment. The Blaze vs Wolf matches against Ash_Kaiser were awesome, as were the matches against Aion's Pai. MarlyJay kicked my ass for the first time on saturday (but I had my revenge on sunday >=D). Also, I think my heart is still pounding from the close tourney match me and Jide had...

    Unicorn from CZ! Sorry to hear the trip was so heavy, but at least you made it out there! Thanks for the beers! Learning about how to pronounce Plzen opened my eyes/ears to Slav spelling :)

    Also, the French guys: Mark, GFA, Rodryu, Chibitox, Kaleendah, Kingo, Erdraug (who I haven't really talked to!). I'm probably forgetting someone, but there were too many of you! Special mentions to:

    Kaleendah for being so kind to let us play casuals in his room on saturday and sunday eve. You have a seriously awesome personality, don't ever change!

    Chibitox for having such a nice sense of humour. Thanks for the great matches, too!

    And kingo for beating me in the tournament! 1-1 now. Next time we meet, we gotta play that FT10!

    Some moments:

    On friday evening, despite being very tired, we decided to play some VF in Unicorn's room. Rodryu and kingo decided to go by bus, since there wasn't enough room in God3l's car for all of us. 5 minutes after they left, they called us saying that it would take more than an hour before the next bus left. So we came up with an awesome solution: stuff Rodryu in the trunk:


    We were discussing Akira's guardbreak being bullshit and too fast when Kaleendah asked us what we were talking about:

    Kaleendah: What is this move you are talking about?
    Us: Akira's guardbreak
    Kaleendah: Ah, how fast is it?
    Us: 13 frames :/
    Kaleendah's face: :eek:

    Some random pictures:


    Shoutout from GFA to Blossy and Kahn Rahn

    Left to right: Mark, Kaleendah and Unicorn


    Left to right: God3l, MarlyJay and Chibitox


    Everyone focussed during warm-up for the tourney.
    Left to Right: Rodryu(up), Mark(down), kingo, Friend of GFA(up), Jide(below), GFA

    Once again: Thanks for coming out everyone! We should keep this up! Let's try to have a big event once or twice a year, just to keep everyone motivated!
    Aion, BlueLink, nou and 5 others like this.
  8. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    That rodryu picture is awesome. I wanted to take a picture when we put him in the trunk but while driving was more or less impossibile.

    I made a public album in facebook so people don't have to have me as friend or have a fb account to watch them. here's the LINK!!!!

    We also had a guest who was curios about vf and wanted to play and showed a great piano skill:

    Shag and Unicorn like this.
  9. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    G0d3l: How do you recover from goh's 4p+k fully charged?
    Krye: oh i don't care about that move, i don't get hit by it.

    However, during his losers quarter finale against Jide, we all saw Krye eating the charge move like three times...lol

    Itabashi zangief answered G0d3l later about struggling out from Aoi's stagger wall move, and he was the only one who actually succeed hahaha

    Man, those moments were priceless :D
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Wow, by all accounts this sounded like an amazing event and an experience to be long remembered!

    I watched the finals last night and have to say kingo you put up an amazing fight! Would love to watch more matches if anyone finds the archives.

    Mental note: I need to travel to Europe!
  11. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Nah, the winner finale was better because itabashi didn't see it coming.:D
    But in the Grand finale you watched I couldn't do anything since he totally figured me out lol.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I totally understand what you mean :) but nonetheless, it was a great fight!
  13. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    About you coming to Europe, Myke: I heard a sweet opportunity for this might present itself quite soon... :)
    Myke likes this.
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Yeah Kingo took itazan down to the wire in winner's finals. It was awesome. I think either that or Krye vs Jide was my favourite set that I saw on stream. So good!

    Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun and I'm sad I couldn't make it. Maybe next time!

    Well done, folks. Put on a good show for EU VF! :)
    kingo likes this.
  15. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Winners final (Kingo v Itazan) and Krye v Jide was definitely the most exciting matches I saw on the stream. The shoutbox was wild too and it was awesome.
    Feck likes this.
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It was funny when Kingo's name was "Ringo" on the stream for a while.
    MakiLeSushi and Mister like this.
  17. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    My favorite match is me vs Krye :p
  18. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Kingo i'm uploading on youtube your match vs itazan, later today should be on. I will also post it here for everybody interested.
    Unicorn, pana and MarlyJay like this.
  19. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Here's the video finally:

    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  20. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

    I hoped it was the winners final ^^"; thanks anyway, do you have others (jide ones maybe ?)
    MakiLeSushi likes this.

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