Virtua Fighter dot com

Date Event Players Rank Characters Earnings1 Points
2021-May-29 Bankstown Runbacks #09 - Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown - Victory Road XXXVIII 10 3rd 1125
2020-Jan-04 York Street Battles #74 - Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown - Victory Road XXXVII 8 4th 750
2019-Nov-30 York Street Battles #73 - Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown 8 3rd 900
2019-Sep-21 OzHadou Nationals 16 - Victory Road XXXV 16 5th 1200
2019-Jun-29 York Street Battles #69 - Victory Road XXXIV 8 4th 750
2019-Apr-27 Bankstown Runbacks 03 - Victory Road XXXIII 6 4th 563
2019-Feb-09 York Street Battles #66 - Victory Road XXXI 9 3rd 1013
2019-Jan-12 Victory Road XXX - York Street Battles #65 12 7th 675
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