From my experience, DS is quicker, it has more moves to interrupt a fast combo during the combo... OS is slower to get a combo going in...
Wouldn't [img] [img] + [img] do what you're looking for? I'm not quite sure I understand what kind of slam you're asking about... But you can...
[img] [img]+[img] in Defensive is the one I was talking about, sorry about that... It looks like a front kick to me, and yeah the [img]...
Leg Crush Hold seems to have a bigger window for the [img]+[img] hold than [img] [img] -> [img] [img]+[img]... But it could just be me... I...
This is true, for instance, [img] + [img] will almost always hit a CPU outside of normal striking range... If it doesn't hit, the CPU will block...
Sidestepping only certain moves comes with knowing what your opponent is going to throw at you... Usually I never do guess sidesteps, I'll block,...
Try doing [img] [img] + [img] combo without any intention of hitting with the sabaki after they sweep and get distance... The kick has alot of...
A low sweep player with any character, I find a defensive no charge [img] [img] to be effective... It's usually alot quicker than the sweep and...
I like to throw K + G out there every once in awhile in a fight against someone I haven't fought before while in an advantagous situation just to...
Counter when you 'KNOW' you can counter what they are about to do... If a situation arrises where you think about countering and the word...
KingofCarnageVF Possibly the best matches I've had online have come from this guy... First, he gives me a hell of a time when my router was...
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