Re: When do we play next? Hi Guys, I'm a aussie in Toronto and Myke told me to look you guys up and arrange a time to meet and play VF. I'm...
Re: b+K+G, ub+K+G = u+P I think Punt Kick or a side kick will connect But I have a habit of waiting and then throwing, I don't why but people...
Re: b+K+G, ub+K+G = u+P Now that we are talking about garanteed pounces, I might add that a pounce is also garanteed after you knock down with...
Re: Sarah Strategies Just to clear something up. Sarah's P+K sabaki doesn't work against high rising moves. It will work against a side kick.
Re: Sarah Strategies Update on Sarah's P+K [FL] sabaki. I'm getting it out a lot in challenges now. However I forget to ask what move they were...
Re: Sarah Strategies The combo will only work with a wall. With out one your opponent will be pushed too far away from you.
Nah, They don't move too much, hardly any movement when she is in her cat suite.
Re: Moonsault Time for some Sarah wall tid bits:- 1. If her dodging kick connects and pushes her opponent into a wall so they bounce off it, a...
Re: Moonsault Nice work expaining the use of the moonsault Adio. Just wondering do you have regular matches against any Lei players? I want...
Re: hit-throws Yupa, The only way I have ever got the hit throw for [FL]K+G to work is to wait for the kick to hit. I did do some testing...
Doh! Haven't refreshed my memory with your very first post in a while. Anyway I have a new topic of Sarah descussion, to throw or not to throw....
Just a bit nore on Sarah's catch throw, the maximum range is about what ice-9 said, the starting position of rounds. However there is a large area...
Her catch throw has limited application??? Weird, I tend to use it a fair bit, it can punish a whiffed move or high rising attack. Use it in an...
Yupa - Adio, I will test all tonight. I don't remember if I stumbled or fell on my ass. I was in shock that she pulled it off aginst my elbow....
- Have you seen it work against any mid level punches yet? - I saw it tonight. Playing against Sarah she did her P+K sabaki aginst my elbow...
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