I'm a full-time Aoi player. Reversals are hard to rely on because of all the jumping/double-foot/double-fist stuff, but I'm currently trying not...
Thanks! I couldn't tell you what exactly is hitting me but it is basically that mix-up of strings with delayed stuff, the way she never quite...
Down attacks that seem inescapable, particularly the ones that hit despite me having already stood back up completely. WTF....
So I keep hearing that Aoi's reversals are never the wisest choice defense-wise. When *is* there a favorable time to use them? Are they just too...
Got the Aoi pack, that's all I need. [img]
Ah, very good to know about the buffering! I'll work on simply reacting more quickly and jump at the opportunities. >:) It seems my other...
New here, looks like a great site to be a part of. Thanks for having me! Anyway, I'm an Aoi player, if that's relevant. I feel like it's so hard...
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