Ahh, oops, when you delay the down attack it does yield 3 pts more damage than the [K][K]. I stand corrected, thanks. Also I thought I'd add that...
Actually, [4][4][K],[P]+[K],[3][P][P],[3][P] does less than the [K][K] variant (I think it is 3pts) but it works on all except heavy characters on...
True, the second punch could be thrown, but you could only throw it. So, you could both throw the 2nd punch and throw escape instead of trying to...
You also fail to notice that Akira has absolutely no crescent attacks at all. You can dodge Akira very easily. His throw game is weak and LBF is...
Just a wild question, why on God's green earth do so many people think Akira is that much more powerful than the other characters. I would place...
Yes, even the 18+ frame ones.
Re: Lion Sabaki You sure it works on mid elbows? I've never had it work.
He's toast, happened to my dragonlord Lion at the Cedar Rapids tournament on accident.
It's not so much getting bored of playing, the range of competition makes it more exciting. The whole thing with VF is that most people have their...
I don't believe that there are any combos after the d/b+P+K. If I remember right, in version A it used to knock down and that was where the combos...
Actually, d/f D/F, f+p, b,f+P+K, b,f+P+K, b,f+P+K,P,P works on mids and can be done open screen. Heavys you can just leave out the first b, f+P+K.
Neither the pounce or the d/f+k is guaranteed after b+P+G with Sara except the d/f+k when near a wall (Sarah doesn't have to half dash forward then.)
That last one isn't a combo. f+K+G is easily struggled out of, though the computer never seems to get it. The f+P gets blocked most of the time.
Umm, the double palm is throw counterable. Akira has a very strong linear game, but I don't think there is a single striking move that he has that...
Akira's d/f+P+K+G is a sabaki attack.
Separate names with a comma.