Re: Should I look for a used Dreamcast and Virtua OK, so you're first [img] All people I know got problems with DC. It was not working after two...
Rispekt, doczekalismy się polskiej strony o Vf, szok [img]
Re: Should I look for a used Dreamcast and Virtua I know only that official Sega Dreamcast Stick was good but stick was too close to buttons, and...
Well, yes, endindgs would make VF more popular series, but I don't think it's enough to make it so mainstream game like Tekken. Tekken and Soul...
Well, yes, mainly motivations, but there are also some other info like who won which tournament and so on. Nevertheless I don't think there's much...
Wiem ze dali 8 za grafe (no myslalem ze zasluguje na 9) i napisali ze dopiero teraz zaczyna sie nowa era bijatyk, i VF5 ustawia poprzeczke do...
Gay button layout? :p Oldschool arcade machines were so.... Oldschool [img] I wonder how high would be price...
Tak sie smialismy a mi sie tym japonskim podchwytem calkiem niezle gra... Nie mowiac o tym ze wciaz najlepiej gra mi sie na padzie :P
Now I'm reading Love Hina, Yami No Matsuei and GTO. I think Great Teacher Onizuka is my favourite manga/anime character. I like and collect...
Re: Should I look for a used Dreamcast and Virtua Interesting thing is that many moves from VF3 is in Fighters Megamix for Saturn. This game was...
Hmmmm, chyba i tak jest dalej niz u mnie. Wyglada fajnie. Ma to jedna zalete- z galka blizej przyciskow moze latwiej bedzie sie uczyc grania jedna...
Jak znajdziesz w Polsce Arcade z VF5 to koniecznie rob zdjecia!! Beda warte wiecej niz nagiego Billa Gatesa. Ja sie przestawiam na AC po okolo 13...
Ja kupilem tego z TK5 i już u mnie jest. Nie mam za bardzo skali porownawczej bo to moj pierwszy AC, ale mi tam sie podoba [img] Ogolnie troche...
Re: Polish VF5 Gathering, April 28th - May 1st, 20 Ok, I can come with a friend. I would stay one whole day for sure, but I think I could longer.
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