Okay, got it my first try when trying to CD towards the opponent. Apparently CD away does not work as well for me. Funny I did not think about...
Thanks everyone for the help. Falco, that was exactly what I was looking for. Coming from a Jacky background, except for his 2_3p I did not find...
Hey guys, Does anyone know where I can find a video with someone doing this (preferably with frame data)? Or some more tips on how to pull this...
Blackstar, not going to believe this, but I think I left my car/apartment keys at my friend's cabin this weekend. My friend is going to call his...
No need to apologize! You are the man for doing this! Take your time and thanks again.
Zero, everything going well?
Thanks for the kind words and a bigger thank you for having me! Your family was really cool. See you soon! N
Thanks Zero for these. Let us know how the capping process goes and I can try to help out with the cropping.
Sounds fine. About the guidelines, what about file size? Still under 5k? Also, should we do captures with the attacks landing or being guarded?...
Cool, you could try to upload a couple of pics and see how they compare quality wise. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div...
Thanks KiwE for that. I found your comment on logical relations very helpful! I'll keep this in mind. I'm interested in hearing other views. In...
So, I have heard from a number of Jacky players that Shun has the most inherent advantages over Jacky out of all the characters. Similarly, I have...
Zero, I guess you could upload an image or two, and we can compare quality this way. Myke is going by scan, I by camera, and you by direct...
Separate names with a comma.