best i can do it provide pics of the frame data. hope it helps. 2K+GPPPG? 6_PG...
Can still get it with exact recovery on, but not consistenly. I don't know if the guy in the replay knows a trick to this or he just got lucky.
yes, Jacky. Maybe I'm inadvertantly delaying my inputs which is making it work lol. Been almost a year since I've played.
after checking the replay, it looks like these were the inputs used: [6][4][P]+[G] > [2][K]+[G][P][G] > [6_][P][G] > [6][6][2][P][G] >...
I was able to save an online replay a while back in which a player by the name of kamaage (the kamaage?) landed this perfectly. I meant to study...
brutal. nice find.
wow, so easy to read, and the mobile friendly view is very much appreciated. stunning work, Myke!
i thought that was a bit strange as well. awesome interview, enjoyable read. also, lol at the meaning of Bokki Akira's name.
thanks man. i realize there aren't as many players around anymore, but anyone interested in testing this stuff should give it a go. i'm pretty...
Time to crack some ribs! Here are the most damaging [3][K] side crumple combos I could find. Any that start with [2][1][4][P] require you to dash...
in some cases yes, in others less time, like the el blaze example above. another is 6_P > KNEE > 2P > 2_46P for sarah. no 1FK needed for 2P. i...
it varies among characters, especially when you get into max damage combos. sometimes delays that are needed from the front are no longer needed...
Fired up 5 vanilla for first time in 6 years. FS has spoiled me with Akira's simplified inputs >.<
i know man. i keep hitting people with it online hoping to get hatemail... but nothing. acceptance maybe?
I could be wrong, but doesn't this kind of stuff depend on foot position rather than if the opponent is facing towards or away? I'll test when i...
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