I might be coming off as a prude maybe just a wee bit. While its hard to get me to laugh I actually like hard gay. I like him more now when I...
For the record I started off on tekken 1 and soul blade. I'm also a fan of VF and doa so I'm indifferent on most things but I would most...
Thanks to that video I was able to modify the 6P+G combo for same dmg but hit it more consistently. I also did one that does 83 dmg 6 [P][+][G]...
Thats alright more questions is fine but in my opninion I would rate Buzzsaw the worst one out of all his timed moves. I would most definitely...
I would forget about buzzsaw kick cause as far as I know it can only be done during +10. Which requires quite a bit delay and your delaying a high...
Good games to all especially sebo it was lots of fun. Also good games to my losses 001 and Akuma. I don't think sebo said anything wrong in this...
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