Here's a few to try. DS from left hand hold: [K],[2][K],[P]+[G],[6][6][K]+[G],[6][P]+[G] DS [1][K]+[G],[P][P][P][K] MT [6][P]+[K],[6][P][K][K]...
Thanks, that is much clearer. Is it possible to buffer in a reversal during recovery?
I'm trying to learn the intricacies of option selection, however I have yet to figure out precisely how it works. Could someone kindly explain...
Re: Choosing a stick for VF4Evolution PS2 The SCII stick is a good purchase for VF4 players if they intend to get SCII. The best configuration...
I thought the [4][3][P]+[K] was only a LP sabaki. I know that the DS [1][P] and MT [2][P] will sabaki nearly any low attacks. Both are great for...
I'm having trouble countering Pai's [6][G]+[K], and EDIT:[6][6][G]+[K] and Akira's obnoxious SPoD. Against Pai I'm using the Intrude or Glide...
Separate names with a comma.