Happened to me today. The water was so dark that i could bearly see my character's feet in the water.
Lion: Kaede Lau: Kaede Kage: Kaede Akira: Kaede
You have to collect the 7 spheres to get the white hair.
It works againt knees. I tested it out on Wolf, Sarah, Akira, Lion, Jacky and Jeffry.
Sabaki vs HP, HK, EL, MK (note MP is not in the list) Lion's Meteor Punch can also sabaki Knees
Just keep in mind that the attack must be a high punch, after he reverses the attack follow up with a punch into a combo Jacky can also parry...
You can get the silver hair by collecting the 7 spheres. The red hair i got no idea about how to get it since I won it from another Lion.
You cannot change the number of rounds and the time per round in Kumite mode. Its alway set at 3 rounds and 45 seconds.
AFAIK there is no PS2 VGA box.
Umm, isn't there only one new stage? Palace: 8*8 meters, unbreakable low fence (with the water in it). There are two new stages Palace and...
I don't think you can win anything from command training. I did Lion's in 2 minutes and got nothing.
Re: Long Live the New Emperor!! You need to have a lower than 75% win ratio when you reach Grand Emperor to get the same rank as Dural. Check...
Re: Long Live the New Emperor!! It took me about 680 matches to get Lion to Grand Emperor. Im currently on my second set of spheres but i nobody...
Try these ones. 1)df+P+K,P,DF+P,P,P,P,K Closed stance only 2)df+P+K,P,DF+P,P,b+P,P Closed stance only 3)df+P+K,P,df+P+K, Pounce All...
I have a lion with 430 matches. My rank is 4 ranks above 10th dan(i don't know the names of the ranks above 10th dan).
Separate names with a comma.